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Posts posted by Ndreare

  1. Originally posted by Hugh Neilson

    How powerful this is depends on how many attacks the character has, which is likely why there are no specific rules.


    In a Supers campaign, I'd look at a handwaved rules breach and consider a multipower with one slot to add 1 DC for each attack power the character possesses. Or make him just add a DC to his attacks.


    This is probly the bst way to do it. Just make the character buy the power for what it is. I like this more than my own custum power system.

  2. USPD




    It is a big book with about three hundred sample powers and about three thousand power variations.


    Well worth the cost. You can buy it from flags or order it from FRPgames.com which comes to aboute the same cast as flags after S&H. I have a crappy flags that is anti HERO so I order online and get the books quickly. But when I was in Spokane I ordered from Gattaway Games and the nice people there always hooked me up. So it all depends on were you live.

  3. Polaris has a good idea


    I think Polaris has a good idea. After all the whole point of being a GM is that you can "Create, Modify & Destroy" at will. How hard should it be for the person who is controlling the universe to get the adventure he wants?


    I say not very. Plus the facts that your players already know more aboute the published version of the villians than you do. (I would consider this a big no no and precedence enough to immediately change most of them.)


    Go for it. I believe it will make the players feel they are fighting a Bigger Than Life enemy and as such their characters victories will feel Bigger Than Life.


    All too often people believe that because the book says one thing or because they have it one way in their game that it should be that way for every one. This is wrong if that was the case we would only have one game system with one campaign setting.

  4. Well this is one of those situations were a costom power would be created in my games. There is no way I would allow +1 DC to all attacks just by paying 8 points but 16 is obviosly to expensive so I would go with the negitive 1/2 and look at the 11 point cost. Then say flat out that the cost is 10. however I would not allow the characters to use this on AOE attacks. (I would consider it like a little limated multipower).


    Then warn the player that this will only be allowedd for one or two games after which I will review the construct and eliminate it or modify it as the situation seems appropriate.



    (Sorry for the bad spelling I did not have time to spell check with word.)

  5. If I buy some powers with the trigger effect may I set multiple [powers to have the same Trigger?


    (The powers I am thinking of is a Character that is a “Rune Crafter†he has the power to draw mystic Tattoos on people and I would like him to be able to draw a longer ward sentence so he may have two powers both activate when the wearer says the single Power Word.)

  6. All the player needs is


    "Stat", UoO, Uncontroled (+0-end if STR) and he has the perfect aid which will be far cheeper than aid ever was.


    As a GM I would not reject the power construct either reguardless of meta rule #1


    However I would require the "No-Figs" limitation be placed on the stat.

  7. Anyone Create Magic Tattoos


    The idea is that this mystic warrior can draw mystic tattoos on people and the can latter say a power word to activate a power.


    Although I can think of one or two ways to do it my self I don¡¦t like either. So I was wondering if I could get your guys¡¦s take on how this is best done.





    1ļ UAO X2 Uncontrolled, Trigger, Delayed Effect, Extra Time, Concentrate, Incantations (both to activate and create), Charges, Cost End (Paid at time of use)


    2ļ Basically the same as above but with the focus of drawing/spell components (Rare Items)




    P.S.: I have not put to much time into this but I would love anyone elses take on how to do this.

  8. I simply go by the third typr of luck recamended in the book. Basicly Roll luck at the begining of the game, For every point rolled the character may adjust the results of a die durring play by one.


    I also allow a character to completly reroll for 3 points and as per the rules for luck no reroll mey result in a worse effect than the initial effect.


    If you read the rules they give several variations on less arbitrary ways to handle this power.



    P.S.: In heroic level games I allow characters to take 1 to 4 die of luck and Call it "EDGE". Which represents a characters intangible skill/advantage over his advisaries.

  9. Frtom my experiance the only two ways of adjusting the speed system that have worked for me are...


    1: Use the existing system in reverse. Basicly count down from 12 instead of up from 1.


    2: Ignore speed altogether. Assume every one gets one action per phase, 4 phases per turn and if someone wants more than one action they perform a sweep manuver.

  10. Originally posted by zornwil

    So if we find a good solution to this, I think in super-hero games it should REPLACE Elemental Controls (yeah you heard me right) at least 50% of the time or maybe even 90% of the time. Basically you create this power base with a number of points and the distribution of your element can vary within those limits. The key difference between this VPP and EC is really that there is a better governance than in regular VPPs, more flexibility than ECs, but overall a tighter conceptual framework, if it were fleshed out correct.


    I don't think I would replace either of the other Frameworks with this construct as all to often a character with say "Force Powers" would want to create a force wall, or Force Field something this construct would not allow. The way I am making the character he has a 15+15 EC for his flight, force field, entangle and weak force wall, Then he has his big 75 point V.P.P. that only allows TK as the power in it. So if he wanted to say use missle deflection with the TK fx he would not be allowed to.


    Although I can see more than simply this situation were this might come up such as a character who can create "Force Fields" that is only allowed to have force wall and force field as powers in his V.P.P.

  11. I want the flexabilaty of the V.P.P. but I can also see the advantage of having the predetermained slots of a multipower.


    Keneton: I am not sure if you are familiar variable advantage but it does not allow you to sacrifice power for advantages the way I would like. I am thinking while using full power the power is very crude a basic TK but while using lower levels he is the absolute master of his trick. (I will "assume" you know how the advantage works as you are so active on these boards and seem to be very in touch with the rules. I often agree with your other post.)

  12. Actually 15 STR 0 END TK could lift any number of people as long as they all weigh less than 200KG each because it is a continuous attack once he starts the power he may maintain it at full power while starting it again on a second target also at full power. The normal controlling factor for continuous powers is END cost however buy paying +1/2 this has been eliminated.


