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Posts posted by phoenix240

  1. Going from some 'behind the scenes' info that has come out, I'm leaning more towards Hosts would be written up at as regular non-automatons with some higher base characteristics and Limitations to reflect their nature (subject to programming, characteristics limited by programming etc). The newer models are described as being anatomically identical to human and purely biological aside from their brains including biological functions (aside from the ability to bear and sire children). 

  2. On 4/24/2018 at 9:17 AM, Amorkca said:

    A friend of mine created this image, have fun...



    Shatter Witch


    “The enslaved, drugged abused Delphi oracles, cursed Cassandra, almost the entire cast of the Final Destination franchise... The Gods' gift of foresight has ever been more a curse, a punishment or even more a cruel jokes. ...You'd think I've have seen it coming really...”


    Morgan Madison was born with the power of foresight. She could view the future in astounding detail in vision that weren't under her control but came frequently. More so, she could sense imminent impending events even if she didn't view them, knowing instinctively what course they might take which manifested as incredible luck and fore sight even wisdom. 


    She put her abilities to use for the common good, acting as Insight, a psychic heroine in Denver, Colorado. As Insight she helped countless people, prevented disasters before the happened, even offered advice on things minor and major, all to good ends. Morgan liked helping, and in her heart of hearts, she liked the fame and prestige that came from her activities and being seen as a wise, mysterious figure. She felt somewhat guilty but couldn't help herself and felt a little bit of pride wasn't too much in contrast to the good she'd done. 


    The came the vision. A group of metahumans named Anarchy Unlimited attacking a biomedical research facility, a biological studies institute. Their plan to unleash the pathogens stored there. She saw the attack, heard their plans but couldn't see how it would end. Her visions, for all their accuracy rarely revealed ultimate outcomes. Concerned with the potential wide spread danger and imminent sense of threat she felt around her family, Morgan sent her husband and children out of town then gather her team and the authorities to defend the facility. 


    The presence of increased security and other metal human defenders, dissuaded Anarchy Unlimited. With dire threat of reprisal, they retreated. Only to strike again, a day later, intent on their goal of sowing chaos. Their target was a major airport, hundreds were killed. Among them Morgan's family, returning from to Denver from where she'd sent them, to keep them safe. 


    Even for a precognitive, hindsight was sometime the clearest. The feel of danger had come to her when she'd decided to send them away, gotten stronger from there. It wasn't support of her actions, it was warning. She'd done this. Her interference, her attempting to fix things had broken her life, shattered her dreams.  This was her reward for service, for trying to make things right; this was punchline to the Fate's joke. 


    Morgan's sanity gave way under the grief and guilt. She latched onto the few things that made sense to her: life was random, pointless, there was no right, no wrong, only consequence and entropy. Doing 'good' was just like trying to hold back the tide with bare hands, futile and eventually you'd drown having accomplished nothing. The only truth of existence was chaos and all things died. Insight died at the realization and Shatter Witch was born. 


    Personality: Bitter, cold and nihilistic, Shatter Witch lives to sow chaos and destruction, eventually on a truly astounding scale. It would be safe to say, she wants to end the universe, just to end her own pain and, in a twisted compassion, the suffering existence brings to all. She's truly mad at the world and her opinions the world started it. Many would say she simply mad. 


    Her madness is subdued, hidden a facade of cool aloofness and occasionally biting bitter sarcasm giving additional edge by her powers of insight. She weaves complex plans, lays the track that lead people, places, even worlds to their destruction, glee hidden behind a small enigmatic smile and utterly morbid sense of humor. Insight's calm, wise compassion is gone, subsumed into Shatter Witch's cold, malice for all order. And those that have enjoyed good fortune. Her plans are intricate and sadistic, but she'd not above random small, even petty cruelties but generally won't endanger long range plan for them.


    One aspect of Insight remains strong though. She does not lie, as in literally state and untruth. She was obfuscate, lie by omission, bend the truth or state it in a fashion that seems lie a life or otherwise trick or deceive but a direct overt lie is anathema to her. 


    Powers: Precognition, very advanced foresight that lets her get frequent visions of future events and a general sense of probability and the tenor of events in the immediate future. This power can appear as blindingly fast reflexes and reaction time, extreme luck and some degree of wisdom and 'lucky guesses' that seem to border on telepathy among other effect. She supplements her abilities with advanced gear and weaponry, usually suited the particular foes will she will face. The source for it is unknown. 


