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Roter Baron

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Everything posted by Roter Baron

  1. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 Hey guys - I need more pics for more wunderwaffen stories!
  2. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 I have done some research (in my private library ... ehm ... I went to the cupboard and grapped THE BOOK ...). The "New York rocket" was a two-phased monster that had the official name A-9/A-10 ( the V-2 was A-4), but existed only in design - they never even started to build one. There was a "Super-gun" in design , too, that was planned to have a range of 160 km (Codename: "Hochdruckpumpe" (High pressure pump); Propaganda name: "Fleißiges Lieschen" (Little Industrious Beth), but neither saw action. They used a smaller version with a range of 42,5 km called "Tausendfüßler" (Millipede) which entered an experimental state (they mad epractice shots), but the way the war went never made it possible to use it to attack London (that was the purpose). This is actually the V-3, so my bogus report should refer to a V-4. Sidenote: Even though the V-3 never saw action during WW2 it almost saw action during the First Iraq War: An British engineer by the name of Dr. Gerald Vincent Bull got an order by Saddam Hussein to plan and build a Super-gun codenamed "Baby Babylon" - a 46 m long gun that was planned to shoot up to 400 km long and 180 km high. This design was derived from the German Tausendfüßler. This gun never saw action either: Parts of the gun were intercepted by British intelligence and Dr. Bull was killed in Brussels - possibly by the Mossad.
  3. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 I am not sure if V3 was actually a gun ... But there were some fantasies about a New York rocket.
  4. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 Thanks anyway! Next Wunderwaffen-pic, please!
  5. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 TOP SECRET - TOP SECRET - TOP SECRET Only to be shown to General staff members and heads of state/ government President Roosevelt., Prime Minister Churchhill and General Secretary Marshal Stalin at Yalta Conference! "This is copy of a German film recorded during the first week of January 1945, most likely in the general vicinity of Penemünde in Northern Germany. This is a translation of the German text that goes with it: 'This is the result of the last test run of the new type of rocket-propelled Vengeance Weapon V-3. The test has been a great success! The rocket took of as planned and has enough pull to be most likely to reach any destination on the East Coast of the United States or any target in Bolshevik occupied territory up to the Ural Mountains. As ordered by the Führer, the rocket should be able to transport the equivalent of explosive to level an area of about 2 square kilometers - enough to destroy the inner city districts of either London, Moscow or New York. Because London is still under sufficient attack by our V-2 rockets and we assume that Stalin has left Moscow we advice the Oberkommando (High Command) der Wehrmacht to propose to our Führer to launch an attack on New York. We firmly believe the a NEW YORK RAKETE will utterly destroy the will of the American population to support the war effort of their Jewish dominated government and shift the public oppinion towards an armistic with Deutschland to fight side by side against the Bolshevik menace. To make this strategic shift in this most decisive time of the war possible we need special authorization to speed-up the building of another V-3 rocket - we need rocket fuel, special steels for the hull and more able-bodied workers for the workforce of the local concentration camps is virtually worn out and manpower is short! Heil Hitler! Dr. Clausenhausen; Dr. Müller-Müllersen; Dr. Werner von Braun
  6. Re: Military genre stuff Here there be tigers is is great - buy it if you can get it! Only problem is that you cannot possible change the time so you have to start in the mid- to ealy 80s (I cannot think that there are still living POW in Vietnam by now!). Another very good adventure is Raid on Rajallapor by Grenadier Games and for Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes - setting is India in 1983, but you can chnage that one easily to any country big enough to have some out of the way mansion. And the time can be changed, too. Even included some supernatural elemnts, but you can leave them out (as I did) with no ill effect on the plot.
  7. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer "DIES IST DIE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU! (fanfares, symbol of the Reichsadler with swastika on the movie screen) West Front - Normandy. After first moments of limited success the British and American invasion came to a standstill since our Führer and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler commanded the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) (= Wehrmacht High Command) to deploy the newest of Germany's Wunderwaffen - The Schreitpanzer "Wildkatze" (Wildcat). The "Wildkatze" has firepower superior to an Allied infantry company and is especially designed for close combat in cities, towns and the hedges of Northern France. Each "Wildkatze" packs a double-charge to punch through the armor of the American Sherman tanks! Here we show you the photo-footage taken from a killed American journalist from the battle of the village of Namur - now again safely in German hands.
