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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. But they are NOW. That's OK. I can just rejoice in Florida's ineptitude. They get embarrassed to end last season by a Quack-12 school, tonight is deja vu. And we see the first down rule in this one. Little short pass on 3rd down to get a first, but Florida's offense takes its sweet time and a good 20-odd seconds run off the clock...down 13 with 3 minutes left, that matters a lot. Of course, Florida just gets sacked on 3rd down, so it's 4th and 14, so...it might not make much difference.
  2. ...............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand of course Williams is also in the Heisman House ads... That $2.6M from earlier? I don't think it counts whatever he's getting paid for these. It's not listed in their NIL deals list... Man...do I really have to root for a Pac 12 school tonight?????? That's painful....
  3. Just a passing thought...yeah, the four above weren't claimed by anyone. Talk about a feeling of rejection............ And I think most of them were gonna be free agents. Don't get your hopes up for a big offseason contract...........
  4. Plus, it totally smacks of a limitation designed to squeeze point costs down to me, since it *is* misdirected when you say it's UOO. Grantor would be the person forced to concentrate...not recipient. CRT: if you were actually aware for the whole time, it'd be like being in a sensory deprivation chamber. Long term, that isn't a great idea.
  5. An interesting point from yesterday from Anthony Recker on MLB Network. His concern...what the Angels did has the potential to significantly alter the playoff race, at a time when it doesn't feel this should be possible. And it's happened. Cleveland claimed Giolito, Matt Moore, and Reynaldo Lopez. That's a big shift to their bullpen...for basically no money and no commitment. This also let them cut Syndergaard, but given he was DFA'd that is no surprise. At this point...and the Mariners claimed Dominic Leone, so only the top 4 teams are left. And that was long enough ago that probably, those not claimed at this point, won't get claimed. Carrasco (Mets), Clevinger (White Sox), Cisnero (Tigers), and Grichuk (Angels). Lessee...Carrasco's 0-5 with an ERA near 11, in his last 7 starts...yeah, pass. Clevinger has a possible domestic violence issue. Cisnero has been very shaky this year. It'd be no surprise to see any/all of em released if they're not picked up. EDIT: on a separate note, the Braves set a team record for homers in a season. It's still August...... I know they've been right around the pace to set the MLB record for a season, not sure where that is right now...
  6. I dislike the EDM as well, as it's just making things complicated IMO. There's no travel. A serious risk with coldsleep is that the cryochamber is vulnerable...it's just sitting there. The simple LS describes exactly what the chamber does. I also agree with CRT: this is nothing but a plot device/facilitator. It doesn't need to be built in detail.
  7. OK. Besides, Trump's closer to the Antichrist from Good Omens...
  8. Venting. There's nothing you can do about it.
  9. I'd just keep it simple. Character does not eat, self contained breathing, character does not age. I don't think you need anything else, functionally. Then: no conscious control..the *character* can't turn it OFF. If it's defined as part of a ship? No Conscious doesn't apply, but you're spending base points. Either way, there's Immobile Focus aspects if you want them, too, but that LS isn't exactly expensive, particularly as part of a vehicle build. There's no need for any Transform that I can see. That's just SFX explanation stuff.
  10. OK, so the HD implementation adheres to the rules...but I'll repeat, it makes no sense to have the rules work this way...on multiple levels.
  11. 45 points: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Half Range Modifier (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (90 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2), Limited Range (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4) 3 points: Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) 30 points: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2), Limited Range (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4) 3 points: Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) 90 points: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Half Range Modifier (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (90 Active Points) 6 points: 3 points: Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) These 3 show that the common limitations are being applied to the slot costs...but not the common advantages. OTOH, in a VPP, both are applied properly. Makes no sense that the common advantages woudn't influence the slot costs in the MP. It's not likely to be a big factor, but in some exotic cases...seems like it could be.
  12. The Trumpists wouldn't listen if God Himself spoke to them. And, yes, if someone showed me plausible evidence...I'd believe Trump was, indeed, the Antichrist of Revelations.
  13. I read the son was a long shot to make the team, but yeah...not to mention Thanksgiving and Christmas.... Getting cut has to be devastating for any kid who didn't have some time on the main roster...just out of college, or tried and failed a few times.
  14. It's enough on offense. it's not enough pitching. Another aspect here. The aircraft carriers are priced at their maximum production. There's no, or very little, upside that's even possible. In a capped marketplace, even if it's loosely capped, you need players giving MORE than what you priced in. That's a big reason why rookie contracts are so incredibly valuable.
  15. If not even 3 states over, although that's typically ad money for issues. There's a growing problem, tho, of...I can't even call it tyranny of the minority. More like tyranny of the unary. Single (or very small numbers of) individuals who use the mechanisms in place to advance their agenda. I'm seriously dreading the day when someone actually carries out one of these threats. I'm also kinda glad I'm not in high school any more... https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/07/27/u-s-school-security-procedures-have-become-more-widespread-in-recent-years-but-are-still-unevenly-adopted/ https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d17/tables/dt17_233.60.asp 10% of high schools use random metal detectors. 60% do random drug sweeps, 1/3 do random contraband sweeps. What does that tell the students, how does it impact their outlook on society? It supports the notion of fear, to me...and that's advancing the Republican agenda of a corporate-police state.
