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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Hmm, I have Characters of my own? Oh wait, I do. Most of the campaigns get played in frequently, at least the FTF ones, but... Lone Star- A growing flying patriot (Texan style) brick with X-ray vision. Most as like he'd pluck that little fellow up fast as he could and get him outta there. Reckon if the x-rays could tell him what part of that bomb was bad, he'd remove it. Slammer- Slammer is a brick, albeit with a forcefield and double knockback punches instead of the more typical set up. This would startle him, and he's a glory hound so he might panic and do something flashy. He might try to presence attack the guy long enough for him to get the innocents out of there. The Art wouldn't be his top priority. He might rip in through a side wall and surprise the guy while using said wall as a shield for folks to get cover under. Surge- I would weedle with the GM to see if he'd let Surge's science skills help. Surge would probably talk to the guy, not being over confident like some of my other characters, and would listen to advice from experts. If he could keep the signal from going through some how, he would. He'd try to keep everyone alive because that's what dad would have wanted. (Long story) Wildcard- Wild Card is slightly unhinged in a cross between Batman and Foxbat kind of way. He's also an escape artist and might be able to remove that thing before the guy could blink. He does have an entangle and would consider it's use first, but if that wasn't feasible.. he might hold himSELF hostage unless the crook conceded to his demands... uhm, that probably wouldn't work. Luck roll please?
  2. I'm going to have to start saving pennies (as I'm a bit strapped) and actually get some DH issues, dog gone it. Lost Worlds... mmmm nice.
  3. Rats Don't get me wrong. This is good news. It's just that when I saw the title of the thread, I thought... "A Nightwing Movie? Hopefully withOUT O'Donnel? Or maybe a TV series... ALRIGHT!" I mean, being able to say his name is nice, but you can understand my disapointment
  4. I made the Unholy Trinity for one campain Consisting of Defiler : A demon in a human host who corrupts all around him. Dementia : A mentalist who projects his many insanities onto others. Wrath: A female Brick who is as angry as her name sake. This way I've got body, mind, and spirit covered
  5. Re: Um... Heck, I thought he was downright depressed.
  6. Hermit

    For FREEDOM!

    Liberty Lad just grated on my nerves for some reason. Must be the old fogey in me, that young punk just was asking for a trip to the wood shed.
  7. Hermit

    For FREEDOM!

    Custom Characters Actually, it was that voice I used when I tinkered with character creation. I picked Minute Man as a basic template, choose the red color for his costume, altered a few powers (especially their names), put Iron Ox's voice for him... and behold, REDCOAT was born! "Can't let those damn colonials show us up, eh wot?"
  8. How to lure Have some sort of tape player rewind and run a woman's scream every hour or so. Watch the would be saviors of the 'Damsel in Distress' kick the door down *EG* Or, should your heroes be less galant, marking the door "Ming's Harem Chamber" can also lure them in.
  9. Re: Terran Empire Thank you for the heads up on that Peregrine, I'm sure it's just a part of the DoJ's insidious plot to get me to buy other genre products even for my Champs games.
  10. Mmmph. Clearly I need to reread my CU, but it did seem like there weren't that many among the still living. Keep the posts coming though. Interesting to see how others work it.
  11. Wow, there's a blast from the past... really takes me back. wait.. too far back, I wasn't even a devious gleam in daddy's eye then... must hit chronal brakes... *Sounds of paradox*
  12. Hermit

    For FREEDOM!

    Oh, what the heck By the way, just curious, and NOT putting up a poll (Must make... ego check)... but for those of you that know the game... What is your favorite character? I'd have to go with "The Ant" myself. I hate ants, but this little Spiderman inspired fella is great. Versitile powers, and I even like his personality.
  13. This has been brought up before in the old boards, but hey, that was some time ago. Speaking for myself, I don't have Star Hero, yet. It maybe sometime before I can get it. I have Champions Universe, and it does seem to have only 4 or 5 alien races in the Milky Way. I know some folks hate aliens, but I like them. It does feel though, that 'officially' it's being discouraged. I maybe totally misreading that. Yes, we have Ironclad and Firewing, etc. However, in the comic books, you see litterally dozens of alien races of varying tech levels throughout the local galaxy. Here we have ...what five? What are other GM's using for their own settings? What amount per galaxy do you think is a reasonable number? do you even have aliens on your planet yet who are known as such? I'm curious. (And also suffering from Insomnia)
  14. In one of my first "Lords of Justice" campaigns, I was running my friends. While not total newbies, they sometimes forgot things... so Poltergeist ends up encased in an ice block. Later, Jamerson Lord (NPC patron of the team and former super hero) asks, "Why didn't you simply walk through the ice?" The player had forgot her character had desolidifcation. She groaned, both OOC and IC. We teased her a bit, but assured her everyone had those moments. Naturally, I'll not tell MY moment without sizable reward or threat.
  15. Hermit

    For FREEDOM!

    Rats. I hope Ben can find the old info. And I don't know. I surely hope so.
  16. Have you peeked at E-bay? I don't know if they have one NOW, but it's a place to start.
  17. Re: Damsel In Distress 101 mmmm.. 1) It depends, can normals 'haymaker' or push in your campaign? If they can, breaking that rope might be pretty easy for them. 2) Hmmm.. the ideas mentioned so far are good. Transform is another posiblity, with a limitation that as soon as the gag is gone, so is the transform? 3) Not sure. A "death trap" VPP seems pretty original, and I like the sound of it. Maybe with a limitation to reflect time needed or using materials about?
  18. I wish you luck... and I'll pray for their PCs *EG*
  19. An excellent series. If anyone ever starts a Fantasy HERO PBEM on this, I would not be surprised if it got more takers than it could handle.
  20. Some how the line "The things I'm gonna do for my country" ruins the image for me of Vin as Cap.
  21. Hermit

    For FREEDOM!

    Ok, despite the fact it has been out for awhile, only in the last 2 months have I been able to play and enjoy "Freedom Force" by irrational games. I've had a ball. I'm sure someone somewhere has already asked this, but... Does anyone have HERO style write ups for these guys?
  22. I'm thinking a relative unknown might be best. If they can find the right guy.
  23. I don't get to use them much. I did have a batman type superheroine wake up being lowered into a matrix of lasers where she'd be sliced and diced. Once I had a scene with Foxbat, a door marked "The Foxbat Deathtrap, copyright 1996" Would you believe not one of them entered? Wimps.
  24. While perhaps just variations on what you've already covered, don't forget: Cloning, it's not just for sheep any more. Down loading your brain into a computer/robot Someone goes back in time and 'saves' the villain (Or, even more ironic, the super heroes go back, and one side effect is the fiend lived)
  25. I haven't run an 'all teen' hero game, so my teen super heroes are the same as my adult ones really. It might be unrealistic, but hey, the whole genre is on some points
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