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Everything posted by SaintHax

  1. How about where I can find it? I have loads of books laying around, but unfortunately can't locate it.
  2. I have Lady Blue in CKC, and even in my Fusion books. I'd like to see an earlier version of her, perhaps from 3rd edition. Can anyone post her earlier character sheet??? Thanks
  3. Couldn't think of a good title.. but here's what I want to do. I have an EB that hits the target, this EB then seeds the target allowing my character to do special effects, such as a Stun Drain. My thought is that once hit by the EB, he shouldn't have to hit again as he's been "tagged", the Power Drain should just require a Skill Roll to take effect. However, I'm unsure as how to build this. I don't think +Continious would work, b/c I'm switching powers from an EB to a Drain. -SaintHax
  4. I had an idea for #1, but I liked DrSavants better. It represents the fact that part of Vodoo's power (through most fantasy) is partly in the mind of the target. Good stuff. My idea for #2 was stated by Tom, OIF and all. So, I'll just concur w/ those two. #3? You could just apply a -0 limitation to Deflect/Reflect any range power and for "works on Melee instead". If it's a Heroic game where most of the attacks are Melee (e.g. Fantasy), it may be a +1/2 advantage or so. Otherwise, it seems to be balanced w/ the Deflect/Reflect any range power. NOTE: I use the "any" versin b/c SFX for melee don't vary as much; however, I guess a GM could make a similar version for unarmed, blunt/piercing weapons, and slashing. That get's trickier.
  5. Proper Planning I'd like to see a "Batman like" vpp. Batman doesn't build his stuff on the field, but he always manages to have what he needs on hand. Once he pulls out a device from his belt, it's there till he get's back to the Bat Cave. I was thinking it would be a vpp, no rolls, instant, but w/ some type of charges limitation to represent that he can't change it constantly. Not sure. Haven't really sat down and chewed on it-- that's why we have Steve :-)
  6. If I have a VPP to represent the fact that the character always seems to have what he needs on him (e.g. Batman), but can only change when he get's back to HQ: I'm not sure if I need to do anything w/ VPP or not to represent that?? When do you have to decide how you are going to use your VPP? Say I have a 5pt VPP (to be simple) that only can change at HQ. Do I have to mark down what I'm taking from HQ when I leave, or do I pick when I need to, but then the points are set until I return to the base. I'm unclear. Thanks,
  7. Being a Hero geek w/ Avengers MidWest/Great Lakes debuted, I came up w/ Hero "recipes" for them in my head as I read their [horrible] first issue. I thought it was "Desolidification (doesn't protect from damage) usable by 1 other" power. Must maintain contact. He goes to the door, team members turn desolid 1 at a time, as soon as they are through, they are solid again. If you want to use this for other purposes, change it to "usable as an attack" and desolid some ground, a potted plant, whatever.
  8. Good stuff I find it useful! I'm also jealous now b/c I don't have an artist in my group to give me a new pic of my character-- the world is so unfair. I'm now stuck w/ the trace, edit, and rob job I did years ago (speaking of your "marker away...").
  9. Great Art Good work Storn. I can't seem to get to your site though :-( I did a traceroute (Unix geek/Analyst) and it dies at your hosts infrastructure. FYI: Thanks to Drew Tucker (artist formerly employeed by WotC) I've hated water colors. However, I'm now considering (after seeing your art) that I may have just hated his stuff. It's still not something I "love", but I appreciate it now.
  10. Chuk, from what I understand, the UNTIL book will have nothing but powers that can be created w/ the current books. What it will do is show us how to create the hard ones. As you noted, the Limitation amount is a gray area.
  11. Confusion If it isn't too late... I've always had the hardest time generating a power that stuns or dazes a target. The closest thing I could get was a Flash, but it doesn't work right. I also tried an Entangle, but again not right. I need a power to basically Con Stun an opponent and still be balanced. For example, a little 2d6 EB that Stuns really easy (I'm thinking a advantage similar to Double KB). Also, making someone sick is difficult. I want to 1/2 their movement, but can't do that. I can drain "any movement power", but I only want 1/2 of it-- resisted by CON. Reduces CV (OCV, DCV, and ECV). And... a power that adds activation rolls to skills. I would assume this would be some sort of Drain anything: adds specific limitation (-0).