  16. Solid but not spectacular == .500 ball club and no playoffs. How often do those big contracts actually play to their cost...and for how long? Yeah, if they do, that's one thing. Another aspect with, say, the Yankees of the last several years is IMO roster mis-construction. Too many all-or-nothing types. With the Yankees as well, all-or-nothing hitters that were substandard on defense. The Yankees recognized that last year, and took steps to address the defensive issues, for sure. Also, note that if Rendon and Trout aren't $20M...they're $35M. IF they can re-sign Ohtani, even as a hitter only? We're talking $40-45M...might be more, but that'd just make the case stronger. So, we're talking 3 players, $110M, and about 50% of the salary cap. IF they play that way, then they'd have to be brilliant...because the pitching staff will be badly underfunded. Another point: the Angels put those players on waivers to dump salary, hopefully. Why? Not so much to cut expenses this year, but to get under the competitive balance tax...if someone picks them up, then the remaining salary is their problem. The CBT starts at $233M. If they lose Ohtani, their compensation pick improves significantly...from post-4th round to post-2nd round. If the Angels accede to Ohtani pitching...and try to get 150 innings a year out of him? Assuming he doesn't have to have the 2nd TJ to try it...there's only a *slim* chance he'd last 2 years, I think. Not with the repeat damage. If he's got to have the TJ now, the first question is whether he *can* pitch again effectively. History shows, this simply isn't very likely. EDIT: watching Angels-Phillies, actually, on MLB. Bottom Line point about the D'backs-Dodgers game, in LA...the D'backs are 7-33 in the last 40 games in Dodger Stadium. Owwwww.....
  17. How can we possibly pity someone whose face appears, painted on a ceiling?
  18. Venus Williams.....please retire. US Open first round, she had to get a wild card, which was strictly based on her record. First round, playing a qualifier. First set was a 6-1 blitz. Second set? I switched away when it was 4-0, 40-love...Venus had won only 5 points in the entire set. She earned massive credit for all she did, but she's 43. Her rank is 400...that won't even get you invited to the qualifying rounds. There comes a point when enough is enough. EDIT: match over. Madden wins, 6-1, 6-1. Total points, 62-36. EDIT 2: my bad. She went through qualifying, she didn't get a wild card.
  19. Baseball teams are starting to clear some deadwood. Yankees release Josh Donaldson. From the Athletic: They also waived Harrison Bader, who's been horrendous the last 2 months...4th worst in wRC+ since July 4th. Good defensively, but that bat just doesn't cut it. Plus, his free agent contract expires this season. No loss. And the Angels proved their front office is an UTTER disaster, IMO. Or slik might say, succumbed to the inevitable. Giolito waived. Grichuk waived. "Roster strengthening" moves that bombed. 3 others also waived. Yeah, they have NO chance, with Trout out again, with no pitching at all, and with a near-impossible task...they'd have to go 24-6, .800 baseball, to reach 87 wins. Even before this? They were a near-lock to be closer to 6-24. So they've emptied anything they might have had...again. FanGraphs has them 29th, another site 28th. Baseball America has them last. Shohei should walk.
  20. A high profile athlete at a high profile school should absolutely know by now that committing either way is utterly moronic. It's completely lose-lose. That's pretty much a Captain Obvious article, IMO. Coming into the college season, Williams has 2 big NIL deals...taking over the Bryce Young slot in Fansville is no surprise, and I saw him in a Wendy's ad last night. In case you wondered what NIL deals looked like, for the high end... https://www.on3.com/db/caleb-williams-17251/nil/ Of COURSE Bronny is #1. Livvy Dunne is huge on social media, and Vuori advertised pretty heavily in the spring. And Arch Manning, it's all in that last name. Plus, of course...Texas. There's also this: https://www.on3.com/nil/rankings/player/nil-100/ What's a bit crazy is...there's 10 high school kids on the list. Bronny's younger brother's one...ok, no surprise. Others are big names in the football or basketball recruitment lists. But...realize...they're all making over $500K *while still in high school.* That's crazy.....I don't begrudge them the money, if someone wants to pay them, but man. Cult of celebrity...
  21. Which move are you calling obvious? Murray to PUP, yeah, sure. And...hmm...looking at McCoy...he's hopeless. Not like Dobbs is any better, but he's gotta be a lot cheaper, just from years of service aspects. Story in the Athletic today...they polled 23 agents, promising anonymity. One of the questions: now that the Commanders are in a franchise reset, what's the worst-run organization in the NFL? *9* of them said...the Cardinals. One of the comments: Second was the Colts, which...given that Jim Irsay may now be the worst owner in the NFL, makes sense...but that was only 4 votes. Cowboys got one vote: "Nepotism at its finest."
  22. Believe I saw he was doing that the night the mug shot was released, or at least the next day. And, yes, there was never any question whatsoever he'd do it.
  23. Hey, it's one way to break up the monotony, and it's not like there was any way they could *lose*.........
  24. Well, it's always something of an open question whether it's bad coaching...not counting last year's farce, that was TERRIBLE coaching...or a total inability to assess and/or train a QB? This could readily be a chicken and egg class of question.
  25. And now we see how well that policy paid off. A possible rationale for bullpen work...overwork also means over-exposure, especially in these days of exhaustive scouting. The margin between a good pitch and a mediocre one isn't much. Another? Max effort pitching is plausibly harder to repeat. Pitcher gets just slightly off, and Bad Things happen to Good Baseballs. Speaking of fall from grace...Cleveland designated Noah Syndergaard for assignment this evening. Rockies outright released Jurickson Profar. Both were only on 1 year deals, and...let's just say, underperformed. Profar's hitting has been terrible...3rd lowest wRC+, which is one of those weird, composite metrics, but it's related to run production...and the fact that it's the 3rd lowest among qualified hitters is clearly Really Bad. Both will probably get deals for next season with someone...but not big or long term ones.
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