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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. Skywalkers. Luke never went dark side, Leia resisted even while being tortured by Vader. Owen and beru obviously raised luke well. Videogame veteran badass beatdown: B. J. Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein vs. Snake from metal gear solid.
  2. Oh please. Hillary has been accused of one crime after another since she came into politics. It started with whitewater. She was accused and investigated and nothing came of it. Then she was accused of murdering vince foster. Again, nothing was ever proven. But again the people who want to believe it swear she was guilty but got away with it. Then Ben ghazi, where she was accused of willfully causing the death of american ambassadors in Libia because.....???, despite a couple inconvenient facts, like far right christian minister terry Jones releasing a video insulting Mohammed just before the election hoping to start trouble to make Obama look like a weak preosdent and the fact the republican dominated congress cut funding for embassy security. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/12/world/middleeast/anger-over-film-fuels-anti-american-attacks-in-libya-and-egypt.html Massive repeated hearings which by a republican's own admission were meant to harm Hillary's standing innate polls revealed nothing but still trey gowdy was convinced she was guilty and another republican dramatically tore up a piece paper to show what be claimed to be Hillary's attitude towards the embassy staff..(And what motive would she have for wanting american embassy personnel killed? I have never heard her accusers provide one. Nor have I heard any Republican voters ask for one.) Now she's accused of a crime for using a private email server by people who use private email servers. One manufactured accusation after another. Hearing after hearing, investigation after investigation Total proof of any actual crimes: ZERO. I suppose if NASA ever discovers intelligent alien life someone will accuse Hillary of being one of their agents in human disguise. I can't wait.
  3. From the day President Obama took office Mitch mcturtle vowed to make him a one term president and to obstruct every single action he tried to take. He abused his position and lead the Republicans on a childish tantrum against Obama for 8 years. At one time he raised a bill which Obama decided to support. As soon as Obama supported his bill mcturtle reflexively fillibustered it. His piece da resistance was refusing to allow Obama to appoint a supreme Court justice in his last year, which had zero precedent. Mcturtle has forfeited any and all benefit of the doubt and deserves to be viewed in the worst possible light on every issue.
  4. Vomit. Because. Wind turbines vs billboards.
  5. Oatmeal. With maple syrup and butter. Potato chips vs nacho chips.
  6. Saint Louis. We have good sf and gaming conventions here. Pizza. Thick crust or thin crust.
  7. Look like mcturtle is pulling another blatant "screw democracy I'm running the government as a republican rubber stamp!” move like he did with Obama's last supreme court nominee. http://verifiedpolitics.com/mitch-mcconnell-just-announced-dirty-underhanded-plan-roy-moore-loses-tonight/ Personally I kinda hope jones shows up with several dozen armed Alabama voters and announces as the choice of the people of Alabama he will be voting on the tax bill if he and his supporters have to physically force their way into the senate, push mcturtle aside, remove strange and seat Jones by what ever means necessary. Mcturtle has been a dictator bypassing democracy and imposing republican rule far too long, it's time he was quashed.
  8. I think this is wonderful. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/well-armed-activists-openly-defy-texas-law-feed-homeless-hundreds-clothed-fed/ And yes, seeing what some police have done in America lately I'm glad people finally stood up to them and refused to be bullied or beat down.
  9. Here comes Santa Claus. Less creepy than "he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake." Dead mass murderer melee: charlie Manson vs Jeffrey Dahmer.
  10. The secret to traveller's jump drive is it was meant to recreate the "age of sail" where travel and communication could take weeks and months both ways. This created a loose imperium where strong central authority was largely impossible due to communication delays. This gave the possibility of world's being very different.
  11. Uh, hello? Remember ”Give my regards to king tut, @$$hole!” as Kurt Russell's O'neil disposed of one of Ra's thugs? That was a bit funny. Since SG1 was a mess and the movie Stargate was great I'll go with spader. Barbarian beat down: Conan vs Thundarr.
  12. cop gets away with blatant murder. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/09/us/police-shooting-video-arizona.html
  13. Mineestrone. The only way to eat a clam is fried. French vanilla frosting vs strawberry frosting.
  14. Lewis Carroll was a logician and mathematician. I support the intellectuals. Jesus vs Buddha.
  15. The Hapsburgs. I think the Wankers from married with children were based on them. Creepy neighbors: the the Brady bunch vs the Addams family.
  16. Alien abduction. I'd like to meet some intelligent lifeforms. Christmas trees: natural or artificial?
  17. Borg. Their tech can adapt faster than xenomorphs can evolve. Electro vs emperor palpatine.
  18. While trump continues too deny climate change and appoint climate change deniers to high offices, California has now moved into a 12 month fire season. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/11072017/wildfire-forest-fire-climate-change-california
  19. Handsaw. Iron warriors vs imperial fists.
  20. Cylons. At least some of them reformed. Who's more powerful: Santa Claus vs. Superman? (Think before you answer. Look at the powers wants has to have to do what he does. Could superman do it?)
  21. https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/11/04/jeff-sessions-once-again-hints-that-a-marijuana-cr.aspx Republicans absolutely big gubmint, as long as it's forcing conservative values on people. "State's rights" is conservative dog whistle for allowing red states to ignore civil rights laws and pass laws targeting minorities and women. As soon as a state passes a law conservatives don't like they want to roll out the federal government steamroller.
  22. Modern pentathlon. sports should embrace modern tech. Ultramarines vs space wolves.
  23. Zatanna. Brunette>blonde. Mashed potatoes vs stuffing.
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