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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Carol Anders was vctimised and bullied all through school including junior high and high school. It continued through college where as a result of a particular cruel prank she was expelled for cheating on the final exams. It was in the depths of despair that she then made the wish and found everything was better for the people who had harmed her. That broke her spirit completely. Now as Harpy she goes after bullies and others and makes them suffer. The first ones to suffer were the ones who had made her life a misery. She has yet to explain to the others where exactly she got her new powers but they have ideas. Not many people can grant you wings. And know who you are and who you were.
  2. The commentary says 'If you thought the new version of Star Trek sucked, wait until you see what laighing boy has done to the Star Wars franchise'
  3. The inspiration for the German Eurovision song contest winning song 'A Little Peace'was Der Roter Baron. Specifically his neighbours who wany him to quiten down so they could get a little peace and quiet.
  4. BlueCloud2k2 once entered a 'are you dumber than G W Bush ?' competition and won
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy. I Am Groot is destined to become a lot of people's default answers. I knew Dave Bautista as Batista from WWE. It is when he is around other people you realise how big the guy is. It was interesting to see what they did with Thanos. And the backup actors apart from the main cast were a treat. They even had the voice of Darth Maul who died a heroic death.
  6. Lana Del Ray - Ultraviolence There is some disturbing stuff on there, for example a woman saying that being hit felt like a kiss.
  7. Gillian Anderson won Best Actress for A Streetcar Named Desire at the Evening Standard Awards. Well it makes me happy.
  8. BlueCloud2k2 played the mountain in K2. He did not need any make up. But he was told to keep the avalaches to a minimum.
  9. Both Ed Sheeran albums. Thinking Out Loud Now That's What I call Christmas which is three CDs Sounds of the 80s which is modern artists doing 80s tracks for Radio 2. The Hunger Games Mockinjay Part 1 soundtrack which has both versions of Yellow Flicker Beat.
  10. More episodes of The Sweeney so that we are through Season 2. A plethora of British acting talent that in some cases went onto bigge things such as Colin Welland who won an Oscar.
  11. Black Friday shopping has infected this country. we don't have Thanksgiving.
  12. Radio 1 Live Lounge 2014. A double CD. Surprisingly Kasabian made an Iggy Azalea tune listenable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVXD4T58mmg
  13. You are on clean up duty behind the police horses who someone has fed laxatives.
  14. it seems pointless complaining about minutiae with the bad weather in the States and Ebola in Africa. However hwne has that stopped anything ? So the Necter points company won't give points on Spirits, beer and liquours which stung me last night as I was 60 pence roughly $1 under the limit I needed for a promotion. Lovely.
  15. BlueCloud2k2 and the Florida voting machines. Yeah, it was him
  16. You've heard of the song I saw 'Mummy kissing Santa Claus' ? Well the original version was a propaganda piece penned by BlueCloud2k2 called 'I saw Hitler kissing Goebbels' and it got him kicked out of the States by HUAC during the Red Scare.
  17. Getting up every two hours to pee is a real pain. I could understand if I had been drinking but a mug of coffee ?
  18. The classic Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Toast by Streetnband And now a drinking song simple enough for all the NGDers to understand
  19. You don't want to know what tkdguy sold to George Washington. Trust me on this.
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