  8. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG! THIS IS A MESSAGE OF THE GROßDEUTSCHE SENDER - connected are all radio-stations in THE REICH, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the General Gouvernment and in the German occupied territories. Paris, June 25 - Today, our Führer and Chancellor of the Reich, Adolf Hitler instected the newly-build blimp-docking station at the former site of the Eiffel-Tower. The first three Zeppelins will see service in the next days and will be joined by a fourth one. Der Führer was very pleased with the results and complimented in passing Dr. Müller-Müllersen "for his good work for the Reich and the population of Paris". The Zeppelins will be used to secure civilian air-traffic to and from Paris and Berlin. (End of Message) (Secret Report of Maurice Fuson, member of the Resistance, to General De Gaul, leader of the Free French Government in Exile, London: "My General, the Germans have started to turn the Eiffel Tower into a docking station for four special cargo zeppelins. It turns out that the purpose of theses zeppelins is to transport a giant bomb to London to erradicate the whole city if the British govenment does not give in to the demand of Großdeutschland. The operation is code-named "Operation Normannensturm" (Operation Norman's Storm") and headed by Göring and Dr. Clausenhausen. Dr. Müller-Müllersen is an assistent of Clausenhausen. The bomb is still under construction in a secret lab in Germany - I guess at the Krupp Works in Essen. I spoke with a French worker who knowa a little German and he told me that he heard an officer mentioning the weekend of last June as a possible date for the "zeppelins to start with the servive" - so that might be the date of the operation.)
  9. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer I second that! Get going, guys!
  10. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer How about "Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2"? No need to get any more "impressive German" with the title. But I like this game of inventing bogus German names for make-believe Nazi supertanks etc. Best if I have a picture. So, If you are interested and if you have any more pics, I'll give them the prper names.
  11. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer Hmmm ... my Teutonic wordprocessor is running wild with all these pictures of GIANT WARMACHINES! Waffenträgersystem Schreitpanzer "Läufer" (Weapon Carrier System Walking Tank "Runner") would be even better - and if you use "Strauß" (Ostrich) instead or "Läufer" you can use the double Sig-Rune (SS) instead of the "ß" (sz) which is perfectly okay in German because there is no capital "ß" - you have to use a double S if you write it all in capital letters. Would make for a good special model for the Waffen-SS.
  12. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer There It Is - der Thorshammer!!!
  13. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer If you have a Waffenträger, than you also need other Walking Tanks - like a mine-sweeper or artillery walking tank. Here are some more fiendish inventions of Der Bar ... ehm .. Dr. Clausenhausen: Artillerieschreitpanzer "Stachelschwein" (Art.-Spz "Stachelschwein" (Armored Walking Artillery Tank "Porcupine") ("Artie") Gepanzerter Minensuchläufer "Dachshund" (Gep.-Min. "Dachshund" (Armored Walking Mine-Sweeper "Dachshund") ("Minnie") And now something for your Golden Age Allied Do-Gooders to REALLY break some sweat about: Überschwerer Kampfschreitpanzer "Thorshammer" (Ü.Kam.-Pz "Thorshammer" (Superheavy Armored Walking Tank "Thorshammer") (Wehrmacht slang: "Hurrah! An Ü-Ka! We are safe!" - Allied slang: "Oh holy .... A HAMMER! - Call Captain Freedom and the Invaders! ALL!! NOW!!!") Please notice (just came to tha conclusion while writing this): "Läufer" is not really a very German name for a military vehicle - Wehrmacht and now Bundeswehr tend to use animal names (Tiger, Königstiger, Maulwurf, Wolf, Luchs, Gepard etc.) for their vehicels and weapon systems. "Läufer" is not an animal name - maybe "Windhund" would be a good name - or "Strauß" (Ostrich). "Thorshammer" is a mythological name. I chose it to stress the one of a kind, super-powerful attitude that this walking tank should impress on the allies.
  14. Re: Vehicle: Gepanzerter Gehender Träger Läufer Cool write-up, cool picture. But the "Träger" in the name makes no sense. I would prose these names: Schreitpanzer "Läufer" (Armored Walker "Runner") Gepanzerter Schreitpanzer "Läufer" (Armored Walking Tank "Runner") Laufpanzer "Läufer" (Walking Tank "Runner" - redundant!) Waffenträgerschreitpanzer "Läufer" (Wa.-Spz. Läufer)(Armored Walking Weapons Carrier) - here you even get a cool allied nickname WASP "Schreiten" is another German word for "walk", but it means a more forceful, maybe dignified way of walking - you are not walking around aimlessly, but you know where you want to go and you walk there directly - du schreitest.
