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Everything posted by Dynamo

  1. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Yup, again Dumb/Silly and Genre filters. However, I changed my mind about Rocky Mountain, and I put Spice Girl back in as Spice Grrl. Screaming Beagle and Sick Puppy were moved to the Fuzzy appendix.
  2. Dynamo

    Super Names

    I was waiting for a reply from altamaros so I could clean up some of the French names, but it looks like I'm not going to get that feedback. I'm working up a roundup tonight. Stay tuned.
  3. In addition to already mentioned sources, here are some works from which I draw inspiration for my Cannibal Comics setting: White Wolf's Aberrant Image Comics Marvel Mangaverse DC Elseworlds Stan Lee Presents fill in DC hero SJGames' Transhuman Space SJGames' In Nomine Yaco & Haber's Science of the X-Men SJGames' GURPS Voodoo White Wolf's Changeling Martin's Wild Cards "Don't let other people's work evade your eyes, just plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize." -unattributed "Steal from one source, and it's 'plagiarism'; but steal from many, and it's 'research'." -unattributed
  4. So much for my feat/feet double-meaning theory.
  5. I'm doomed. Acroyear, your kung fu is much more powerful than my kung fu. Have mercy on a mere minion.
  6. I suspect I'll end up liking my own formatting better, but I'm hardly an unbiased judge. If I don't like Derek's, I always have the power to make one for my personal use or for anyone else who prefers my style.
  7. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Silly Part 3 L to R Dumb/Silly & Genre filters again. This thread sure is getting my post-count up.
  8. I'll send Ben an updated PDF version by Friday.
  9. Red Feat also contains a play on words, feat being a homonym for feet, which are red due to the blood on the blades as well as wearing red boots. Unfortunately, puns rarely translate well.
  10. This is a very useful piece of information that I had not previously considered. Thanks. Now I don't have to feel bad that I've come up with only one independent European super for my Champions campaign: La Vitesse, Parisian speedster and well-traveled socialite.
  11. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Awright! Foreign language help. In theory, I can get by in French (1 pt Basic Conversation), but I'm sorely lacking in social context. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I wanted to set aside some time to do it right. Thanks. Since I'm not putting groups in the roundups, this one will make it in as La Gitane. You are correct. I believe the contributor was attempting a name for a female super. My French instruction did not delve far into switching a noun's gender to include additional meaning. Your input on this topic would be helpful. Yuck. Does Bouc Emissaire sound as bad in French as I think it does? If so, it's out of there. OK. Does Chasseuse mean Chaser (feminine)? I hate this one too, but all the official names get an automatic OK. Gender switching issue again. Hopefully, you've some profound advice on the subject. To my American ear, that sounds clunky. Does Boule de Feu sound like a decent superhero name to a native French speaker, or is it a lost cause? I'm yanking it anyway, because it turns out to be a character from an SJGames product, and your confirmation that it's not even well-formed French just confirms the source. However, were it not for the non-original source, I would probably leave it as it is. I'm allowing variations on correctly formed names in American English to represent the "kewlified" style occassional prevalent in super names. While "La Fusionne" is technically incorrect, it strikes me as a reasonable effort to enhance the femininity of the name, though that is the opinion of someone unused to ubiquitous gender-izations in everyday speech. Hu hu hu hu hu... he said "gaule." Point taken. Thanks. I thought that might be the case. Can you suggest a way to salvage these? Thanks. Gender switching again. I'll wait for your reply to mess with those. Thanks for your help.
  12. Anybody know when Savage Time is coming out on DVD? For the life of me, I can't catch that particular JLA special. Every time I see it in the TV Guide, it gets preempted by Land Before Time XXVIII. Then I find out it played the night before with almost no pre-advertising. Gaaah!
  13. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Unknown reasons Thanks. OK, for the record, I don't plan to excuse dumb names just for being British.
  14. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Um... yeah, you're right. That's an easy one to miss. Good catch.
  15. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Too Similar ? Some were excessively similar, some didn't sound like good super names.
  16. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Missing 33 A to I Silly old names. Except Big Chill, which was (you know the words) not deleted.
  17. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Silly Part 2 E to L Yup, silly/dumb rule again. I changed my mind about False Hood and Fire Drill, though I collapsed them so Falsehood and Firedrill. I think you need to doublecheck which list you're using or work only from the most recent roundup. According to my list archive, Requiem, Scatterbrain, and now Grimblud were never editted out, but rather have been on the list since they were submitted.
  18. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Unknown reasons Wait, does "naff" mean bad or dumb? As in "It's OK if it sounds stupid; it's British"? Speak English, dude.
  19. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Unknown reasons Maybe to you. Turtle evokes "slow but impervious." Snail evokes "crunchy vermin you don't want in your garden" or "French snack." The Flash villain was dumb, but the name is salvageable, unlike Snail. Lower power doesn't mean having to pick a name that makes you sound like a wimp. Assuming "naff" means good or cool, I refer you to counterpoint #1.
  20. Your PCs might be underpowered... ...if they get their butts kicked by the Geodesics. ...if they were converted from GURPS Supers.
  21. Yup, right there in the credits. "Cover Art: Frank Cirocco and Storn Cook" Right next to a B&W of the Harbinger with your sig on it.
  22. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Re: Silly Part 1 (A to E) My eyeballs thank you for your consideration. Batches of 60 is fine. Yup, whacked these for being too silly and/or just dumb. Except Blue Blazes. I was going to put that one back, wondering what I had been thinking, but I found that it had not been removed. It's entry 0536 on the current roundup.
  23. Dynamo

    Super Names

    Right. Good superteam names (some of them), bad superhero names.
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