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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. 1. "Viva!" by Bond http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_7BhkGcCis 2. "Resist" by Rush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkIryrQZmEA 3. "Hurt" by Johnny Cash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aF9AJm0RFc
  2. New Topic: Three Songs with One-Word Titles
  3. "Carry On Wayward Son" by Kansas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X_2IdybTV0 (My favorite song of all time.) "Celebrity" by Brad Paisley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9mpDAJOPac&oq=celebrity%20brad&gs_l=youtube..0.5.49627.116341.0.117700. (This song always makes me giggle just a bit.) "Feels Like Heaven" by Peter Cetera and Chaka Khan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSEcq65twE0&oq=feels%20like%20heaven%20peter%20&gs_l=youtube..0.5j0l3.7450.8857.0.10681. (Lady Pariah and I danced to this at our wedding reception.)
  4. My my, but I've fallen behind.... "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" by Journey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afHQd-lP4yU "Crushing Day" by Joe Satriani http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFRhmKuD9x8 "Sabre Dance" by Aram Khachaturian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqg3l3r_DRI
  5. Anyone. If you're a Vulcan, you don't want to have a mind-meld with anyone. Because it's deviant behavior, and if you do it you'll be an outcast and get Vulcan AIDS. (I just watched that episode on Enterprise. It irritated the dren out of me. /rant) New Topic: Creative ways to tell your boss that no,you're not interested in working on his/her pet project.
  6. Q - Someone just fired the President, the Vice President, Congress, and the Supreme Court, dissolved the Republican and Democratic parties, and implemented a rule that anyone who runs and/or votes for political office has to prove they've read the Constitution at least once? A - But I'm not bitter.
  7. Q - I've seen plenty of dogs play dead before, but I've never seen one actually come back from the dead! A - Even his psychiatrist should be in an institution.
  8. An extended blog post debating the merits of "Gangnam Style" vs. "What Does the Fox Say?"
  9. Marketing? I think maybe you're thinking of Political 'Science'. They're the ones who are most obiously intoxicated at 11:00 in the morning. New Topic: Exciting things to do with a croquet mallet. (Difficulty: Nothing in any way involving croquet.)
  10. You're right, of course. I hadn't considered that.
  11. ...but it can be converted to a neutron through electron capture. (Why am I posting about nuclear physics at 1:49 in the morning?!)
  12. According to Sagan, the total number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the universe is on the order of 10^80. So, assume that something like a third of those are protons, and you're in the ballpark.
  13. Whores in Space - Part One of the Inara Serra trilogy New Topic: Captain Hook is on the prowl again, but Peter Pan is indisposed. Who will stop The Hook?
  14. Q - What can I say? We had to use elemental potassium to clear that clogged drain. Nothing else would work. A - It's more decorative than functional.
  15. That's bound to happen when you have the speed of light squared as a conversion factor.
  16. Who's the vocabulary expert around here, anyway?
  17. Q - What did Adam and Jamie use to build a functional aircraft carrier? A - That's the last time I ever use elemental potassium to unclog a stopped drain.
  18. I don't think it's Audrey II. I think it's a sunflower from Plants vs. Zombies.
  19. It is a game of "questions" (plural), isn't it?
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