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Posts posted by TheQuestionMan

  1. CHAMPIONS vs. GURPS: The gaming club at SFU played every Game System under the sun, but Champions ruled the Superhero fans, D&D and GURPS ruled the Fantasy fans.

    We played other systems and mixed genres, but 27+ years we still play GURPS Fantasy with occassional breaks in other game systems and genres.

    IMOHO Champions does Superheroes best and easiest to crossover.


  2. Choose a SETTING familiar to the PLAYERS and GM. Young Justice, Teen Titans Go!, etc... 




    Choose IMPORTANCE OF SUPERHEROES. Does the Justice League exist? Are there Avengers or X-Men?


    Choose a META PLOT for the campaign. (Battle vs. Hydra, Keeping 084s out of the Bad Guys hands, etc,,,)


    Highlight one or two PLAYER SUB-PLOTS per session. (Hunteds, Watcheds, DNPCs, or something you liked about the character's story or something you know the PLAYER enjoys.Say Pirate themed Bad Guys for the Swashbuckler?) 


    This is usually where I start. The PLAYER's CHARACTER's run rough shod over anything more detailed. (The Bad Guys in my Champions of Vancouver campaigns were supposed to be VIPER, but a random mini series encounter with VOICE changed the entire campaign Meta Plot. 




  3. Special Effects: Bracers parry high body damage and killing attacks without injurying.


    Game Mechanics:


    10 Bracers; Multipower; 15 Active Points, OIF (Bracers, -1/2)

    1u. +2 OCV w/Block.

    1u. +2 DCV w/Parry.

    1u. +2D6 Hand Attack w/Forearm Smash.

    1u. Missile Deflect w/Amazon Training.

  4. On Centurian Earth a company called Cleaver Solutions came up with a miracle material that is naturaly clear, nearly indestructable and stretches well, in it's natural state.  However there is a solution that can turn it into something similar to normal cloth (with a little bit of work) for a few hours.  While in it's altered state it can take dyes and be shaped, cut, etc...  Due to how it handles attacks and the commonality of it it is considered OIF (Technicaly it should be IIF, but...)


    SynthTech Costume 5/5 resistant Protection

    LS: Intense Heat, Intense Cold, High Pressure

    Thought it said Cleavage Solutions ;) 

  5. Great out takes, but they need an occasional context. 


    Season 3, Episode 19 - "Girls back together" 


    Young Justice style Date Time Stamp kinda thing. 



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