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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. Whichever you're happy in with. actresses famous for b3wbz over acting ability: Sybil Danning vs Pamela Anderson.
  2. I have heard a theory that states there is no idea so stupid or disproven that at least about 20% of people won't believe it or at least claim to. Hell, how many peolle list "Jedi" as their religion?
  3. Sandra bullock even if the stupid fool married a neonazi and was suprrised he turned out to be a bad guy. Cult film beauties. Barbara Steele vs Tura Santana.
  4. Bond villain (not henchmen) battle royale: Scaramanga from "man with the golden gun" vs Lachiffe from "casino royale"".
  5. Well, along the lines of what you just said "birth of a nation" is also a true landmark (an overused term) in film. Before BoaN most fils were short, usually less than 20 minutes. Also most of them followed a person thru the film in real time. BoaN was several hours in length and covered years of time, had a very a large cast, featured massive open battle scenes, etc. I can acknowledge BoaN for it's quantum leap in film length, production, scale, etc. Without forgiving it for it's intent to portray blacks as subhuman, lazy, stupid beasts bent on raping white women. Likewise TotW had some technical accomplishments but while those must be acknowledged for their value that doesn't wash the blood off the film can. If you want an example of as movie I can forgive, it would be "breakfast at Tiffanys" which I understand was offensive to Japanese people given Mickey Rooney's yellowface caricature of a Japanese man, (see below) but that movie was not trying to create fear and hate, and by extension violence, against Japanese people.
  6. Holy tie batman! They both had great first movies, great second ones then went straight down the toilet..... After much brain wracking, i had to say the superman series is better if you add in superman returns. The superman series clearly suffered from dwindling budgets in the fourth movie whereas batman kept a high budget all the way thru the disastrous 4th movie. If two movies are really bad but one clearly had a much bigger budget i call it the worse one since it has less excuse to suck. And I may be the only one but I thought superman returns was good. Little known, under appreciated, low budget, high effort movie mash up: Frankenstein Unbound vs Zone Troopers.
  7. Guys, the bible says the earth is flat, so as far as millions of Americans are concerned it's flat. Look at this guy and realize he's not trolling.
  8. Well, as to the future and what may become the zeitsmode in it, who can say? I mean it's possible that there could be a major turn against capitalism in America due to it's increasing abuse of the majority if Americans. Could the word "corporation" become a dirty word in the future? Could be. Could "wall street" become considered something to foul to say in polite company? Who knows? Your example could come to pass but PETA is so far on the fringe I'm not sure pet owning would become considered slavery. But in a few decades, barring a huge halt in technical advancement, vat grown genetically engineered meat could replace actual animal meat to the point that eating meat from animals may get you looked at like pond scum. To be honest if genetically engineered meat became a safe, efficient and palatable source of food that was viable I would welcome it as a way to end animal suffering in massive battery farms. Touching on what you said here, in 1990 A.C. Clarke wrote ”ghost from the grand banks" in which a person had a job using computer image manipulation to eliminate smoking in old movies as smoking had become so horrible to most people they could'nt stand to even see people doing it. Christ, how far are we from that now?
  9. BTW I notice a trend to "throw the baby out with two bathwater" among some people wen it comes to objectionable things that come up in media. I'm a hardcore star trek fan and I was really down when I heard about Stephen Collins pedophilia. On one board a guy even said he burned his sttmp DVD over it. I sure didn't do that, I thought that was really excessive. I would not watch a new movie with him in it as if one would ever be made.
  10. One thing I have to say in fairness to to thee ww2 cartoons is that they were not bashing the Japanese just because they were Asian but because they were the enemy. I mean, Germany was whiter than America and we ripped on them big time. Germans were portrayed quite badly in a lot of old propaganda.
  11. The one without a naked thing... Worst bastardization of a long established comic villain: Dr Doom in fantastic four or lex luthor in BVS.