  12. Maybe duplication w/ the gestures limitation? Also, the puppet would have the physical limitation that it has to remain in contact w/ the master. You could also buy it as a quadrapalegic. Or, you might be able to buy all the powers, including SPD/EGO (which is the only stat the puppet will need) as an OAF. I, personally, like this way better.
  13. So, if my character is blinded, he'll need to make a hearing perception roll. So, if I spend 1/2 perceiving, does a successful roll to help conteract my blindness last until my next phase, or only for that segment? And shouldn't I have to make a perception roll vs. each attacker? I'm more interested on the defensive end, than blind attacking.
  14. I'm so confused about the perception rules. Per FrED, it states that perception is a 1/2 phase action; however, sight is a sense, which under that description says it doesn't require a 1/2 phase to use. Am I to assume that means any perception that isn't a natural or bought as a sense? My GM thinks when I'm flashed I need to hold/abort to an action to perceive.
  15. Steve, I was thinking of a wind attack that does little damaged to tough opponents, but heavy Knock Back. Something like an EB w/ Double KB and Reduced Penatration-- does Reduced Penatration affect KB? If so, it's back to the drawing board.
  16. Atom Splitter Well, my EB Atom Splitter is pretty straight forward and doesn't fair well against bricks (good ED, low PD). If the brick can fly, I'm probably toast. If not, I'd stay out of range and hit him w/ my 4d6 NND (Defenese is ED force field/wall). As a low powered hero (270 points), I'd probably need to use my TeamWork skill to help wrap this up quickly. Then, I'd depend on my social skills (Seduction a.k.a. "Friendliness", Conversation, Persuasion) to find out what happened, else my Mentalist partner better roll good.
  17. I normally read all the posts before replying, but I'm going to just post and run this time. In reply to the original posts: I don't feel that a block is simply getting out of the way, that is a dodge. However, do agree w/ the poster in spirit. A block could be a redirection of the strike. Simply put, it takes very little Str to move a punch to the left or to the right. One does not have to try to hold the punch back, so Str shouldn't be a factor.
  18. not cut and dry I dont' think it's a solid `yes'. First, both multipower and missle deflection are marked as powers for GM's to watch b/c of possible abuse/overbalance. Therefore, I never assume that they will follow the rules as written 100%, b/c it could be deemed unfair by my GM. Second, you can abort to activate a defnesive power, and adjust multipower points, if needed, to activate it: true; however, missle deflection is a special Standard/Defense power that is defined in the text as an "attack power" that can be aborted to. No where does it say that you can adjust pool points for an attack power. I'd allow it, but I believe this would be a GM by GM basis, w/ no "right or wrong" answer. My problem would be the Missle Deflection in a multipower to begin w/. Missle Deflection screams "Talent, even though it isn't, and should be allowed in a multipower. In the text, it says it acts just like a block-- I've never seen a GM yet allow block or any other combat menuevers in a multipower. My only guess is it's in a foci multipower like a shield. I'd make a character buy it seperate w/ a limitation "needs to preform". Otherwise, it's an abuse, IMO, of the rules. I don't have time to explain, as I must leave for a trip now, but think about how having a power like this in a multipower would never hinder you w/ the abover rule, that should justify it's not belonging there. P.S. I would be interested in Steve's take on this.
  19. I disagree. It is not fully-generic acceptable. It doesn't work for at least one genre. You can't say the rule is valid b/c it works for 2 genre's but not another. Besides, wouldn't a ship's weapon not suffer from range modifiers b/c of computer calculations, not b/c the weapon is super accurate? As a star ship goes, it's firing a target so big it will have a negative DCV, therefore it really doesn't need NRM either. I'd think that a computer w/ PSL's vs. Range modifier requiring a skill roll would more accurately represent the kind of combat you are referencing. Not only that, but since it's a multiplier, the amount it will cost on a ship size weapon will still be more than what it would cost using the computer example. If not, then maybe the advantage NRM should have been put out in the Genre books, not the core ones. Plus, you always have the LOS advantage for the same cost that gives you increased range as a bonus-- though there are some negatives. This would certainly simulate a starship's laser. Also, how does it work for Fantasy Hero?? If you want a magic missle spell, you'd need the AoE 1hex accurate, plus NRM for a big +1 advantage. That gives you an attack that "never" (not truely) misses, but at half the amount of damage. You may not even hurt your target. This is another genre where your max range will be about 32 to 40"; so it's a big joke.
