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Hadmar von Wieser

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Everything posted by Hadmar von Wieser

  1. I especially like the "unaware of the advances in mad science" bit. You might add a passage about how the computer is neatly covered and built-in and not visible and how it cannot be hit by a random projectile or thrown weapon to go haywire and make the vats boil over, the reactor melt down, or the self-destruct mechanism activate by itself.
  2. How nice to meet someone thinking so alike. Actually I am combining the concept of the seven colours of the emotional spectrum (Green Lanterns) with the concept of energetic dimensions like The Green, The Red, The Blue and even the concept of the Seven Endless (Ds). There are two more heptalogies in the DC universe I am alluding to - but I will not post them here because at least on of my players might get spoiled. @Cassandra: And we are doing time travels, too, this being one of DCs charateristic story telling tools. The power is coming from ZATANNA, but of course only "uncontrolled", that is, only if I prepare a situation where the JL "decides" the only chance is to travel back or forward in time. And they always have to travel to a special magic gate location like Stonehenge, and Indian Cemetary, or a Nazi Bunker to get there. (So for your question this kind of movement might be irrevelant.)
  3. I am gm-ing a Justice League Campaign with the JL Satellite in Orbit. So they have the teleporter to get them whereever. And they have Zatanna to do the same without tech. I am trying to set half the stories in Star City, Metropolis, and Gotham, 40% all over the world, and 10% on other planets or other dimensions, hells, or planes.
  4. That might depend on WHO you are - not what you ride. Bruce Banner already proved this ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db-4xnb77Lk And we have a guy on a surfboard and kids on broomsticks. GHOSTRIDER might even light a Vespa up to hellish coolness.
  5. Oh, and Rorschach is a prime example of course. I would buy back PRE for positive effects and especially for most PRE skills. You dont want to have Conversation, High Society, and Trading with a guy whose countenance you cannot read. Persuasion and Oratory always will be more Paranoia then feeling convinced. The character is almost unable to do Acting. And of course Seduction is out of question. All these things, even Bribery, need trust - and you cannot trust someone who does not smile, does not show (with pupillary dilation) what excites him, does not frown, does not flex or relax his cheeks and lips to give you clues if he likes or dislikes what you do. But he can have additional PRE limited to threats and ominous anouncements, and for Interrogation. Interrogation works terribly good if you have no clue how to react except telling the whole truth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pupillary_response
  6. You might want to read the Wikipedia Entry for the "Uncanny Valley". There is a strange psychological effect: We like human faces and we can accept things that are obviously non-human. But if a being looks "a little bit human" (the uncanny valley between) we get a creepy, eerie feeling of alienness. Think about the current "Terror clown" wave. Think about V for Vendetta and the Anonymous masks. Think about the Joker, Hannibal Lecter's mask, Darth Vader and Dr. Doom. Samurai masks, ancient greek tragedy masks, voodoo and juju masks. I see a clear Social Complication (very frequently, major): people feel uneasy and revulsive. They never know how the character reacts and feels, have to guess, expect the worst, and try to break and avoid social interaction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley
  7. Judging from several videos I just watched Systema (at least in basic techniques and philosophy) actually is purely reactive and mainly consists of combinations of Block, Grab and Throw (or to put it better: Force Down). And of course as most Military Martial Arts the weaponless part is only the last resort and most maneuvres usually are used with knife, club or gun. I like HMs build, especially Grappling Throw and Disarming Throw, which seem to be so essential to Systema that they do not appear to be redundant. But shove and root do not seem to fit, neither in Systema's philosophy nor in practical use. Perhaps instead add a conventional4 Martial Escape ½ +0 +0 +15 STR vs. Grabs And +2 CSLs with Grab, Throw, Rolling with a Punch
  8. I stumbled upon this site several times in the last 15 years. Very competent. But half a year after your posting still no menu entry for Dark Champions and the other RPGs, as far as I can see.
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