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Posts posted by lemming

  1. "Steel? Wax? What's the difference?"

    Nice power description.


    TheEmerged has some good points, though if she's English why does she need to buy English?

    She might want to have a bit of Portugese for Rio though.


    I'll second the NCC argument. It looks to me like it's Always On, Only in Hero ID. Which kind of means -1/4. Also, the not underwater lim: I would think that whatever water you enveloped her with would just be broken down to Hydrogen & Oxygen. :)

  2. Originally posted by Killer Shrike

    Eh, just crush your wrists in sporting accidents; they'll take the carpal tunnel out as part of the reconstructive surgery. Granted, the nerve damage is unkewl, but nothing is 100% good.:cool:

    Well, granted, Steve is rumored to have a beu. Maybe he could get someone else to type for him. :D


    I really should lay down now.

  3. Originally posted by zornwil

    Thanks Lemming! I think your campaign has a pretty good structure, I always enjoy campaigns that wing it more than not, it's more interesting - like how we befriended Plastique. This isn't just a mutual admiration post but rather would like to point out to anyone reading it that when GMs roll with the flow it makes the game much more interesting than being forced into situations that don't quite make sense.

    *snif* I love you man! *snif*


    With the current players, I don't see how a rigid style would work. :D

  4. Originally posted by Mightybec

    Cameras cameras cameras... it's always cameras. The guy that monitors the camera's got an eyelash in his eye at the right moment, and the media that the video is recorded on is old and worn out. Or maybe it happened in the mensroom...

    I like the explanation that the camera just went blank at that point. If they're going to get a poisen that will do that, they could certainly cause a camera problem.

  5. Originally posted by CleverName

    What's odd with that?


    The 3.0 PHB already outsells the other core books by many, many multiples.


    In my local group:

    8 PHBs

    3 DMGs

    2 MMs


    Personally, I would not be surprised if the PHB outsells the others by something closer to 6-8 to 1.

    Everytime I see PHB I think Pointy Haired Boss.

    (And yes I know what it actually means)

  6. Re: Mechanoids


    Pretty cool, except for this bit of science technobable.


    Originally posted by Monolith

    When communicating within their own species, Mechanoids emit ultrasonic radio signals which, at this point in time, are completely undetectable by Terran science.


    I would just make it some sort of radio signals, with backup ultrasonic or even communication lasers.


    Though I do like the overall idea of how Mechanon survives. The lower power of these could be explained that when the magic waned, Mechanon could of deduced this and built a lower tech version of itself free of the strange enhancements.


    Either that or he and Dr. Destroyer merge.

  7. Re: Time Lines?


    Originally posted by Dr. Rune

    Dec. 8th, 1941: World War II begins.


    Comments? Anything to share?

    Just a quick nitpick, That date would be when the US was declaring war. September 9?, 1939 would be the beginning of the European War by some historians, while the Chinese & Japanese were already at in 1937. (maybe earlier)


    Of course, in your Universe, anything is possible. :)


    Timelines are good, I've got an emproyonic one on my site. Having something of a history is good. Gives the players something to look at and sprout ideas from.

  8. I like to think I've got a structure to my game, but there is a lot of winging it. Though to the character's credit, they've turned a couple supers toward the side of good who could of easily been recurring villians. Actually, I was expecting one of them to have that happen and would of probably been a major villian.


    I'm using several old PCs in an NPC role. More in a useful information role, though last game had a couple of them help out. Though if I had realized how well the speedster could plow through agents :rolleyes:


    I've got several subplots waiting for the right player to show up and some just waiting for one of the players to "activate" it.


    Hmm, I need to get back to working on my campaign web pages. I'm like 3 adventures behind in posting. :eek:


    Oh, and zornwil runs a great game. A bit on the strange time at times, but very cool. :D

  9. Originally posted by Morningstar70

    As long as the Apes of Wrath aren't cybernetic monkeys with helicopter rotors coming out of their backs or tanks sewn to their butts, you can...


    wait for it


    Go Ape.


    Thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.

    This will happen in my game about the same time monkeys fly out my butt.

  10. Of my characters who would kill, Calico, would point out that if she had wanted him dead, he would of died while resisting capture in an "accidental" fashion. Certainly not in this fashion.

    It's an obvious frame-up and she'd start looking into who would want him dead and not like her. It might take awhile, and she'd probably get distracted. After all, whoever it was saved the state some money in prosecution.


    My other characters wouldn't have this style of MO and would be cleared quickly. Either that, or they wouldn't be trusted in that position in the first place.

  11. Originally posted by Agent X

    So, my question IMO still stands. Why do they viper have all this stuff that I think law enforcement and the military would love to have and don't seem to?


    Well, the way I play this, is that VIPER doesn't have any safeguards for testing their weapons. I think they ship the R&D stuff to their expendable troops and see how it goes. The VIPER troops they want to keep, get the advanced, reliable stuff.


    Of course I loved the game Paranioa, so take this with a grain of salt. Anyone want a Cone Rifle? :D


    And I think the idea of a VIPER village would be great.

  12. Originally posted by Brandi

    I think Hajima Sorayama has. WARNING: Picture may not be work-safe, depending on how they feel about boobies.

    I actually think that's a rather silly design. Unless that's like some high defense see through armor. It would distract some of the people taking shots at you and really work well for your team mates.

  13. I don't like Takofanes mainly due to the overwhelming death machine aspect. Some of the other megavillians can be reasoned with it seems. Then maybe it's i don't like the mystic vibes in 5th?


    Nebula: I kind of ignored her as a one trick pony even though she's not really.


    Warlord: He just rubs me the wrong way. Probably due to a previous Warlord villian who was much cooler. (Different game...)

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