  20. In a normal Superhero game, most of the ranged attacks will probably be Energy blasts... made of energy. W/ guns and other small projectiles thrown in the mix. Since it has to be large, most villain's foci (boomerangs, shields, ping-pong gun of doom, etc) will be unaffected. I'd give it a -1. However, if your GM doesn't plan on using rules for throwing big items, it may justify up to a -3 (using the previous -1 and the big -2 uncontrolled as my math basis) b/c he may, or may not ever decide to use something you can affect. I'd ask my GM his feeling on his bricks tossing around an object.
  21. I imagine this has to do w/ company info, and who owns rights to characters, but why has the Champions roster changed? Defender is the only original Champion left. 1) Seeker - was a dork, who ended up looking cool during the Millenium period, though I hated those rules. In fact, all the Millenium art seems superior-- get those artist back!!! 2) What was her name? Quantim? She's gone. She also had a nice image change during the "Hero's Lite" Fuzion period. I see she's been replaced by an equally PC hispanic girl 3) Jaguar, thank god, has left; but now there's no multi-form hero on the roster. 4) Obsidian was much cooler than this dork that is now the team Brick. Both are aliens too... hmmm. 5) Solitaire seems to be called Witchcraft now. I didn't check to see if it's actually the same person. I liked Solitaire better-- she had the widget, and didn't have the "witch" in her name, which is unheroic by the Golden/Silver Age standard (which the Champions seem to be, excluding the darker Millenium group). Also, wasn't Solitaire a mentalist, instead of a magic user-- I find that more comic like also. Any answers from anyone who knows, would be great.
  22. I'm more convinced than ever that the KB advantages are broken. To balance out a 3pt "Does KB" Dispell and a 12.5pt "Does KB" EB AvLD, I feel that the "Does KB" advantage should add a number a inches equal to the Active Points of a power divided by 5. This will give a power a normal level of Knockback, which seems to be what this advantage is about. It will prevent the hosing of AvLD w/ KB, and also stop cheesy 3pt per Dice Blast. As far as the AoE 1 hex accurate, and NRM goes-- these powers have an effective ceiling. Sure, once in a hundred games there may be a target 400 inches away, but it hardly justifies the cost. And I agree that having a power w/ this advantage is different than having the skill levels, but it shouldn't be different point wise, just in feel. Here in lies my problem. Taking the skill levels for my EB to hit almost everytime is SO much more benificial to me. However, it just doesn't feel right. It doesn't justify the sfx of the beam altering its course to hit it's target. Regardless, a +1/2 is a rip off: Same w/ NRM. I'd gladly pay +10 to base cost, which seems more fair.
