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Roter Baron

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Posts posted by Roter Baron

  1. BlueCloud2k2 had the clever idea to moonlight in a moonless night as "Moonie Bareshanks Nopants".

    Yep, he mooned people.

    Yep, he was arrested after 15 minutes.


    He tried to convince the judge that the "Man in the Moon" hired him as a stand-in during New Moon.

    To keep the moon theme going the judge sent him to the loony bin.

  2. A blatant lie! She was wearing the chicken costume, I was the Foxy Fox!


    BlueCloud can't tell mammal from poultry. That's why I have always declined to take a bite from his Thanksgiving "turkey".

    Turkey have legs, sure, but - dammit: They don't have arms! And those don't have "Semper Fi" tatoos!


    And that doesn't make 'em "fish" either, so it is not "cool" and "good Catholic" to eat Marines on Friday!

    Marines are a traditional Easter dish, you heathen!

  3. L. Marcus is the inventor of the cat-a-pult. He is also the sponsor of the whale-o-mat and instigated the raining of cat-and-dogs while living high of the hog. He also puts the tiger in the tank, takes the lion's share and answers the phone with "The eagle has landed!"


    And yes, he used to call himself Noah "Bubba" Holy Spook Junior. There is not senior Spook, by the way.

  4. Holy crap! I just watched the video of the shooting! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!


    They drive through the park, stop what looks like 15 feet away from the kid, probably scaring the living (soo to be dead) dalight out of the boy who may or may not move his hand (can't see that) to the "gun".

    And basically gun the kid down in what looks like a cop-drive-by!


    From what I heard before I thought they were stopping the car at the pavement, shouted at the boy who then blatantly and full of pre-puberty machisma pointed the toy-gun at the cop - who then, of course, shot to defend himself, not knowing he was only faced with a toy.


    This looks more like "[sCREECHING TIRES] DROP IT, PUNK!" - "What the ..." - "BLAM!" - Problem solved.

    Where did these guys get their training as officers of the law? Grand Theft Auto?


    Now I can really see why people are really upset about this kind of behaviour - police officers behaving like gang-bangers in uniform!






    Please note that I am not a cop basher: At my old school we had a top-notch neighbourhood officer, Polizeihauptkommissar Heiko Müller. Great guy, more the fatherly type and 100% helpful when he had a bad day. Usually had a mediocre day and then gave like 150% plus. On a good day scored way higher.


    It really takes more than a gun to be a good and efficient policeman, as Heiko is living proof: He really serves and protects his community.

    These .... (I don't have words or them) ... don't belong to the force.


    I am really shocked.


    P.S.: Just read the thread one more time and understand that fellow forum-member Marcus Impudite is a police officer who distances himself from these wrongdoings. My hat's off to you, Sir, and it proves what I just said about your German fellow officer Müller: Don't judge all the cops by these (extremely bad) examples.

    Most people don't have contact with police on a friendly basis - usually we only get to speak with them when we get a ticket or when we need theire help - and then we wish that they get the job done like yesterday as if they had a magic wand to make all our perceived evils go away at once.

    Of course, we then have a rather bleak perception on them and the service they do. The majority is just doing their job - and a lot if not most in the most professional way they humanly can.

  5. My two €-cents:

    1) There seems to be a lack of training on the part of US police officers. If you compare the number of people killed by police in the USA and Germany in the year 2013 you will find that US police killed about 320 people (Wikipedia), German police 19. Another number I found is 1,450.

    Even if you break it down in relation to the different population size (350 Mio to 80 Mio) that is 3.7 times as many (or even 17 times!) killed by police.

    I am not saying that all and every killing was unjustified, but the difference is astounding. Either Americans are much more violent than Germans and can only be stopped by deadly force, or US police is more trigger-happy.

    2) The influx of military equipment and weapons seems to foster a more militaristic mind-set with cops.

    3) That, coupled with ongoing military campaigns for the last 14 years plus the ongoing siege mentality in the US ("Terrorists are out to get us!") plus an ongoing class-warfare that keeps a lot of middle and working class Americans in a state of debt while lowering their incomes seem to make society more on edge. "More on edge" means that people (ordinary citizens, the underclass, the cops, politicians) may get the message: "They are out to get YOU! Don't give them a chance.


    So, if you get ill-trained, gung-ho, financially insecure police officers in a society ripe with frustration in the street and they meet financially insecure, frustrated and potentially or seemingly violent people it is only a question of time and place when desasters will happen.


    And I didn't even speak about the American obsession and proliferation of guns which makes it more likely for police to be shot at.