    Hell for 60 AP he could have a 27 STR TK 0-END.



    In short I still think TK is way to Cheep.

  13. How mach of a limitation would it be on a V.P.P. to only be able to use one power of a single FX. Basicly I am trying to do the old style variable advantage and thought V.P.P. to be my best bet. So I am Creating a character with a V.P.P. of Force Manipulation Only Red Flame TK -?. (Red Flames are only the way the powers look there is no heat or non kenetic energy available.)


    I initialy thought -1 to -2 but then I thought that could be to cheap. but then -3/4 would be to expensive, so i thought to get other peoples oppinions.

  14. TK in my mind has alway been incredably under priced. After all the damage a character can do even with a 15 STR TK and advantages is rediculous to say the least.


    Keneton touches on the basics add 0-end and we have a nasty little power indead. Can you imagine a player whos character holds four of the villians in the air doing pathetic damage to all of them waiting fopr the other other players to get around to finishing them off or even doing it him self with his other powers.

  15. I like the idea of having a set amount of time to learn skills as you suggest. I understand the idea behind skill levels in individual skills equating to proficiency. One of the things I was wondering is how many skills would a doctor have? I have a friend who just received a bachelors of computer science in addition to his normal computer skills he also had to learn very advanced math and some sciences along with a second language. Making for him having about six or seven skills above and beyond his mastery. I would like to see examples of this.


    I have been using the Heroes Unlimited’s skill packages as guidelines in my mind but I would like to think that a game should be self sufficient. I would also like to see skill challenge examples like the following for more skills. (Perhaps thrown into sidebars.)



    Roll + 3; Convince some one of something they were inclined to believe any way.


    Roll +0; Convince someone of something of which they have no other knowledge. (Yeh can you believe she slept with Tim man that makes me think she has no morals.)


    Roll -2; Convince some one of something they have heard is wrong. (I know bill told you that computer memory works like a Static Energy storage but he was wrong I read a book about this and can tell you from that book that the memory works based off of a stored magnetic charge it receives the “Gauss Pass†in the mother board.)


    Roll -4; Convince someone of something they know from minor experience is wrong. (Yeh I know while you were driving in your mind it seemed like it was a couple of hours but I have timed that trip twice and it takes exactly 63 min. I mean after all what is better your perception or a timer?)


    Roll -6; Convince someone of something they fully know is just plain wrong. (I’m telling you the sky is green dude look at it.)


  16. Well I have not spent the time to flush out or trouble shoot the system yet. I see the points that some of you are making.



    As for intermediate skills I am talking about If I have a character who is very intelligent 20 he will be either basic understanding (-8) for 1 point or professionally skilled (-13) 3 points. The jump is to big for my mind.


    I understand the point of view that this system will make the “Skilled Normal†less useful and I agree that that would be a draw back.


    My problem is I don’t like the way the skills are now but do not have a way to fix them. So I posted a quick think item I have been pondering off and on for a couple of days hopping that one of you has had time to make some other systems.


    I do not like to post “I hate this†lines with out posting alternative ideas. So I will post what I am thinking.





    1: Easy to Figure out.


    2: Players Are Already Familiar With It.


    3: No Conversion Needed



    1: No default skills (Bill with 20 Dex has the same untrained skill at being sneaky as Ted with 5 Dex.)


    2: No Defined Guidelines For Levels of Education. (How many points should a character with a Doctorate, Bachelors or even a high school education have in skills? I know people who seem to have thirty or forty points in skills and people who seem to have 10 points in skills.)


    3: Generally Sloppy. (The skill system seems to be a little sloppy I wish it was closer to the combat system. Example includes Pre Based Skills. How much do I need to make it buy to accomplish common tasks for each skill.)


    For the last few years I have been just making it upo as I go but It would have been nice to get some better guidelines than the chart listed in the skills section.

  17. I have been playing with a simple alternative way of doing skills.


    Instead of paying three points for a skill a characters skills would all be based on his Stat rolls plus or minus a penalty based on complexity/situation. In this version a character would buy skill levels but no actual skills. So to people sneaking in the same building would both make DEX rolls but if player two had +3 with all stealth rolls he would obviously have an edge.



    This would fix what I have always considered a weak spot of HERO which was the no intermediate skills thing. While not completely changing the rules. Then I would have ties go to the character with the higher excess base stat over the break .


    Using this system character would buy Skill levels as normal for the HERO system they simply would not buy any “Skills†Converting characters from the books would be as simple as for every two points spent in a skill the character is +1 to that roll. So there would really be no hard conversion or effort needed.




    “The Juror†is trying to out think a bomb made by “Madcapâ€. Madcap has Int 17 and +3 with demolitions skills (6 points), The Juror has Int 13 and +2 with demolitions.


    Madcap Rolls a 11 making his roll by 4, The Juror rolls a 12 making his roll by 4 equals a tie however since Madcap has a higher redundant level he wins the tie.



    What do you think has any one tried anything simmular?

  18. Originally posted by Armitage

    (Fanboy On)

    It was the Aged Genghis, a senile nearly immortal wizard who regains his senses every century for the contest.

    He was the one imprisoned in the crystal, which was a manifestation of the Vishanti.

    The Vistani are the Gypsy tribe in Ravenloft.

    Victims of the crystal fell under the control of the Vishanti and began attacking the other competitors.

    (Fanboy Off)



    You should never turn off the fan boy. Then you will become one of those forty year old men making fun of 18 year olds who read comics.

  19. I am sensing some hostility here. I personally don’t like the idea and think of it as counter productive. However I think there is a better way to tell someone than extreme reactions like this.


    I personally have always thought of the hero system and the gurps system as inherently better because of their simplicity. The D6 thing is part of that simplicity so I would never change it.

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