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Everything posted by Dynamo

  1. Just took a look to make sure I had them all, and it turns out there's one missing. Where's Coatlique?
  2. Autofire & AoE For autofire, since each success-by-2 increment adds another hit from a given burst, I'd say reduce the quality of each additional hit by 2. For AoE, if I were testing-driving this idea, I would use a standardized result of 3 per die.
  3. Post the Stats OK, we've got a link to the pics. Let's see the 5E conversions, guys. Put your money where your mouth is.
  4. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Need an opinion... I don't know; I'm kind of on the fence with this one. The transition between the two word parts doesn't slide off the tongue well without a little practice. What kind of villain wants reporters tripping over his name on national television? On the other hand, once you've got the pronunciation right, it sounds very cool. I think you can count on your PCs mocking this guy's name based on their initial verbal trips, which may result in souring the flavor you want him to have. I'd recommend substituting a different word part to denote cold. How about Arctic Shrike or Coldshrike? Or perhaps a different predatory bird, like Icehawk. I like the notion of broadening this thread's purpose to include discussion of superhero/villain names rather than just accumulating a monster list.
  5. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Got some great new names this time. Keep 'em coming. Siberian Tiger, care to provide an etymology for Scrum? EDIT: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted 3/5/03.
  6. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Fresh roundup tomorrow morning. Was going to do it today, but I lost track of time and gotta go to class and take my test on solid state power supplies. First thing tomorrow, I promise.
  7. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Names Not as bad as you think: copy, paste special > unformatted text, sort, scrub for duplicates (quick because new entries have no number), renumber, reformat numbers to 4 digits, save as tab-separated-values text file (I keep as much of my data archive as possible in ascii-compatible file formats), open text file in Editpad, find/replace the quotation marks out (why does Excel put those in?). When it's time to post a roundup, I find/replace all the tabs with " - " and copy/paste into a posting dialog. All done. Everything that was in the last roundup on the old boards is in the first list posted in this thread. I use MS Excel, following the procedure I outlined above.
  8. Re: Re: Re: Which program for good pics I've never used Adobe Photo Deluxe, but as I understand it, the program occupies the same niche as MS Photodraw, tweaking scans and adding frames, text, and such, optimized for photo-type images. The GIMP is rather a full-featured graphics program, covering the gamut from tweaking individual pixels to messing with layers and channels. Better? That's a hard call without knowing what you consider better. The GIMP is significantly more powerful than anything I've ever used but Adobe Photoshop, and it might be more powerful than Photoshop. That's better by my standards. It's also free, free as in beer and free as in speech. That's also better by my standards. It's not easy to use. That doesn't make any difference to me, since i'm one those freaks that get a dopamine rush from problem-solving. But most people want an application that will perform the simple operations that they need with a minimum of fuss and no learning curve issues. Those people will never like the GIMP, because they are not the target audience. Try downloading the program and reading the first chapter or two of Grokking the GIMP. The only thing you'll lose is a little time. Since you've already got Photo Deluxe, do the same thing. See if it does everything you need with a minimum of fuss. After you've tried both, decide for yourself which is better. (If you like the GIMP better, remember I steered you right when I make my bid for the statue of venus. )
  9. Re: Which program for good pics The GIMP (the site seems to be down right now) is free for the downloading and can be had for the PC platform as well as Unix/Linux (the website claims that the PC version is more unstable than the author would like, but it's never crashed on my Windows box, unlike MS Photodraw). The learning curve can be a little rough, but it's simpler to learn than Photoshop, easily as powerful if not more so, and isn't crippleware without a Mac. Free documentation and tutorials are available online. I recommend Grokking the GIMP, which is browsable online, downloadable, and available in hardcopy (gotta pay for that last one).
  10. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Kitchen Woman If the first publication that comes to mind when I read a name is Too Much Coffee Man, said name is unlikely to make it to the next roundup.
  11. Thanks. Just let us know when you know.
  12. Dynamo

