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Everything posted by GCMorris

  1. I'm thinking about adding mind flayers (D&D) to my game world. Any ideas on how to handle the brain sucking ability?
  2. The clockwork guy has several gadgets which use time as the special effect. This one allows him to have more than one if himself active at one time due to being in two places at once. The magician creates a simulacrum of herself which is sort of a solid illusion, not a living person but she takes a percentage of the damage if the simulacrum takes damage. Very hard on an inexperienced GM but I love the drive of the players and want them to explore their imagination.
  3. I really like this group of characters but some of them are using abilities we neglected when I last played 20 years ago
  4. Ah. I see now. Thank you all for the replies. I'm way too inexperienced at this to be the GM. After thinking about it I think an Entangle may be best for freezing an opponent in time but I'm still unsure about how to SLOW the opponent.
  5. Bubba Smith its not in Pulp Hero because the hero (and others) are men (and women) out of time in the modern era fighting super villains. The player was asking about "time" bombs, little clockwork bombs that can slow or speed time. I suggested to build it as area effect SPD drain. This was after I told him to choose the powers he wants his character to have and I would help him build it.
  6. A member of our group is a scientist who focuses on clockwork gadgets, potions and such. He is struggling with powers/abilities that can be explained in this manner. He also has the problem of all his powers (aside from resistant defense built into his clothing) take time to put into play. Any advice? I really like his character and want him to work. Thanks.
  7. GCMorris


    Oh I am doing a 250 point game. Yeah, I think that's what superheroes would really look like in costume.
  8. Victims are unable to do anything other than watch the sparklies. The vertigo effect is caused by the same power.
  9. Got a character who wants to have the power to mesmerize (through visual, sparkly ooh-ah stuff) and hit someone with a powerful vertigo. What are the best ways to incorporate this, mind control?
  10. GCMorris


    Hi. I've got a player who wants to base his character off of the wrestler Goldust. He will be a specialist in wrestling and some strikes and will have decent strength maybe equal to Beast but he also wants him to have some actual powers that fit in with his persona. I suggested a high Presence and things that are "trippy". Input is requested from the sages of this forum.
  11. How about just his real name? Everyone doesn't need a code name.
  12. Yeah. Wasn't Box a paraplegic?
  13. TV characters such as Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory are borderline special needs (social issues) but they are still very relevant characters.
  14. One of our characters was very unstable and would go into a rage granting him physical characteristics. He was also a fan of professional wrestling, you can imagine how it went from there. Another was a mentalist who also had Danger Sense and Clairsentience although her abilities weren't totally in her control. A pyrokinetic, a telekinetic and a summoner rounded out the party.
  15. A long time ago we ran a campaign where everyone was a "mental patient ", in a mental asylum. "touched " if you will. The heroes are a bit different mentally but it's mostly because of the mental strain of having powers. You guys have a lot more knowledge and experience with the game than I do you will come up with better answers I'm sure.
  16. I'm working on two criminal organizations right now. One is a group whose goons are all wearing power armor but are not a threat to heroes unless they are in groups. The other I kinda stole from watching episodes of The Tick. The Idea Men are aliens who all wear corporate suits and look like humans (not their real forms) but are a little silly because they don't quite fit in. They are meant for a little more light hearted scenarios. I don't have names for the groups yet.
  17. Many many years ago I built a mentalist on 4e who had an RKA with many advantages and limitations. I can't remember all of it but it was Based on ECV with 0 END and Persistent. It was particularly nasty and after one battle the GM told me I couldn't use that anymore. Was he being sour because he didn't account for it in his game or do you think it was simply too much cheese?
  18. If someone wanted to disintegrate/vaporize an enemy weapon would it be done the same way? Or Transform?
  19. So Pyro can control Torch's flames..
  20. This may not be the proper board for this question so feel free to move it if need be. I know that Human Torch is by leagues more powerful than Pyro but can Pyro control Torch's fire in any way?
  21. Luckily none of my players care much about point efficiency, they care more about character concept. Right now. But I'm sure that will change, they're new. I'm basically new...
  22. GCMorris


    Hi guys. I'm having questions about another villain I'm building. Most of my characters are straight forward so I'm Not as needy as you are all thinking
  23. I have a very long campaign in mind. My weakness is that once I come up with an idea I don't want to let it go when many times I'm in way over my head. I haven't played in so long I'm basically a noob.
  24. Well, I imagined the GodGuy actually mind controlling his stronger followers and the stronger followers mind controlling the normals (an ability granted by him). I also wanted him to be able to transfer power from his followers to augment his own abilities, basically cannibalizing them. An ability he also grants to the stronger followers. To defeat him the heroes will have to defeat the normal goons which will later bring on fights with the real villains and then a final (?) confrontation with Mr. Special. They bring him down to a beatable level by taking out his generals and removing the mind control he has over them. He can only take their power if he has them under his control. Is this too much micromanaging?
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