  23. First, let me preface this w/ how much I love the Hero system. I'm a Champions player, but would like to get a Fantasy Hero game going. My post, however, will be about what I don't like, as I'd like to give constructive feedback. I'll try to split up my posts so that they'll be easier to follow the responses. I don't think these following advantages balance well at all. I think that it's time Hero thought about have more static adders, such as Leaping's +5 to Base cost for accurate, instead of a multipler like +1/4. I find 60 points a good place for comparison, you can always adjust my examples to whatever value you feel is valid. AOE 1 hex Accurate +1/2 -- basically, this advantage is to represent a VERY accurate attack. I use it for a "seeking" advantage-- a ranged attack that if it get's close enough, will seekout it's target. +1/2 is WAY over priced. You can get a better effect by buying 2pt CSL w/ the power. Example: 8d6 EB AoE 1 hex Accurate = 60 AP DCV is always 3 plus range mods 10d6 EB w/ 5 levels 2pt CSL's = 50 ap + 10 real Avg. DCV for supers is 7-9. You hit about the same, do 2 DC's more damage, and it cost 1 END less. If you are play a NCM campaign, then you'll hit easier w/ this version. Armor Piercing, bought multiple times +1/2 each time. This makes it only valid for characters not restricted by points, such as NPC's. I feel that Armor Piercing should have a reduced cost of +1/4 for purchases after the initial one at +1/2. There's no reason why a +1 advantage is needed to counter a +1/4!!! Hardened +1/4, Speaking of Hardened-- this is a bargain! For +1/4 it can counter AP, Penatrating, and Indirect!! Although one level doesn't stop multiple advantages (i.e. AP and Penatrating), it will stop anyone of the 3: You don't have to decide a head of time. Also, why is Indirect even listed? I understand it's for characters that can attack through walls, but it's very poorly defined. If my character has an indirect attack that comes from the sky, and his target has a hardened force wall around him (no roof!!), it sure as blazes better not stop my attack! Also, I've found penatrating a non-killing attack a gyp b/c it's stopped by Hardened (I've never seen anyone _keep_ pentrating on a normal attack). I'd prefer it have a defined "stopper" like an NND attack does. Just my opinion of course. Does Knockback +1/4 -- Ouch!! What a waste. Since your attack that doesn't do knockabck will be a 10/dice attack or more anyway, you are hurting w/ this one. If you are using a 60-ish point attack, you'll roll 5 dice, for an average of 5 - 2d6 worth of knockback. Very little KB if any. What's worse, if you want your MB, NND, or whatever to have a normal KB effect, you'll need to purchase the double KB advantage for +3/4. The problem w/ the KB advantage, is that it is directly dependent on the amount of dice you roll; however, it's cost is so high that it decreases your dice proportionally. I feel Does Knockback should be an adder, not a multiplier. No Range Modifier +1/2 Maybe a bigger waste than AoE 1 hex accurate! It is doubtful that you'll ever need to use a ranged attack farther than 32" (-6) For a 60 point power, you can have 8d6, No Range Mod, uses 6 END... Or... you can get a 8d6 EB that uses 4 END, and 6 PSL's vs. Range penalty for ALL attacks (18 pts). Or a 10d6 EB, 5 END, and 6 PSL's vs. Rng Pnlty for that one attack. Either is a much better buy. At higher levels, the +1/2 screws you even more. Again, I think this should be an Adder instead of a multiplier, or a +1/4 advantage. Many thanks for listening,
  24. Leaping for Movethrough? My only problem is that the brick is using leaping. The brick does need to hit DCV 3 w/ the -6 range modifier before the attack, unless they paid 5 points for Accurate (let's assume they did). Leaping is poor for move through-- first, it's only 1 point per inch, making it a cheap way to get velocity; second, it can't get 30" velocity w/ a 30" leap. It has to gain velocity going up, and lose it's velocity as it starts to come down. If it didn't, your character would be suffering a 30" falling damage every time he leaped. Therefore, I'd rule against 30" velocity at the end, in favor for 1/2 that. That give the same velocity as 30 ap's worth of running. You may also want to require a "Brick Trick" roll if it looks abusive. I personally don't see anything wrong w/ this if the movement power was purchased as Running. Thrity inches of Running is 60ap, and the 60 Str is 60 ap: For 120 ap-- PLUS, the AP's worth of protection to take 11 DC's of damage-- 22 DC is fine. Seems good to me, just make the leap BS realistic, (maybe an errata is needed?)
  25. Not clear on how dispel works w/ desolidfication. If the PC has Dispell - all powers w/ water special effect, and Vapor Man has Desolidification (turns to water vapor) can I dispell his desolidification, or did I need to buy "Can Affect Desolid"? My argument was that the dispel isn't effecting/targeting the desolid character, but the power itself. Seems a rip that my "Affects all powers of a special effect" is really "all powers, other than desold, of a special effect". And w/ the "Affects Desolid, Dispell desolidification" the active points compared to Desolid seems a bit one sided. I searched the FAQ and prior threads, and couldn't find anything in my searches. Thanks, SaintHax P.S. Please... PLEASE change the FAQ page. Red, Blue, and Magenta is very difficult to read on a black background-- a webmaster co-worker tells me that blue/green color blind people have an exceptionally difficult time reading blue on black.
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