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Everything posted by MisterVimes

  1. Re: 6th ED - play or not to play (and what I need to do it) I was actually surprised at how many people recommended Bestiary. "Monster Books" have always been essentials for other systems, but I never found that to be the case with Hero. That being said, I bought one anyway
  2. Re: 6th ED - play or not to play (and what I need to do it) So, is the new Champions (6th) a "genre book" or are their rules/mechanics?
  3. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Jon Sable, Freelance was, indeed, where I fell in love with this weapon. As I recall, he replaced the stripper clips with the Schnellfeuer magazine box. I don't remember it being full auto, but the "super" part of that series was always the firearms, so it is likely. Wasn't his pepperbox revolver modified to fire those big Nitro-Express rounds from his Holland and Holland?
  4. Re: Golden Age Characters by Darren There's a bit of division even in the comics. Superman captured Hitler in 1940 and flew him to Geneva to stand trial. The Human Torch was responsible for the death of Hitler in as shown in "Young Men"#24 (and later retold over and over). Captain America, Captain Berlin, the Golden Age Daredevil, and a host of others punched the fuhrer in the face. Hawkman machine-gunned half of the Nazis in Europe. So, heroes on foreign soil was a common idea for a long time (and in the case of Superman and Captain America) sometimes predated America's involvement in the war. At some point it became silly to portray Superheroes capturing Hitler and you ended up with Bucky giving Adolf "the rasberry" over the phone. It really wasn't until the 70s that we got the vision we consider canon. At Marvel Roy Thomas had the "Invaders" fight overseas, but really only against their opposite numbers in the form of Axis Supervillains. Conversely, when Roy was writing "All Star Squadron," DC introduced the Spear of Destiny as their deus ex machina to explain why the heroes didn't end the war. James Robinson's amazing "Golden Age" miniseries turned that idea on its ear by having a nazi agent (whose name escapes me) with powers that nullified other super powers. Personally I like what Ed Brubaker has been doing (as Zen Archer mentioned) with "Captain America and Bucky" and his (Band of Brother-like) "All-Winners Squad - Band of Heroes" Again, any of these scenarios make for a great campaign.
  5. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Done.
  6. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread i regret nothing!!
  7. Re: Cool Guns for your Games On a personal note, the moment I see one of these for under $2000 I am buying one.
  8. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Haven't seen this one on here (or anywhere else on the boards). Here is my 5th Edition build for the Shanxi Type-17. She'd be sweet in a Pulp Hero game or a Dark Champions game. From Wikipedia: During the Warlord era of Chinese History in the early 20th century, the province of Shansi was ruled by the warlord Yen Hsi-shan, who had established a modern arms factory in his capital city of Taiyuan. Yen was equipping his troops with a locally produced copy of the Thompson sub machine gun, chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge, but was experiencing supply difficulties as his troops' sidearms were 7.63mm calibre C96 handguns.[20] His solution was to produce a .45 ACP caliber version of the C96, thus standardizing ammunition and making supply easier.[20] Designated Type 17, production on the .45 caliber handgun began in 1929 at the Taiyuan Arsenal. They are inscribed (in Chinese) "Type 17" on the left hand side of the gun, and "Republic Year Eighteen, Made in Shansi" on the right hand side.[20] They were issued (along with Thompson SMGs) to railway guards in the province as defense against bandits and other warlords. Besides being chambered for a larger cartridge, the Shansi .45 pistols are noticeably bigger than their 7.63mm counterparts, with the 10-round magazine extending below the trigger guard. It was loaded using two 5-round stripper clips rather than the single 10-round stripper clips of the standard 7.63mm Mauser. Most of the Shanxi .45 pistols were melted down after the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, largely due to their odd caliber for Communist Regulations, but a few examples were exported overseas for sale on the commercial market.[20] Approximately 8,500 Shanxi .45 caliber Broomhandle pistols are believed to have been produced by the Taiyuan Arsenal, but there is some debate as to how many of the Shanxi .45 calibre Broomhandle pistols currently on the commercial market were actually produced for Yen's troops, and how many are more recent productions for the US collectors' market. [ATTACH=CONFIG]42237[/ATTACH] My first pass at the build [table] [tr] [td=align: right]Cost [/td] [td]Power[/td] [td=align: right]END[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=align: right]12 [/td] [td]Shanxi Type 17 (.45 ACP): Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6-1 (25 Active Points); OAF (-1), 2 clips of 10 Charges (Two 5-round stripper clips; -0) [/td] [td= valign=top""align: right][10][/td] [/tr] [/table] For equipment: Str Min: 8, Weight: 1.2kg
  9. Re: 6th ED - play or not to play (and what I need to do it) And this line of thinking has me even more interested than I was before. I always love a chance to say "You kids quit playing in my lawn!"
  10. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread So, good news for the day: I just bought 7 of the 6th Edition HERO books I feel like I am contributing
  11. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread That is the definition of cheese.
  12. Re: 6th ED - play or not to play (and what I need to do it) Thanks for the advice. From them I purchased: Martial Arts Equipment Guide Bestiary And they were not $300 a piece
  13. Re: 6th ED - play or not to play (and what I need to do it) So. Equipment Guide and Bestiary are going to have to be PDF, because they are $300+ on Amazon
  14. Re: Essentials I'm intrigued. I always have been a fan of probability controllers. Scarlet Witch comes to mind.
  15. Re: 6th ED - play or not to play (and what I need to do it) Noted. I just plopped down cash for round one. HERO System 6th Edition: Character Creation HERO System 6th Edition: Combat and Adventuring HERO System Advanced Player's Guide Champions Powers
  16. Re: Essentials I'm in the same boat here. And, forgive my ignorance, but in regard to "the two core books" is that "Character Creation/Combat and Adventuring"?
  17. Re: Agents Good stuff. Thanks.
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