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Everything posted by GCMorris

  1. Perhaps this is too difficult to explain properly and. Perhaps it's too expensive to build. Line of sight being the attackers seeing her they have a very hard time bringing themselves to harm her "oh I can't hurt her". Only when specifically targeting her. Maybe I should just let this one go, lol.
  2. Yeah yeah. I haven't posted much so I thought I would just try to see what I've already posted by just skimming back the only two forums in which I post.
  3. Apparently I didn't look very hard. Thanks!
  4. I have an NPC in my campaign who basically sells his gadgetry skills to anyone. For a reasonable fee of course. He usually takes money from villains and rich heroes plus favors whilst he usually only asks for favors from poor heroes. He's a mercenary with a small sliver of a heart.
  5. I may have asked this question before and if I have I apologize, I didn't go d it when I looked back through my previous posts. I have a villainous assassin who can use her martial arts whilst desolid. As per 4e rules any power that one can use whilst desolid must be bought with a +2 Advantage. Now, does this mean that each martial maneuver plus strength must be bought with the +2 Advantage? The rule wasn't overly clear.
  6. Its line of sight. Only directly targeting her, enemies will have no problem targeting others with area effect attacks if she is in the area. I think I'm wanting something requiring willpower to defend against it so perhaps a presence attack would fit the bill. You guys have more experience at this than I do. I'm still exploring.
  7. Well I should be more specific I guess. When people go to attack her they feel an aversion to harming her in any way. Even neutralizing her without violence is abhorrent to them.
  8. I had an idea for a goofy character but I have no clue as to how I can implement it. You ever been having a group discussion at work and this one person comes in and enters the conversation....and everybody disperses, ending the conversation? Yeah, that guy. He shows up during a fight between the good guys and bad guys and everybody stops fighting and just leaves.
  9. The puzzle box activates travel to six different dimensions and all within a certain radius are transported or a step through portal I. Not fully decided. Not all dimensions are hostile and it can't really be used to summon things but any being in the same space on the other side can step through which has actually happened recently
  10. The vampiric seductress I'm building has as her main defense the innate ability to make people not want to attack her. How can I handle this?
  11. Do you guys build goofy characters for fun? What silly powers did you give them? I have a chameleon type character who has Clinging Always On, 0 End, Persistent. Even if he's knocked out or killed he sticks to the wall
  12. I'm building an old school, page turning wizard with a spellbook. I've never made a magic using character for myself so I'm giving it the old college try. I'm putting the majority of his spells in a spellbook except for a few minor tricks. I want him to have a large repertoire but not be able to memorize them all at once. I'm guessing making the spellbook a Focus and a Magic Power Pool or Multipower only able to change between adventures or is that too crippling? Perhaps needing a day to change the powers. Thoughts and advice is always welcome as are presents
  13. I'm building a team of less than moral heroes. They are somewhere between black and white. They aren't bad but don't hesitate to stoop to a little criminal activity if they have to. The quirky thing about them is that they are all sort of 1940s-esque characters who only do their crime fighting at night. I've also built them as low powered 375 point characters, they are not powerful and quite killable although they are tenacious and tricky with very useful abilities. I'm calling them the Shadows of Innsmouth in honor of my favorite writer. Innsmouth will be a Boston-esque city in my campaign world. I need one more member of the team. I don't want super bricks or other powerful people. It's difficult to explain. So far I have: Mr. 13: dupes, a little hand to hand and the original form carries a 1940s-50s scifi style ray gun. Gold Dust: old school wrestler with decent strength (35) and two different types of dust he throws at ppl. Idea Man: low level mentalist/tk with some other abilities. Hollywood Nocturne: seductress/vampire-like. She doesn't suck blood but uses Transfers. Dogface: low powered werewolf type.
  14. I've decided to make him with twelve dupes so I will call him... Mr. 13. Okay, tell me if it's dumb
  15. Super-Duper? Gang Greene (his last name is Greene and he wears green suits).
  16. That would be Multiple Man. I'm not wanting to copy him directly but it is a good example. Thank you.
  17. I don't have much experience building anything other than bricks and energy wielding ppl. I'm trying to spread my wings into different things. I should point out that I'm using 4e.
  18. Got a dupe guy who is an average guy and wears a business suit without a mask. I need a cool plain name. Here's what I've got so far: Everyman Man from Nantucket The Dude Guy
  19. I'm building a duplication guy who is basically a normal bloke with maybe 100 points in skills and martial arts. I want a lot of dupes, what are some non crippling ways of increasing the number of dupes I can get with 375 points?
  20. I'm great at writing background for my players and will do so for them willingly. I only ask them to write a few interesting things they want their characters to have experienced and I will flesh it out for them. It's quite easy and it helps me to create plot devices against them
  21. Hi all. Building a character who generates and manipulates crystal. I want her to be able to generate an area of brittle crystals around her so that it crunches whenever someone (invisible) approaches. Would this be done as a Detect or PER rolls bonus? I'm using 4e.
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