  12. Does he have metal teeth or a big metal arm?
  13. BTW, there are some old movies I don't think should be forgiven. "Birth of a nation" was specifically meant to create racist sentiments and inflame hatred towards blacks. As comical as the sight of white actors literally rubbed with shoe polish to make them look black and having ridiculously thick trails of fake drool coming from their mouths as they chased white women is today it was meant to create hatred and fear, and several people were murdered by mobs of white people who had seen the movie and stormed out of the theater looking for the first black person they could find. That movie and it's makers are unforgivable. Likewise movies like "triumph of the will" and "the eternal Jew" were not just reflecting the reality of their days but were made specifically to cause hate and pave the road to the death camps. Movies like these should be viewed only in academic settings as educational inoculations against everything they were and the kind of people WhO made them. But not every movie with what would be terribly racist stereotypes should be lumped into the same class as these. For instance, some people today find charlie chan movies horribly racist, but they weren't meant to create fear and hate, they were meant to paint a positive image of Asians to reduce fear and hate. People may get offended by them today but they tend to ignore the good intent of the people making them.
  14. Let's face it, the racism in blazing saddles was insignificant compared to the campfire scene.
  15. Sigh. How to debunk flat earthers..2 versions. Version 1. Raise funds DS to lease a jumbo jet. Have live feed from its cockpit and instruments. Have live GPS feed online. Take off from, say, LAX flying east. Keep flying east, landing and refueling, until you return to LAX from out of the west because you've flown around the planet in a matter of days Version 2. Call them a few vile names and ignore them . they're just attention seeking morons.
  16. No such thing as inapropriate cosplay. Batman vs. Dr. Doom.
  17. You know the thing about blazing saddles was it was an anti racist movie and mostly white people were portrayed badly. Stupid ignorant, weak, corrupt, evil, etc. Bart (clevon little) was brave, dashing, handsome, intelligent, witty, friendly, kind, forgiving, heroic, etc. In the end the townfolk learned and came to see him as a hero.
  18. Nice reply. Makes a point with just a dash of sarcasm, but not an obnoxious amount.
  19. Nolan's series even tho bale's a prick. Wonder woman vs Power girl.
  20. Ewoks. Good god at least the others didn't try to roast people alive!!! One on one dogfight. Millennium falcon with han and chewie vs Darth Vader in his advanced TIE prototype fighter.
  21. Yeah, once again comics and SF lead the way in some social issues. Personally I think when we got to the rotten, hellish heart of Nazi Germany it made some people realize where casually acceptable racism and prejudice could lead gen a civilized society. https://www.supermanhomepage.com/radio/radio.php?topic=radio-reviews/070146-fierycross
  22. Murder by death. Gotta soft spot for peter Falk.... Bond villain beat down. Jaws vs. Oddjob.
  23. I'm not sure I'm getting your meaning here. Do you mean we "forgive" old media for being racist but then seal it away in a toxic waste vault forever, never to be seen again? I'm not too jiggy with that. I mean if we want to look at history of animation these are pretty essential to seeing how the medium evolved. Also they do show how social values have evolved. Do you mean we acknowledge that this happened, accept it as history and not do it anymore without trying to erase history? Yes that's the spirit I agree with.
  24. Sigh. The above post has it dead right about "justice" in 'murca. It used to be forcing prisoners to exist (not live) in prison till they finally died was a sort of revenge porn or torture. In one case I recall a prisoner with cancer tried to decline cancer treatment as he had no chance of getting out of prison, had no reason to live, was unwilling to undergo the painful and crippling treatments and would rather see the medical resources go to help someone who had a life with living. The prison forced him to undergo treatment and the warden in an interview said wit a smile and a twinkle in his eyes that he had no choice in his life and owed it to the state to live as long as possible in prison even if he didn't want to. He also said it word e bad for prison discipline and control to give a prisoner any choices about his life and death. (I wonder if part of it was the warden getting a kickback from the medical firm billing the government for the treatment.) The prisoner filed a lawsuit to win the right to refuse treatment and won, the judge saying the prison's attitude reeked of pettiness. Also in 'murcan prison death rows the staff goes to incredible lengths to prevent suicide. This is seen as forcing the prisoner to submit to execution rather than "cheat the hangman". Essentially establishibg the omnipotence of the state in matters of life and death. Given the fact death panalty inmates are always disproportionally minorities there likely is a racial angle too, as in ”i ain't letting' no damn XXXXXX rob a white man of the pleasure of pulling the lever on him!" In the book and movie "in cold blood" Truman Capote emphasised the "no suicides allowed" mentality in death row units. Not allowing prisoners to choose to die is generally an act of pettiness, spite, arrogance and power tripping, traits which are common among those who put and keep people in prison.
  25. Maybe we could get a LXG animated movie where Mr. Hyde rapes the invisible man to death?
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