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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. With apologies to Supes... An idea I had Ooo... free drawing, the holy grail of the artistically inept (Myself included) gamer! How about this for a superman clone.. uhm, kind of. Eklar of the D'movian province figured the judge would go pretty light on him. So he had got into another fight. Big deal, maybe others had adjusted to this new age of peace for the planet but not him. He was a man of action. Of course, he had destroyed that nocturnal recreation lot in the fight, but surely it was accredited? The judge wasn't amused, "This is your third violation that has lead to major property damage. Under the new administration, incarceration for crimes is seen as barbaric... so..." The judge gave a grin, "I have decided to get 'creative'." Suddenly, Eklar was nervous. "Eklar, you are hereby sentenced to community service... in the Sol System, on the third planet... they have light gravity, and few of the abilities we consider natural. There you shall assist the natives as one of their 'super heroes', doing good, saving lives, and putting your over stimulated aggression glands to good use. Period of thirty cycles! An implant will be your means of checking in with your rehibilitation officer. " And that was that... Now Ecklar finds himself in a guady out fit, and looking down on an Earth city to see what accident prone terran is going to fall off a building THIS evening. Fortunately, the Terrans are pretty gullible, and have fallen for this whole "Truth, Justice, and the Earthen Way" dung he's been spouting as his reason for being here. Heck, she was a bit pasty colored, but that media female was kind of cute... if he played his probabilities right... The annoying 'Ping' of his implant went off... time to contact the homeworld. Sigh.
  2. Well, Power wise you might consider things like limited Precognition linked to Deduction rolls. While the player might not be interested in combat, if you feel his character will get taken out too easily, you could suggest he buy some DCV or a little Damage Reduction linked to Intelligence rolls.
  3. Damn... this is close, but Wolverine has admitted that he has 'no stomach fer gutting animals'... where as the taco bell dog has (as far as we know), no such restraints against nipping the nads right off a mutant. Going by that, I'm afraid the Taco Bell Chihuahua wins
  4. Re: Re: Give me a break!!!!! I have to agree with you. Heck, 'Spider-Man' 'Superman' 'Batman'? It's not like Aqua Man doesn't make sense for the times. I understand Aquaman has been souped up in other ways in the past few years, seeing across the globe through any sea creatures eyes etc? Sadly, the problem isn't power, it's perspective on him. Maybe we should have a thread for 'Aquaman/Sub Mariner' Clones just to show the might that can be fishy fellows?
  5. Darn it, told you to disregard that. Have you made a Duplicating Brick with the Perk "Xerox Spokesman"? (Why should Binary Man have all the goods?)
  6. *G* That's a great site, mostly because it picks on almost all the super friends (And foes) equally
  7. As Seeker watches Quantum get slammed through a steel wall, "Not so funny now, is it mate?"
  8. We've had some interesting debates on who could beat who in comic book dom. Which is kind of fun Anyone thought of total mismatches? Those cross over battles that you're pretty sure would last, two or three panels tops, maybe a page if folks were feeling chatty? One I'd like to see.... Superman VS Speedball The only way Speedball could probably win is if Superman got dizzy watching speedy bounce around. Lobo VS the Fabulous Frogman Poor Eugene's legs would be served on a side platter Wolverine VS one of the Robins (Sure I'll get someone protesting this one) The kid would probably feel as if he'd fallen into a terminator movie... ("He's still coming!") Galactus VS the Blue Beetle? "Oh , well, this is just ducky..." any thoughts on other matches?
  9. How easily you misjudge me... I like Dr. Pepper Actually, the talk of Aquaman in another thread has me wondering, ever do a sea hero concept? If you already posted an example of it, disregrad this opps
  10. Aquaman is like Rodney Dangerfield, he gets no respect. And yeah, it was Superfriends that did it to him. Poor sap. Frankly, I enjoyed Aquaman best in the hands of a good writer who did a little homework on the ocean. Comics and other stories where Aquaman used things he knew about the nature of his homeland against surface dwelling intruders could be very cool to see. Not just the animals, but tid bits like underwater geysers, and deep sea pressure. However, you could only do so many underwater things for the Justice League; and once out of his element... folks started treating him like a side kick. I blame part of it on how many other members of the JL handle deep sea stuff as if it were 'no big deal' power wise. I'd love , just once, to see a Green Lantern miscalculate the growing pressure on his force bubble as he descends, and have to have Aqua bail him out
  11. Yes, I certainly hope that's not the animation/drawing we can expect for the show
  12. For Tick like campaigns, I've thought of one... Density Increase, Head only (-1) (Possible Mental Defense Linked) Extra Running and Leaping on Charges Armor, again, Head only... An HA Penetrating attack... (Guess where?) Behold, you have created "Headstrong! The Living Lawn Dart!"
