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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. Mopeds: minor nuisance with a lot of benefits. Donut death duel: eclairs vs crullers.
  2. I honestly have to say some movies that were meant to be very racist are so overblown and overdone that now they almost come off like comedy. Boris Karloff's Fu Manchu seems so ridiculous today it's laughable.
  3. Linda Blair, one stream of green vomit to the face and any self respecting kidnapper would flee in horror and disgust. Lucifer (fox series) vs. Constantine.
  4. Shelob. Most spiders are resistant to roach poison. Now if you'd said john Goodman in "arachnophobia".... Foxbat vs deadpool.
  5. Wayne's lucky he died wen he did, otherwise this interview would have been all he was remembered for. https://www.snopes.com/john-wayne-white-supremacy/
  6. Gotta go with the Munster mobile. Sometimes you gotta get places on cold or rainy days. Robby the robot vs Lt. Data.
  7. Speedy. A geoduck looms revolting but at least it's not meant to encourage college kids to drink more beer. The Addams family vs the Munsters. Which would you rather have for neighbors?
  8. I saw "the purple heart". Good god someone PLEASE tell me tat one guy's teeth were fake.....
  9. Depends on who the someone else is. Better sequel: 2010 or terminator 2?
  10. Speaking of STTMP the cloud was just a power field around v'ger it generated possibly for protective reasons. It was visible due to interaction with interstellar hydrogen. The actual v'ger model was accidentally heavily damaged and unusable for complete shots which is why then full v'ger wasn't seen until the CGI version was made and added in later.
  11. Sullivan. Didn't look like Dilbert on steroids. Favorite newspaper comic. Doonesbury vs Garfield.
  12. This is ironic as it seems to me most of the words spoken about Jesus seem to be pulled out of people's @$$¢$
  13. If you looked closely at the end of Ffrotss you saw Galactus' head in the cloud.
  14. I don't blame you. I come from a state that voted sanely, at least.
  15. Eye- oh. Students. The chipmunks are at least a good way to keep your kids out of the way for a while. Married with children vs. All in the family.
  16. Yes, sttmp tried to give us a sense of awesome scale and possibilities, of something truly vast and in many ways beyond easy comprehension. Something more than one battle scene and explosion after another interspaced with snappy one liners. Too bad so many people wanted ”PYEW! PYEW! WHOOSH! CRASHBOOMBANG! DAKKADAKKA! SNAPPY ONELINER!”
  17. OT but I liked STTMP. BTW, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. By that metric icd say masamune shirow complimented STTMP by making the climax of the original "Ghost in the Shell" OAV pretty much the same as STTMP.
  18. Energy drink mix. I control the amount and no excess sugar. Ghost in the shell fans: the puppet master contacts you and offers you a chance to merge with it. Yes vs no?
  19. Since people without x chromosomes would not be human I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Halo vs mass effect.
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