    Super Names

    5204 Names (plus Fuzzies) EDIT: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted 2/25/03
  13. Dynamo

    Super Names

    This got started over on the old boards as Project 3000, referring to the statistic in Champions Universe that there are ~3000 costumed supers on Champions Earth. Alistair posted a challenge to collect 3000 halfway decent names, positing that it was perhaps not possible. Boy, was he in for a shock. We shot past 3000 names before stalling a bit somewhere around 4000, with occassional contributions getting us to about 5000. Then the boards went down. It came back on these boards as Bring back Project 3000 (maybe 6000), but I thought such a useful thread should be more intuitively titled. So here it is. Contributions are encouraged. Having emerged as the maintainer of the list, I'll do periodic roundups to keep it orderly. Some contribution guidelines: Try to stick to original names. That said, I'm willing to credit most claims that either you came up with a name before Marvel/DC/Whoever did or you just hadn't seen the name used and came up with it independently. Try to stay in genre. Common given names, like Jonathan or Steve, make lousy superhero/villain names, and nonsense names, like Alistorinus, are more at home in swords & sorcery than in comicbook superheroes. Foreign names should identify the language and provide a translation to keep them from being lumped with nonsense names above. Try to avoid outright stupid names. Humor is cool, but the Chicago Hopping Slasher, Fart Boy, and Kitchen Woman are likely to be "missed" in the next roundup. Let's go! I can smell 6000 already. EDIT 3/27/06: FAQ The #1 Most Frequently Asked Question Q. Where is this list? A. As the master list grows and is reposted, it gets further back in the thread pages. Start with the last page and work forward looking for 2 very long list posts and a few shorter ones. There will also be a post with the whole list as an attachment.
  14. And that thought makes me wonder what would happen if the Italian film industry started making kung fu flicks...
  15. Dynamo

    Rifts HERO?

    Sounds like a good game. I played in a GURPS Rifts game (that's a hernia waiting to happen) and found the setting to be amazingly portable. I think Hero would handle a number of things better than GURPS, like Juicers and mega-damage weapons & armor (though ANY well-integrated cross-genre rules engine would do a better job than the travesty of a "system" that is Palladium), but I have to say that the library of off-the-shelf genre elements already expressed in game mechanics available to GURPS players made preparation for the campaign a snap.
  16. Good names. Anyone else? Look for the roundup in a new thread tomorrow morning, probably called Super Names.
  17. I occassionally get a servlet exception when I first arrive at the homepage, but it goes away when I hit refresh and never comes back during that visit to the site.
  18. Turned out well, too. Looking forward to tasting it tomorrow after it's mellowed overnight. I hope Mike sees this thread soon. I don't want to have to keep bumping it by posting about my cooking. (but I will if I have to )
  19. I haven't seen anymore submissions, but I've added a few to the version on my harddrive. I'll give it a couple more days to see if anyone else posts any new ones, then post the next roundup in a new, more aptly named thread.
  20. Yeah, Silk Whirlwind, that's right! Indeed, I too enjoy Mr Surbrook's stat'd characters. (Though I think my own salivation is triggered by thoughts of the pot of spaghetti sauce I'm about to go make.)
  21. Cool, I look forward to seeing it. Thanks, Storn.
  22. Dynamo

    Rifts HERO?

    Uh... 10,000% = x100
  23. On the old boards, someone wanted to know the background behind the lady warrior gracing the cover of Ninja Hero and the sequence of illustrations in Ultimate Martial Artist. Storn admitted that he really had no idea beyond her appearance. After some brainstorming after a name (I think we settled on Whispering Silk), Mike Surbrook mentioned that he would probably give her a write-up somewhere. Anything ever come of that?
  24. Re: Revised Multipower Sorry to be a math-nit, but the Taser slot is 100 AP. Kinda hard to fit in a 44 point Multipower.
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