    Shatter Witch has displayed an ability to teleport both short range or over long distances and even between timelines. She refers to this power as “taking a short cut” and can carry willing individuals with her (has carried more a dozen at one point). Its not known if this ability is tied into her power or some sort of device she employs. Combined her supernatural foresight, its make Shatter Witch extremely difficult to capture or surprise. She takes great delight in turning ambushes back on her attackers, in fact. 


  3. On 2/26/2018 at 1:03 PM, death tribble said:

    [General Zod mode]

    I win ! I always win ! Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me ?

    [/General Zod mode]


    Tell me about this guy



    Scarlet Dragon


    Aspiring actor, Danny Chen was physically gifted, photogenic and to be fair, not a bad actor. What he couldn't seem to get was a break. The big budget action movie market was in a serious slump and no on was casting aside from bit parts and while playing “Panicked Bystander #24” paid the bills (mostly, with the help of part time waiter gig) but it wasn't exactly satisfying or the sort of thing that got your name up in lights 


    So when the offer came in to audition for a part for a starring role in an small studio's independent film, Danny jumped at the chance. Small was better than nothing and allot of big stars had gotten their start in little films or so his agent Marcy assured him. The audition went flawlessly, so perfect it almost felt like a formality (but Danny didn't want to get cocky). 


    The project was unusual though, intended to be in part advertised via a viral marketing campaign where Danny's character “Scarlet Dragon” would appear in videos on social media, post to Twitter and other internet appearances as if he were a real vigilante up until the ad spots debuted. Danny was fascinated and eagerly played along though the shoots and training were grueling. He had some experience with the martial arts and the moves he was taught to emulate had a real air authenticity to them despite being kind of flashy and esoteric. 


    This went on for weeks and grew to include some 'live action' appearances in costume. Danny kept track of his character's online presence and was pleased to find that he was becoming quite popular though many people thought he was real. He feared that might backfire when the truth came but was told not to worry by the director; who's name he never learned. 


    Then it happened, at an public appearance by James Ho, a Chinese American business man of some wealth and power, the Crimson Dragon appeared. 


    And killed him. In public, on camera. 


    But it wasn't Danny in the costume. He was out with his girlfriend at the time, watching in horror as the murder played out live. Panicked, Danny called his agent, then went after when he got no answer only to find her office ransacked and her dead body draped across her desk festooned with throwing knives like his 'character' used. Her files and records were gone, her computer smashed, taking most of the evident that would lead directly to him but also any evidence of the film he'd supposedly been hired to make. But there was likely plenty of forensics and other information. Danny had to flee as the police arrived shortly after he did and he made his way across the rooftops using some of his natural athletic ability in ironic emulation of his now wanted fictional persona. 


    He'd been set up. He didn't know why someone would have gone through such a convoluted plan. to frame him so he suspects it  was a plan to kill James Ho, who security was normally quite paranoid. But they'd let their guard down when a 'hero' like Scarlet Dragon had appeared. Ho was rich and popular but rumored to have criminal ties including Chinese organized crime. He's tried to find any of the other cast he could be they've so far been missing or dead, the shooting location abandoned. Even worse, apparently there is a real Scarlet Dragon, an Asian assassin of some repute in the underworld but almost unknown to the law abiding world and likely very unhappy about being dragged into the light. 


    Danny is going to need help to get out of this a free (and breathing) man, but from who? 

  4. 12 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

    Massey, I think what Phoenix is saying is a book that not only give tips but a solid example from idea to completion on to how use Hero system create your vision. Yes Hero has many sourcebooks. The sourcebooks though gives many tools and sample game. However, the sample game doesn’t go in depth of many of the hows and whys and why nots with the rules.


    Yes, that was what I was thinking. Tips and guidelines on how to translate vision to game using Hero System, with a focus on extant settings but the advice would be usable for home brew as too. Sort of a how too get for using the tools offered for new comers combined with mini source book(s) in the example settings. It could also offer enticement in the wider range of source books in the form of "See X Hero for more details". 


    Sort of a How To guide book for using Hero System to create a game, structured around implementing existing settings which would be applicable to home brew. 

  5. I'm not certain how popular the Tool kit aspect of Hero System is right now. But I would love to see a book like GURPS Adaptations for Hero System. Would it interest anyone else? 


    Ad blurb for the link adverse:


    GURPS is a fun, flexible system, useful in every kind of genre. Now, GURPS Adaptations takes that toolkit and shows you how to build your favorite fictional settings. With six examples ranging from the Odyssey to Dracula, GURPS Adaptations will guide you and your players as you tell new stories in worlds you already know.


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