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Posts posted by clnicholsusa

  1. 1 hour ago, Ternaugh said:

    I've known a few people who were really into professional wrestling, and the way that they explained it, they liked following the story lines and enjoyed the larger-than-life nature of it all. For them, it's kind of like a cross between a soap opera and a superhero comic, performed on a "stage" that happens to have convenient folding chairs and collapsible tables nearby.

    I do understand the draw of professional wrestling, it's like they've cross-bred soap operas with gladiatorial combat. In many ways it is a live action parallel to comic fiction.

    Different subject:

    I didn't realize Bobcat Goldthwait was doing his own films until he mentioned it in his "You Don't Look the Same Either" comedy special (I watched because the title seemed personally apropros). Just watched "God Bless America"

    Really good movie.

  2. 2 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    A:  If you think the price of the house is impressive, just wait until you see the phone bill!


    Q: Hey, Howard, how can an extradimensional duck afford a mansion like this?


    A: Just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust.

  3. 9 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    A: I'm going to be your Greyhound driver tonight. Don't worry about the narcolepsy.

    Q: What did your lawyer say to get the judge to hold BOTH of you in contempt?


    A: There are far worse things awaiting man than death.

  4. Personally, I wouldn't allow any limitation on the teleport. It's a useful ability with plenty of drawbacks already put into it. The primary drawback is that any megascale teleport that isn't made to the other twin will almost certainly be blind. This requires targeting the location and the teleporter will be at 0 OCV (non-combat movement). Furthermore, the teleportation will take a full phase and the teleporter will be at 1/2 DCV (like a sitting duck).

    Besides, it's only a nine point power so why stick on more limitations.

    Teleport, 2m (2 point), 1 fixed location for 1 point, Megascale: +2 10,000 km (Earth's diameter is around 13,000 km, so 1m won't do it). 9 points to get to your twin from anywhere in the world.

  5. I did burn some money in celebration, today. But I wasn't celebrating the founding of the United States of America. Technically, I was celebrating the day the colonists officially declared themselves to no longer be Brits. It took thirteen more years of discussion before they officially declared themselves Americans, in the same document that removed the people's right to directly elect their leaders.

    BTW, it seems odd that the only presidents elected to office against the will of the people (lost popular vote but won electoral college) were republicans. What's up with that?

  6. 11 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Q: You work twelve hours a day as a graveyard shift security guard? How do you manage that?


    A: This will make guns obsolete in five years!

    Q: In what way, Mr. President, is the issue of wristwatches with self-aiming death rays a part of your new law and order initiative?


    A: When you see the other side chopping off heads, waterboarding doesn't sound very severe.

  7. 10 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Q: Don't you care about Grant's drinking, Mr. President?


    A: I don't see how you can possibly justify your actions, given what you're wearing on your sleeve right now.

    Q: The flooring conceals not the noise, so why leave under the planks the icon of my triumph when I can wear it as an epaulet?


    A: They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

  8. 2 hours ago, Asperion said:


    Q:  Why is there this large plate before everyone?


    A:  The life of death

    Q: So what WAS the most difficult autobiography you had to ghost-author?


    A: It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.

  9. Sounds to me like a good place for a transformation attack:

    Vertigo Dart: 8d6 Minor Transform, reduced balance and coordination to -2 CV (40 Active Points)

    Rapid Healing (REC per 20 minutes; -1)

    6 Charges (-3/4)

    All Or Nothing (-1/2)

    Limited Target (humans only; -1/2)

    Beam (-1/4)

    Can Be Deflected (-1/4)

    Range Based On STR (-1/4)

    Real Cost: 8 points

  10. 18 minutes ago, Asperion said:


    Q:  How is your experiment in meatless tacos coming along?


    A:  On the myth-bed.

    Q: Doeth anybody know where Mitheth Thimpthon ith?


    A: That would be the Evaluation of Two Skid-Mounted Core Drills for Airfield Pavement Evaluation pamphlet.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Ternaugh said:

    Paint Your Wagon -- One wonders what was going through the minds of the studio executives at Paramount who approved this. A musical western with three leads who couldn't really sing (though I have a soft spot for Lee Marvin's "I Was Born Under a Wandering Star"). Surprisingly enjoyable. (Amazon Prime)

    In my childhood, my parents drove the family to the drive in when this movie was on. I think they believed something else would be playing. My mother asked the same question ("what were they thinking?") and my father suggested she figure it out if it bothered her so much. It seemed like a challenge, so I gave it a shot.

    The original Broadway musical was Lerner and Loewe; Paddy Chayefsky was hired to write it; Joshua Logan was brought on to direct it; Lee Marvin had joined the cast. That's a handful of Tony's and a handful of Oscar's, so Hollywood figured they didn't have to do a good job on this film to make money at it.

    What did I watch?

    Scared Stiff 

    I was in a mood that suggested I avoid thinking too hard.

  12. 7 hours ago, Certified said:

    Wait a moment ... that's sounds a lot more like a group of Defenders than Avengers. 

    I said there was a catch. Ok, let me try again and I'll make sure to only use characters that were officially Avengers but never Defenders.
    Let's see, we need a leader with brains AND the ability to survive long enough to impart his plan to the rest of the team, so, Mr. Fantastic. Now we've got to have some pure muscle, let's add The Thing. Then we'll need some characters that can infiltrate, hit hard from a distance, tank some damage and, oh yeah, fly, so let's throw in the Storm siblings, Sue and Johnny. OK, now... wait... I did it again.
    Never mind, I'll just put down my favorite characters:

    1. Henry Pym (yes, the one in the lab coat)
    2. Moon Knight
    3. Dazzler
    4. Machine Man
    5. Mr. Immortal
    6. Jack of Hearts
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