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Everything posted by Dynamo

  1. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Naw, I'd guessed as much already.
  2. Buster v. Busty for Bust Best Avatar 2003.
  3. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Edit: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  4. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Almost to 7000. Looks like we've slowed down, but I'll continue to monitor the thread for contributions and make occassional additions myself (~50 new from me in this roundup). Edit: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  5. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Edit: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  6. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Now I feel obligated: No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  7. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup EDIT: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  8. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Um... why would anything need to be done?His name's not on the list; I suspect "Licensed to HERO" is merely an attempt at being clever; Just about every other super name owned by DOJ is already on the list, and we've had no complaints from the management. Or am I missing a joke? :-|
  9. Beacon Added to PDF An updated PDF of tent-minis has been sent to Ben. Storn, I gave each of us a bit of credit on the bottom of the sheet. Have a look and let me know if you'd like any changes to the next version.
  10. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Edit: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  11. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Great names, but we'll have to leave out Hand Job. In the US, it's common slang for 2nd party manual sexual stimulation.
  12. Thanks, Ben. Storn, again with your approval, I think I'll tie the content of the PDF to this thread, adding new figures as you post more artwork (and murdering Ben's inbox with a big ol' attachment).
  13. Glad you like them. I have more pics of yours that would make good tent-minis (head-to-toe pose and no background are key). When I get home tonight, I'll send you a list of candidates to fill up the empty slots. I don't know which ones might be limited by IP considerations.
  14. Thanks. It's actually easier to do those for artists less talented than Storn. For instance, the energy effects make the rear silhouettes tough, but I think they came out pretty cool. Thank Providence for the GIMP.
  15. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Subjective judgement call based on the sound of each word.
  16. Re: Tent Minis Here you go: tent-minis (w/ Fortune). The zip file is too big for an attachment, so I threw it in a directory on my website. I'll probably need that space eventually, but I can leave it up for at least a month or two. If it's OK with you, I'll PM Ben about putting it on the free stuff page, maybe with the other 13 slots filled with something. Off to Green Ronin. Edit: link updated to point at the file's new home on the Free Stuff page.
  17. Tent Minis Hey Storn, I've worked up a PDF of tent minis based on a selection of characters from this thread and its counterpart on the Green Ronin board. With your permission, I'd like to post them here for everyone to enjoy. Included are: Dreyogg Generic Guy Kid Cobalt Geist Demonstar Thunderbird Milo Locke Chango Veer Condor UNTIL agent Cyblade Marie Gerrrmond Dark Cloud agent Scallion I've also got a pic of Fortune that looks like it should be in this group, but since I got it from your website rather than either thread, I've not placed it in the PDF intended for sharing. So whaddya say?
  18. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Edit: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  19. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Hmmmn... It would appear we've developed a mild infestation of juvenile losers so disappointed with the scale of their reproductive equipment that they feel the need to impress us all with a display of advanced vocabulary. Yawn.
  20. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Super names I've used Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
  21. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Super names I've used Good stuff. Thanks for contributing. Care to provide an etymology for Demat?
  22. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Unfortunately, that would introduce other inaccuracies. The Christian Old Testament is a derivative work based on certain works of Judaic scripture, but it branched from the original works a LONG time ago. And it's been through several major revisions under the hands of biased authorities. (Before anyone jumps on me, I understand the doctrine of divine inspiration from the Holy Spirit guiding the pen of the translator/compiler/editor. Whatever you believe to be the source of the changes, the currently accepted versions of the Christian Bible contain demonstrable differences from historical versions that cannot be chalked up to translation difficulties.) I plan to review the source where I found Belial and Astaroth and delve a little deeper to develop the origins better and find more names like them. Hopefully, I can dig up a cultural tag, because demons or devils (or whatever you want to call them) with cultural pedigree make great super-baddies.
  23. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Hmmn, I must have forgotten. I'm not at home right now, but I'll try to remember to add it to the master list tonight. I'm currently not posting as much as I would like. Not only is my life a little busy right now, but my wife is job hunting, so I need to leave the phone line available during the day, which is when I'm available to post. Gaah. But when I'm able to post more often, I hope McCoy is still monitoring this thread. He seems a ready source of biblical scholarship ripe for the picking. Regarding Astaroth and Belial, I was working from a third-party essay on demons and angels that mentioned the two. The source was not particularly impartial, but the claimed origin seemed feasible. A lot of the gods of cultures encountered by the people of Israel wound up in the scriptures as malevolent servants of the adversary.
  24. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Roundup Edit: List deleted. Fresh roundup posted.
  25. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Doctor Strange Glove I don't understand what would put Doctor Strange Glove in the Fuzzy appendix.
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