    And I stayed clear of accusations of racism - mainly because I think it is more classism than racism: To my knowledge the people killed where more on the poorer side than on the well-to-do side of society (one a student, one a kid, one a family father trying to make a living by selling single cigarettes ina park). There is a strong correlation of being black and being poor in America (like in Germany with having Turkish roots and being a school-drop-out and poor).


    That being said, I am assessing this from 8,000 miles afar - as a German.

  6. So far I gmed or played in:

    1) Superheroes (regular four-color Champions, street-level supers, Golden Age, anti-heroic Dark Champions)

    2) Fantasy Hero (regular fantasy stuff (one in the Western Shores, one in the Palladium RPG setting, one in the Kingdoms of Kalamar), low-powered, low-magic stuff in the Grand-Duchy of Karameikos, and one Stormbringer conversion)

    3) Star Wars

    4) Western Hero

    5) Pulp Hero

    6) Victorian Hero (we called it HERO 1880)

    7) Space Gothic Hero (a conversion of the German dark sci-fi Space Gothic Game - think Aliens meets Dystopian Future meets Space Crusaders with some mutants thrown in)

    8) Cyber Hero (only one adventure - not my cup of tea)


    Seems like not much, but we really played a lot of Champions and Pulp back in the days and after that Fantasy mostly.


    The systemn works best with Champions and Pulp IMHO. Space Gothic and Star Wars were the worst - EBs and even RKAs are simply not deadly enough for the setting. You regularly end up witha lot of unconscious stormtroopers with one heck of an headache - not very genre-like.


    Western and the Victorian setting were okay, too.

  7. Son of Tengri


    Örgöö Süch is the offspring of a mortal woman (a factory worker from Ulaanbaatar) and the Mongolian God of the Everlasting Blue Sky, Lord of the Wind and Wielder of Thunder and Lightning, Tengri.


    He grew up as a pretty normal, if weak and rather smallish boy and was neither a good wrestler, horseman or archer - so basically the exact opposite of a good Mongolian sportsman. His mother had multiple and changing lovers and did not care much about the "friut" of one of her one-night-stands with a big, burly mountain of a man who she could hardly (but fondly) remember and who was nothing like the boy. But his grandmother - a shaman - knew that there was something about the boy that connected him with the steppe, the sky and all of Mongolia. She took him under her wings and soon the boy showed talent. During one of the many nights in the windy steppes outside the city they watched to their astonishment that teh stars seemed to circle, then fall and formed a wonderful white Wind Horse that decended from the very sky. It aproached the boy, nighed and then suddenly rushed into his breast (becoming smaller in the process)!

    Thus the power of Tengri, his father, entered the boy and changed him.


    And whenever danger befalls the good people of Mongolia, the Son of Tengri unleashes his inner "Wind Horse" and turns into a powerful Mongolian warrior, brimming with lightning power, flying through the very sky or striding the steppes with one mighty step, unleasing the Wrath of the Sky Khan against evil-doers!


    Quote: "In the Name of the Everlasting Blue Sky: Enough of this! Feel the Wrath of the Storm Khan!"


    And don't even dare to quote Star Trek on him - you will regret it (be witty at your one peril, mortal)!

  8. It why did it so? BECAUSE I already have that  patent - I do not call myself RED BARON without some justification!


    Blue Cloud holds the rights to blue, high yella and "I yella!" , all colors I deem beneath my consideration.


    Death Tribble is the inventor of the colours Deadly Pink, Tribble Brown and "Mahpinky's Brown" - and concerning the last one I really don't care to know where that pinky went exactly!


    And no, I am not pulling that pinky either.

  9. BlueCloud2k2 keeps telling people that the Mi-Go invented the My-Thai.


    Makes as much sense as his story that he crossed the Western Front to sneak into Berlin in autumn of 1918 to steal the secret Imperial recipe for the the "Kreuzberg"-cocktail, sneaked back and made a fortune by marketing it as the "Manhattan" in the States - and ending WW1 by it.


    That is total nonsense! Everybody knows that the Reichswehr had to give up because of a drastic shortage of crushed ice and mint-liquor!


    If not: Well, let's just say that we would now converse on the Weltnetz via E-Brief  and discuss this on the HELDEN-Forum ...

    (Damn that crushed ice and mint-liquor!).

  10. Happily married to an Emperor and that is what I get! Complains and no nachos no more! That ain't right, it just ain't. :angry:


    BlueCloud2k2 had a Honeymoon in Hell! - Hell, Michigan.


    Actually, that was a booking mistake. He really wanted to go to Hell, Hell but he always mumbles and mispronounces on the phone (and eating nachos while calling just doesn't help!).


    Everybody gets what he deserves! Serves him right, the nacho-miserly non-sharer of munchies that he is!

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