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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. On a thread about animated superhero movies someone brought up the old superman movie serial cartoon episode "the mechanical monsters" which was an undeniable masterpiece of very old school animation and a very influential cartoon as it may have contained the first consistent, animated, transforming robot. While it's not really possible to deny that this cartoon, and the series it was in, was a masterpiece of animation and deserves a place in cinematic history, and it would be very hard o find anything objectionable about this episode, the same can't be said for other episodes. I've seen all the episodes of this beautuifilluy animated and technically excellent series, and I'll admit many episodes are horribly racist by today's standards. Racist stereotypes abounded in this series. If a non white person appeared in this series, you can be he would be a walking stereotype writ large. An episode set in Africa was really awful, with Africans portrayed as evil, bloodthirsy, pointy teethed, pointy headed, subhuman savages. And don't even get me started on how the Japanese were portrayed. The fact an episode about Japanese saboteurs was literally called "Japoteurs" is all that need be said. And at the time this series was made racist stereotypes were the zeitsmode of the times. Movies like "gone with the wind" were loaded with them. So in today's world can we forgive old media for being racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc? Or do we have to condemn it? Personally I say we should view things in terms if the world they were made in. I mean I'm pretty fond of the U.S. constitution, and it had some pretty bad stuff in it like the 3/5ths decision. That doesn't mean I want to scrap it. It needs revision now and then and fortunately was made to be revised as necessary. While we can't really revise an old movie without really ruining it, can we just admit it's a testament to social progress and evolution that things in media that were once acceptable are now very objectionable? I would not even try o have this discussion on some sites, like RPG.net, as it would be impossible given the Borg mentality that exists on them and the absolute intolerance of anything other than absolute mindless agreement with the "correct" view. I think most folks here are sufficiently unassimilated to have an actual discussion on a matter like this. https://youtu.be/DadH3KjHZws
  2. Oh god yes it was!!! Jesus the effects looked like they were made for TV. Poor Chris reeves' costume looked like he had a giant depends under his briefs. The villain was a joke. The plot was sheer idiocy....the list just doesn't end.
  3. Superman 3 maybe not. Superman 4 HELLLLLL YES! Worst movie based on old TV series. Seth Rogan'sGreen hornet vs Jonny Depp's The lone ranger.
  4. What's wrong with tesla? Seriously? If you just counted the trilogys i'd call it a tie. I mean both had good first movies and second movies. Both had terrible third movies but good god superman 4 could stink in vacuum! Borg vs the thing 1982.
  5. We need to stop looking at Russia as a nation and see it for what it is: an oil company ran by mobsters who run a side hustle in cyber crime.
  6. It is more likely that whatever replaces pooty will increase government control over elections and the repression of dissidents to keep america from interfering in russian politics....
  7. Awww, poor pooty is "tired". Well, yeah, I guess all that corruption and murder can wear a fella out. I found it interesting that apparently in Russia the state decided who is allowed to run for office. As to whatever replaces pooty, assuming this isn't a ruse to lure out those who would be happy so see him go so they can be shot or poisoned, all I can say is that I am not expecting an improvement.
  8. Dennis Hopper for ”Queen of blood". Aquatic themed post apocalypse movies that came out at about the same time. Waterworks vs tank girl.
  9. Hey, the fact I can feel anything for him maybe means I'm not a complete b@st@rd after all.
  10. Manson never, according to best sources, had a loving family or was even loved by his own mother. I guess he wanted to create a family in which he was adored, respected, cared about and so on. Many people who suffered a lack of loving family go on to create one later in life and be part of it. Manson tried to do this but did it in a horrible and destructive way. He was probably a victim of violence and anger in his childhood and only knew those ways to deal with life. He suffered a life that was mostly spent in prison. He's dead now and I do pity him his existence. As for mercy for him, maybe a humane execution would have been mercy compared to nearly 50 straight years in a maximum security prison.
  11. Mashed potatoes, especially with some small lumps and made with chicken broth and garlic seasoning. Thanksgiving day post meal activity: watching fuhball vs video gaming.
  12. I won't shed a tear for him. He created too much misery and suffering in the world for me to do that. I will say based on what I learned when I studied him in school was that apparently as a child he never had a single family member that really loved him, even his mother. For that I pity him. But I don't mourn him.
  13. Manson was a sad pathetic little insane man who spent about 75% of his life in prison and died in it. There was no mystique to him. He had some form of charisma that appealed to a pack of mixed up alienated teens and used it to make himself into a little god to lost children. His whole life out of prison was a sad pathetic quest for attention and relevance. His plans for a race war were incredibly stupid and all he'll be remembered for is creating a lot of misery and suffering for his victims and those who followed him and ended up in prison forever too. In the end he suffered nearly 50 continuous years in a cold, hard, uncaring, grey steel and concrete warehouse waiting to die surrounded by people who had no real feeling for him. He never even had his mother's love from what's known of his early life. Personally I'm glad he's finally free of the insane, miserable, loveless, empty suffering of his life.
  14. Hobgoblins. Manos was so bad the made individually secretly apologized to Joel and the bots for showing it to them. As for a Gor movie one if the biggest AHOLES I ever met was a gor fan so the brand is forever poisoned for me. (Well, that and the fact the Gor books and movies are mostly written by and for guys who shouldn't be allowed to breed.) You get to have one of these movies done on an EP of MST3K: 50 shades of grey vs twilight.
  15. Actually it's simple. Even if the show is in some ways better looking than TOS and gets away with themes TOS couldn't touch, like apparently some blob oozing all over a naked woman and having sex with her from something I saw on FB the show isn't better, just luck enough to be made in a time that allowed that and technology that allowed better looking sets and effects.
  16. I'd be happy to see any superhero beat the snot out of Gene Simmons....
  17. Actually I was thinking of a movie with no superheroes at all and dealing solely with a villain's origin and rise. So I was not talking about that guhhawdawful fantastic four movie with a naked thing for example, or the rise of the silver surfer movie. I was thinking of an origin movie with Doom, for example, showing him born to a poor gypsy tribe persecuted in Europe, his early life seeing his family abused and spat on, his intelligence developing, discovering his mother had been a real witch, using his abilities to protect his people and how he became convinced he was destined to rule mankind and make the world right.
  18. Batman. Nothing against Devito's penguin but Nicholson's joker reigned supreme until Ledger came along. Comic movie featuring the origin and rise of a villain: Dr. Doom vs Galactus.
  19. Superman 2. Terrence stamp. Red lantern corps vs violet lantern corps.
  20. Hollywood keeps its books in a way no one else does or would be allowed to do. Hell, according to Hollywood return of the Jedi has never made a profit. No, not a joke. Lucasfilms said that with a straight face. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_accounting Grossly inflated production costs help avoid having to show taxable profits.
  21. Yeah she was dressed in body armor since they were doing a USO tour in a warzone. BTW I respect her for doing a tour for the troops just like I respect franken for the same act. It's sad it came to this. I think we can all agree on that.
  22. I just listened to a wh40k themed riff on an old western song.
  23. Oh, and where was the outrage from the people who are expressing so much manufactured outrage over the franken thing when Donald trump forcibly kissed a lesbian police officer who clearly did not want it, clearly turned away and was clearly offended by it? https://www.dailydems.com/2017/07/donald-trump-awards-female-police-officer-valor-medal-proceeds-kiss-gross-watch/
  24. She accepted his apology, bow brings it up. Suspicious timing.
  25. I hope they reboot green lantern.with a war of light storyline.
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