  13. Re: you may be over powered When a group of villains, through coordinated effort, sound tactics, and sheer luck actually kills one of your duplicates, you yawn and reply "Crunch all you want, I'll make more..." You might be overpowered
  14. Yeah, wonder if they are worried folks will confuse Gar for 'Odo' or something Found this... http://vu.morrissey-solo.com/moz/perez/info/tt-cartoon1.htm
  15. Yeah, I saw "Spider-Man Unlimited" , what I thought of it isn't fit for polite conversation. It was a cute concept for maybe one or two shows, that's it. Sometimes TV and Movies decide to 'improve' on a character, 9/10 times, that kills it. Not sure how far in the future it will be. I must say, the animation sample I saw for Teen Titans (And I don't know where I saw it) didn't look as GOOD to me as the JLA one.
  16. Re: Re: two more concepts Have you considered using Lex Luthor as portrayed in Smallville as a potiential super hero then? Fascinating depiction there...
  17. two more concepts Concept for a Spider-Man Clone I had, and may one day make... A young man, with the blood of some American Indian tribe in him, makes the mistake of ticking off Grandmother Spider (Perhaps by showing disrespect as he tries to level ancient sites?), she therefore decides to make him part of her grand design. After a near death experence, he awakens with Spider powers, and finds himself accidentally changing at odd times, and drawing attention from elements of chaos. Another one... Kind of a DOOM jr., a powered armored concept who is a real life Prince of a small Europeon (or other, take your pick) country. He is studying in America at insistance of his father, and the suit is part of his nation's tech. Load him with perks, give him Noblise Oblige, and I dubbed him "Imperial". It's the name the media would give him, he would point out his nation had never been an empire. If you don't like them, well, it's late... if you DO like them, then *bow bow, collects kudos*
  18. Well, I like the line up at least Wish they had Jericho. Properly used, he was cool.
  19. If Supes had landed in Australia.... would Steve Irwin be alive today? If Supes had landed in Lichenstien... wait... how the heck did the ship HIT Lichenstein? If Supes had landed in Poland... No one would tell another Joke about them again...EVER
  20. If your most common line to Gravitar is "Who's yer Daddy?" If, for only five more points, your base subsumes the REST of Manhatten. If VIPER Nests collapse when you E-Mail them If the Empearyeans declare you their El Presedante for life! (they live a long long time) If your idea of 'making it sporting' is to lower down to a mere 18d6 If You have an always on megascale transform of 'Where I have trod becomes my domain', and you also have lots of running If When a mystery arises, you can't decide which psychic power to use to break it today, as you have them all anyways If you have taken 'Earth, 14-' as a DNPC, and the GM can no longer think of ways to threaten it. --you might be overpowered
  21. If you're looking for some There are some good ones in both Champions Genre book, and the Champions Universe (For Kenetik)
  22. Sadly, due to timing and other considerations I can never watch "Static Shock". Suffice to say, I'm in Justice League new episode withdrawl.
  23. Re: Re: just a few By all means, mix and match. The random generator in the Champions genre book can be interesting. If you want to really confuse it, roll secondary powers from a completely different archetype
  24. just a few Well, some concepts I've either played, made or written about, feel free to use, abuse or adapt... 1) I took the term "Captain America Clone" litterally. The government, in seeking a perfect hero, cloned a golden age hero. They began to put in false memories, and implanting skills as best they could by expemental tech. They fed him a lie... he WAS that Goden Age hero, they told him, frozen in suspended animation... and America needed him more than ever. Now, I had him find out he was just a clone, his martial arts were too mechanical, and so forth. However, one could play him as still a dupe. Betrayed being questioning his humanity, or heroic clone living a lie... your call. 2) The shortest lived villain carreer ever... I wrote a very brief story about a 'Villain' named Torrent. JmOz had asked for tales based on 9-11 with super heroes and such to honor the real heroes of our world. Torrent is ready to go out and plauge New York, only to find out the WTC is crumbling. When he arrives on the scene, someone mistakes him for a super hero. By the end of saving lives (And having his life saved in return by a fireman) he IS one. One could turn any tragedy into a story that sets a young man (or mutant) on the right path. 3) Not story oriented, but I've been considering a Shrinking Character with a rather nasty HKA that comes in the form of 'tearing' an oppenent as he only shrinks a 'part' of them with a touch. I'm sure I'll think of more later.
  25. Well, I've already given an opinion in the "Champions Iconic (Blasphemy)" thread on how I think the Champs can be used, so I won't bore you. Really though, they can grow on you if you flesh them out.
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