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Everything posted by paladin.oa

  1. Re: Browncoat Mal Reynolds on Castle I might have to see this, as I loved Firefly, and was rather angry that it got canceled after only one season, a friend of mine gave me the collection for X-mas and I'm re watching it for the second time. Another thing that I was disappointed with was that both Buffy and Angel got canceled, I loved those shows as well. Why is it that all the good shows get canceled, and all the bad ones hang around?
  2. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies Yeah, but how many points would it require for a woodchuck to chuck Chuck Norris?
  3. Re: Usable by other question Hyper-Man That's exactly the question that I had. As for concept, this is a magical blade that has extra abilities that require end to use, and these abilities can only be used one at a time at the start, EXP might be used to make the pool bigger instead of adding more slots. The blade is being made as either a summon or a follower, haven't decided which yet.
  4. If you want another character to use a multi-power and adjust it's slots as needed, how do you apply the usable by other advantage (UBO)? Do you apply it to the cost of the mult-power only, or do you apply it to multi-power and all slots, or just the slots themselves?
  5. Re: Character post Still working on it, finals week at college.
  6. Re: Magic sword abilities I do too:eg:.
  7. Re: Character post Killer Shrike and all. The campaign limits have yet to be set, (first time GM, still in world creation stage), and I am just getting a head start on things. Though he did say that standard heroic would be the minimum. I put the writing together after the stats and such, and it was mostly after the fact. So what I'm going to do is to get the background and other things written first, then go back and modify everything else to fit. Lastly, I did not think of using Summon to create Blood Drinker, so I'm going to investigate that idea, so thanks Killer Shrike. I was basing it on Susano's Grospolina write-up, but summon might work better.
  8. Here's my character, Siegfried and his blade Blood Drinker.
  9. Re: Magic sword abilities That's what I thought, thanks:thumbup:.
  10. Re: Magic sword abilities Just so that I get this, when adjustment powers such as aid, transfer, etc. are used on an END Reserve the END Reserve is "filled" like it had just taken a recovery? Thus giving an END Reserve the ability to recharge without REC?
  11. Re: Sword MA and question. Thanks for the replies. I was a bit silly with the cleanliness, so never you mind that. I'll post my characters up as soon as I get the initial write-ups done, I have another thing to figure out before I can do so, but that's for another thread.
  12. Re: Sword MA and question. Looks like I started a cool conversation, excellent. Killer Shrike and all, thanks, I got just what I needed. Now for another question, or rather a clarification. In order to find out how many dice to roll for damage you use the damage classes table and x-reference the type of damage that the attack is inflicting. For example +3 DC means that you roll an extra 3D6 for normal damage (a club), or 1D6 for killing damage (a sword). Also STR damage is 1 DC for every five STR right? The purpose behind this is that I want to be rolling straight D6's without dealing with halves or additions/subtraction, basically I am trying to make things "cleaner."
  13. Re: Sword MA and question. So how many points should I use right from the get go? Also, what sort of moves would be critical, and what others could I get via experience?
  14. What happens when an END of an END reserve is succored? Does the max amount of END available increase or does the amount of END in the reserve increase? Same questions for Transfer.
  15. Re: Sword MA and question. Don't suppose someone could post that move set here, that would be a good starter point, or at least somewhere that I can estimate how many points I'm going to spend.
  16. Re: Magic sword abilities How about easily recovered charges? If so, how many points of BODY=1 charge? As for the healing, think like a DnD vampiric regeneration weapon that can store "life" force and heal as much or more damage that it dishes out, potentially ending a battle with a reserve of "life" force that could be used later. As far as the harvesting goes, I'm planning on making the sword as an artifact follower, giving it some leaping, then after a battle my character would toss the sword onto the nearest corpse, and the blade would hop from one to another until all corpses were dry:eg:. This wouldn't mean that the sword was evil, after all, the dead don't need their blood do they? Think of it as free mummification.
  17. I'm trying to make a magic sword with some special abilities. The primary ability is to heal any wounds that its wielder sustains, I'm thinking of BODY primarily, but STUN wouldn't be unwelcome. The secondary abilities that I want are attack related, these I can come up with on my own. The problem, I want these abilities to be fueled by the blood of those that the sword cuts. For this I thought that I could place a trigger on the REC of an END reserve, but that's apparently a no go, then I thought that a succor XD6 to END reserve with a trigger might do the trick, but I'm thinking that wouldn't add END to the reserve but rather just make the END reserve bigger:confused:. So assistance required or AKA .
  18. Two questions on the REC of an END reserve. 1. Can trigger be applied to the REC of an END reserve? 2. If this trigger is tripped multiple times per turn, will the END reserve's REC work multiple times per turn? P.S. This trigger would be the only way that the reserve's REC would activate. Thanks for your time!
  19. Re: Sword MA and question. Thanks guys!
  20. I'm going to be playing in a campaign where my character uses a BFS (think BFG except S instead of G), and I want my character to have more than a few martial maneuvers for it. I was thinking something along the lines of Nightmare from Soul Calibur, so these are the maneuvers that I had in mind; Horizontel Slash: best defense and offense, low damage Vertical Slash: Middle of the road all round Thrust: Low offense and defense, high damage Throw: Use sword to throw an enemy Block: just a block Parry: Just a parry Counter: High damage counter attack to use after parrying an enemies attack Think I'm missing anything, and how would these be written up? Also, can a magic sword built as a follower have it's DEX useable by other so that the owner can use that DEX as it's own and have it affect his ACV, DCV, and Speed?
  21. Re: Weapons and weapon Techniques Of course you could do the "strip them of their armor and clothes move." Suppress xd6 Armor with a high x or low x coupled with autofire. Also don't forget the advantage (only costs end to activate). I don't think this will affect inherent powers, but to avoid this you could just add a custom disad. The final effect is that an armor suit is just laughing at your puny attempts to hurt him, so you bust this move on him a couple times and your the one laughing .
  22. Steve, Can you add an advantage, such as megascale, to the hex your character is in? If so how many base points is a hex? If that doesn't work can a form of change environment be used to make a hex megascale? The basic idea behind these questions is to make a space warping power that makes it so that any attack will simply not connect unless it's megascale ranged itself.
  23. Re: Some thoughts As in "me", "myself", and "my". Generally considered bad form in academia. Didn't think about using desolidification, thanks guys:thumbup:.
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