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Everything posted by Ternaugh

  1. If you've got a copy of Hero Designer running on another computer, just copy its folder over, install Java, and you're pretty much done. I don't think that I've done the full installer route for it in a long time.
  2. 12 years old in Amsterdam in 1939 A blue-eyed boy my clean complexion always got me by A boy with real potential sold secrets by the score Where refugees were hiding I'd just point out the doors In the golden age of steam I learned those German songs I had to stay alive there was no right or wrong In the golden age of steam The fatherland was rising the world would hear the roar Both sides fed and trusted me in 1944 Trains ran on time those days oiling the machine Smoke rose up like serpents I was barely seventeen In the golden age of steam It's over now but not somehow I was a hero then to many men Switzerland was a short ride for an eager blond haired boy With a silver smile and loaded with jewellery to enjoy Maybe one day they'll come for me they'll take me from my bed A soldier of fortune that's what my passport read In the golden age of steam
  3. Nearsightedness usually means that glasses are needed for distance vision. Distant images are focused in front of the retina, and are therefore blurred when it gets to the retina. Reading glasses, especially for folks over 40, are usually associated with presbyopia, which is characterized by an inability to focus on close-up objects, probably due to the lens and associated muscles changing over time. The two are not mutually exclusive; it's possible to have myopia and presbyopia at the same time (which may delay the need for reading glasses). I got reading glasses last year for presbyopia, mainly because I was having trouble with very tiny print, or in lower light levels*. They are single-vision, as my distance vision is actually very good (about 20/15), and does not need correction. *Page numbers in the D&D 5e PHB were almost invisible before the glasses, due to a combination of low contrast between the numbers and the background image, and generally lower light levels at the gaming table.
  4. we do what we're told we do what we're told we do what we're told told to do we do what we're told we do what we're told we do what we're told told to do one doubt one voice one war one truth one dream
  5. Yup, I see on your notes that "the employee checked the cables", but did you actually ask him? Because if you did, you probably would have found that the printer was physically connected to another workstation.
  6. Every day my metal friend Shakes my bed at 6am Then the shiny serving clones Run in with my telephones Talking fast I make a deal Buy the fake and sell whats real What's this pain here in my chest Maybe I should take a rest They send the heart police to put you under cardiac arrest and as they drag you through the door They tell you that you've failed the test
  7. I got there through a roundabout way, from a snippet of lyric from a different song (which will be the first in A little bit Rock and Roll): Do you still keep paper flowers in the bottom drawer with your Belgian lace taking them out every year to watch the colors fade away? 1. "A Gentleman's Excuse Me" - Fish 2. "Kiss from a Rose" - Seal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ateQQc-AgEM 3. "Yankee Rose" - David Lee Roth
  8. When you're asleep they may show you Aerial views of the ground Freudian slumber empty of sound Over the rooftops and houses Lost as it tries to be seen Fields of incentive covered with green Mesmerized children are playing Meant to be seen but not heard Stop me from dreaming, don't be absurd, absurd
  9. You remind me of the babe (What babe?) Babe with the power (What power?) Power of voodoo (Who do?) You do (Do what?) Remind me of the babe
  10. (A little bit Country) 1. "Delta Dawn" - Tanya Tucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U8sHtALkFA 2. "Paper Roses" - Marie Osmond 3. "Rose Garden" - Lynn Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4wcNVbYOQ
  11. Goodbye my love, maybe for forever Goodbye my love, the tide waits for me Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever But time keeps flowing like a river (On and on) To the sea, to the sea till it's gone forever Gone forever, gone forevermore
  12. Control has enabled the abandoned wires again But the copper cables all rust in the acid rain That flood the subway with elements of our corrosion Cabled in to me, cable them to me Cable them to me. Be in my broadcast when this is over Give me your shoulder I need a place to wait for morning No it was nothing - some car backfiring - Please don't ask questions I itch all over Let me sleep.
  13. We have a senior appreciation day each week at the casino, and the ambient music mix generally changes to match the 50+ target demographic. That used to mean a mix of 50s, 60s, and 70s music, but I've noticed that it's now starting to skew into early 80s music. The other day, I caught a Madonna tune in the mix.
  14. The summer sun is fading as the year grows old, And darker days are drawing near, The winter winds will be much colder, Now youre not here I watch the birds fly south across the Autumn sky, And one by one they disappear, I wish that I was flying with them, Now you're not here Like the sun through the trees you came to love me, Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away
  15. Was it summer when the river ran dry Or was it just another dam When the evil of a snowflake in June Could still be a source of relief Oh, how I love you, I once cried long ago But I was the one who decided to go To search beyond the final crest Though I'd heard it said just birds could dwell so high So I pretended to have wings for my arms And took off in the air I flew to places which the clouds never see Too close to the deserts of sand Where a thousand mirages, the shepherds of lies Forced me to land and take a disguise I would welcome a horse's kick to send me back If I could find a horse not made of sand
  16. Tell me my life is about to begin, tell me that I am a hero Promise me all of your violent dreams, light up your body with anger Now, in this ugly world, it is time to destroy all this evil Now, when I give the word get ready to fight for your freedom, now Stand up and fight, for you know we are right We must strike at the lies that have spread like disease through our minds Soon we'll have power, every soldier will rest And we'll spread out our kindness to all who our love now deserve Some of you are going to die Martyrs of course to the freedom that I shall provide
  17. Roll on thunder shine on lightnin' the days are long and the nights are frightnin' Nothing matters anyway and that's the hell of it Winter comes and the winds blow colder well some grew wiser you just grew older And you never listened anyway and that's the hell of it Good for nothin' bad in bed nobody likes you and you're better off dead goodbye We've all come to say goodbye goodbye Born defeated died in vain Super destruction you were hooked on pain and tho' your music lingers on All of us are glad you're gone If I could live my life half as worthlessly as you I'm convinced that I'd wind up burning too
  18. When private rainclouds form And tears seem the likely solution Try to shelter from the storm Who knows what tomorrow might bring
  19. I have a secret to tell From my electrical well It's a simple message and I'm leaving out the whistles and bells So the room must listen to me Filibuster vigilantly My name is blue canary one note* spelled l-i-t-e My story's infinite Like the Longines Symphonette it doesn't rest
  20. It ran quite frequently in the late 80s, enough so that it became a target for several comedians. Most folks remember Kelly Le Brock more for her role in the movie, Weird Science.
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