  15. Re: Best published adventure Hmmm, What Rough Beast ... Ran it a couple of years ago. Okaaaay, but there were better adventures in Adventurer's Club - my all time favourite is the Pulp Hero The Hawkes Phantom and Hands of the Strangler - these were TOP NOTCH and the good folks at Hero Games should think of republishing them (with new maps etc.) for Pulp Hero - and if you are at it include the old Justice Inc. adventures as well. MAN, those were the days - my old Pulp Hero campaign went for 4 years - about 50 issue (= adventures) of hard-fisted, dame-rescueing, Nazi-bashing, treasure-hunting, things-man-wasn't-meant-to-know-uncovering, mob-fighting tales of heroic action, spanning from 1931 to 1942 - even included 8 extra-issues of Action Comics (heroes were turned into superheroes) ... [DROOOL] BTW: Better Champions adventures than Rough Beast were in my oppinion Terror in the Treasures (AC #3) and Legions of Hell (AC #13).
  16. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... [quote=Mr. Negative ...your battle cry is "Abort to Dodge!" Even worse: If your battle cry is "Marshal Dodge!" to Summon Matt Dillon to ride into town to say your sorry behind.
  17. Re: Best published adventure Same here. Most were nice to read, but I always had the impression that the adventures were just super-fights with a rough outline about what I as gm have to do to make themn work - not not very detailes at that ("the heroes could asked around - or make a Detective Works Roll - 2" - from the times when Detective Works, Acrobatics and Swinging made your character "skill-based"). But I liked "Target Hero" (1st adventure I ran using Hero), Hudson City Blues (unfortunately the campaign ended in the middle of things - it's a good campaign-ending adventure though) and Demons Rule. By the way: I though I had all adventure published for Champions - I don' know Shades of Black. Is it a pdf? And I don't agree with some people's comments on "Bad Medicine for Dr. Drugs": I gmed it and it was quite a fine adventure. But I didi not run it as is, but used it in a Drak Champions campiagn with a high emphasis on the drug aspect and got rid of the super-characters. It wasn't a cakewalk and quite grim as I remember - certainly not goofy.
  18. Re: High Plains Hero I think a "straight" cinematic setting (high-action, optimistic, high point-level, but not crossing into other genres like werewolves, zombies, steam-punk) is best if you have only 1 to 3 player (4 at most), because I'd guess that they turn out to be more or less variations of the "Silent Stranger"-type pf gunman. Good,if there are only a few players becaus eup to three of these tough-as-nails-desperadoes don't steal each others thunder AND you can virtually shower them with low-powered badguy. Would be basically a Dark Champions campaign - if not in theme then in feel. I'd prefer a low power, realistic campaign in which a showdown is something that is the high-end of an adventure and in which a drawn colf means that you are going to die if you are not ducking or faster. There you also have the chance to integrate more characters with different concepts and because an OCv of 5 would mean "experienced with a gun" you have points for other skills but have to think before because you don't have any points left for something not directly corresponding to your concept (as miner, trapper, Indian scout, cowboy etc.). And a gunslinger would be A GUNSLINGER - good with the gun and not good for anything else (in concept). I ran a campaign 10 years ago - was fun. Unfortunately I ran out of ideas. But my players liked it.
  19. Re: Golden Age Champions What I did not like about the 4th edition GAC was that (apart from the artwork ...) even the goofy characters were WAY too powerful for my taste. I always thought that aprt from maybe the Spectre and to a certain degree Superman and captain marvel the rest were comparatively low-pwered. I would prefer to have more "old-Standard 250 pointers with some powerhouses thrown in and that goofy characters are build with some kind of a VUL or "glassjaw" (like high PD but quite low ED, high Speed, low DCV etc.) that they don't kick the PCs *** just by even using their powers in the most unimaginative way (like Yellowberad and his GROSSLY OVERPOWERED PSYCHIC PARROT!). Some material for playing a "Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandoes" or BLACKHAWK type of campaign would also be nice.
  20. Re: Golden Age Champions If anybody needs help with German names or background, feel free to contact me. I am still happy that my "Reichsamt für die Sicherung völkischer Kulturgüter" (just the mane, nothing more) made it into the Champions Universe.
