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Posts posted by clnicholsusa

  1. If they continue to 'adapt' print media methods to the show, they'll be re-using definitely deceased villains. So, one of Kid Flash's time remnants recreates the persona of both Savitar and Zoom in an attempt to break up the relationship between Barry and Iris because Nora turns out to be faster than him.

  2. 4 hours ago, Asperion said:


    Q:  Can you inform me as to why that chicken is carrying that weapon around?


    A:  Only the lifers my pass here.

    Q:  What sign is on the last door an old salt ever goes through?

    A: It's sine over cosine, just like sisters over daughters.

  3. On 9/25/2018 at 9:57 PM, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Q: If you knew what my mission is, I'd have to kill you. But can you help me with....?


    A: I'd tell you what I was doing, but then you'd have to switch your pizza order to pepperoni and black olives.

    Q: SO, Fu Manchu, what insidious method of torture has your perfidious mind come up with now that you know my dependence on anchovies for my great strength and speed?

    A: That wretched chef put small, salty fish on my pizza!!!

  4. That does crazy things with Little Red Riding Hood. Red's probably getting the goodies from the brewery instead of the bakery. Grandpa's teeth only look big because they're distorted by the glass of water on the nightstand where Grandpa puts them. There would be some question as to how hard Grandpa fought the lady wolf when she tied him up. When Red arrives and the whole big eyes, big teeth discussion occurs, it could be construed as looking for a safe word. Finally, it would be the helpful school marm  who hears the commotion and 'rescues' Red and his grandfather from the cougar... I mean wolf.

  5. Isn't Parkour a combination of running on narrow surfaces with poor footing in a cluttered, and cramped area interspersed with climbing and leaping? An acrobatics roll usually eliminates penalties for cluttered and cramped areas or narrow surfaces; a breakfall roll usually covers poor footing; a climbing roll eliminates penalties associated with climbing.

    So Parkour could be bought as acrobatics, breakfall, and climbing along with a number of three point skill levels covering those three skills.

    Or it could be bought as a low STR clinging requiring a roll with the special effect of 'parkour'.

    Or it could be bought as Flight, only along a surface requiring a roll with the special effect of 'parkour'.

    Or it could be bought as extra leaping with some Environmental Movement talents:

    • Supreme Balance (no penalties on narrow surfaces): 4 Character Points 
    • Sure-footed (no penalties on slippery surfaces): 2 Character Points 
    • Crawlspace Ace (no OCV or DCV penalties in cluttered or cramped areas): 4 Character Points 
    • Master Climber (counters up to -2 worth of DCV penalties while climbing): 4 Character Points

    Each of these would be different in play, but could all be considered to represent parkour.

  6. One of the first characters I ever created (first, unnumbered version) was just a telekinetic. When I don't put any thought into a character, it comes out that way. As this appears to be my brains 'default' mode, I would have to say that's the easiest archetype to play (if you can call it an archetype).

    The character I play MOST often, however, is the speedster. I'm constantly attempting to create in game the things I see in my head, and usually failing; that challenge is what brings me back over and over again.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Cancer said:


    I missed the first one, trying to find my way through Mordorgrad school at the time.

    I did manage the first one, while in uniform (which doesn't fit anymore and I'm not stupid enough to lie to myself about it).

    But I'm pretty sure I've managed to shield my soul from any maturity that might have come my way over the years, so I've got that going for me.

  8. 4 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    A: That's a bad stance for a holdup, but it would be perfect if you were playing Offensive Line for Appalachian State,


    Q: What were you talking to Daniel Kilgore about?

    A: I would like reality a lot more if it didn't keep slapping me in the face.

  9. Got to have puppet number one! Who else but Howdy Doody!

    For thirteen years, the youth of the nation watched a freckle-faced marionette evolve on their television. Over a decade of information about modern living transmitted through the guise of a friendly face with a western accent. Then it was off the air. But it wasn't over, not in the minds of what would be almost a generation of Americans. So, what happened to the glorified prop that those children fed their attention to? Was it put up for auction? Was it dismantled and sold, piecemeal, to collectors?


    It stood up, walked away, and started searching. Howdy Doody tramped through the streets and highways of the nation, not looking to rekindle his past glory, not trying to find someplace he fit in. This wooden automaton had the same question that was at the base of the children's attention on him! What am I? What am I supposed to do?

    Half a century later, he thinks he has an answer. "If everboddy knows ma name, and I ain't human, I just gotta be one o' them superheroes. So, that's whut I'm a gonna do!"

    He's small, and very resilient, with his strength limited only by the material he's made of. His biggest failing is that he is truly an old soul, and hates to see the trauma that is inflicted on today's youth.

  10. Take a page from Kuo-Ch'uan. Students are instructed to deliberately lose any fight that isn't serious.

    The precog chooses a time increment, and then starts failing. Sure, she'll get a few shocks. Maybe she'll get a lot of shocks. But as the villain has figured out what her ability is the only remaining advantage she has is how far her ability goes. Never give away what you don't have to.

  11. 2 hours ago, Pariah said:

    A: Given a choice, I think I'm going to have to go with Cleveland.


    Q: Jonathan Harker, you must choose either to stay with me and live forever or return to your homeland and endanger ALL your loved ones, WHAT SAY YOU?


    A: With that and two bits, I could get a hot dog!

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