  21. Re: Vibora Bay and Millennium City, how are they working out for you? Hmmm, I don't use any of them but own them both (superrich mansion-dwelling playboy-millionaire that I am ...). I've got to say that both are - artwise - below industrial standard (compare them to well-written four-color stunts like Freedom City and you'll know what I am talking about). Millenium City was the book I bought first and the one that I just skimmed - all in all an okay product but I think I prefer New York ripp-offs like Hudson City, Freedom City of SAS's Empire City (N.Y.C. with a slightly altered name ... okay Millenium City is better that Empire). So, if I can have one of these or just a travel-guide to the original real-life-burg I am fine and have some highrises to play hide, seek and destroy with. Millenium Ciyt doesn't have access to an ocean and no habor ... bad, bad. Vibory Bay's illustartions are more or less an absolute nightmare, BUT I like it better than M.C. - I wouldn't use it for Champions though. I think the city has a definite noir-feel to it, making it a great book or setting for Dark Champions, or some late 40s Pulp Hero. Just get rid of the PRIMUS base and ignore or downplay the hidden but high level of magic and the arcane and there you are - Sam Spade meets the Punisher to topple the Voodoo Queen of the Devil Swamp! It would also be a nice vacation spot for PCs who want to have a reasonable quiet time from the gun-totting Hudson City.
  22. Re: The Crime College, Criminal Reformation, and Pulp Hero. Thoughts? Hmmm, seemes they edited the K R A U T away ... Is that such a naughty word nowadays? One puzzled Deutscher
  23. Re: The Crime College, Criminal Reformation, and Pulp Hero. Thoughts? That's a good one, st barbara! A real "***** pleaser" so to speak. Think I gonna get that one on a t-shirt!
  24. Re: Kong: the movie Yes - the way was long, dark and forbidden, and better it is that MERE MAN (not do speak about loyal henchies with shovels) may never hear nor say (and hearsay is absolutely out of question) about it. But other than that I'm glad to be back - triplane is tanked, machinegun's ready and the OVERLORD OF THE SKY is ready to get all that was, is and will be his: DIE GANZE WELT!!! BRUHAHAHAHAHA!!! BTW: Brought a new,spit-shiny shovel along for you, Schaufelkröte. And a happy new year!
  25. Re: Kong: the movie Saw the movie yesterday and was impressed - and not impressed at all! I am impressed with the superb characterization of Depression Age New York, the period in-jokes about not getting the original actress of the original Kong movie etc. and with the performance of the actors which were well chosen (even the supportive actors like the crew of the ship - they were archetypical but believable and we were spared the "I'm the messy cook", "I'm the screaming, cowardly OR kung-fu-master Chinese", "I'm the proud African-American OR Yessirmassa Black" stereotypes. I especially liked the cook, the captain, the black ex-soldier turned sailor/ first mate and the action hero - epspecially his "I'm not a hero but a fed-up actor with a gun"-quote. So, acting was good, characters were believable. BUT I think that there are just to damn many critters to make the film good - and it is not that I cannot suspend my disbelieve. It's just that the original movie from the 30s concentrated on the Big Simian Hero of the story and showed us an undiscovered island populated by lost world creatures with the BSH as its uncrowned king. Jackson's Skull Island is an overflowing zoo of state-of-the-art-animated computer-beasts of which half are NOT needed to make the story work or to underline that we are far away from paradise on Monster Island. I also did not like his natives: In the original they had to spend their lives on an island with a lot of ghastly beasts on the other side of the Big Wall and to make it they offered virgins to their god, the Ape-King of the Island. Jackson's island dwellers are a degenerated race of half-orcs who kidnap and sacrifice people because of their own inherent evilness - they don't have an Ape-God because Kong isn't the king of the isalnd - not with all them critters running around. They could as easily sacrifice people to the T-Rexes, the big lizards or the millipedes - or to no one. Generally in the original movie the natives were misled people with an aboriginal culture who thought that offering a "special gift" (white woman) to their god would be a good idea. In Jackson's movie they are evil sub-humans practically asking to be purged from the face of the island and Mother earth itself. And they somehow did that themselves 'cause they vanished without a trace after the sacrifice to Kong. So, in my opinion the new King Kong does not offer anything new. Jackson fell into the Lord of the Rings trap of "more is better" - which was true for the Lord, but did nothing good for King Kong.
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