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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Re: Expensive superhero powers I used this in a build for character named Victor in a JLA/Avengers type campaign. My best approximation of Bishop's energy absorption and release ability: Energy Redirection: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Variable Time Delay (Up to one Turn; +1/2), No Skill Roll Required (borrowed from VPP rules) (+1); Character takes damage normally (-1), Only vs. directed energy attacks (-1/2), Cannot 'stack' attacks (-1/4) In other words, he can use Deflection to 'absorb' the attack and keep it for up to a turn before releasing it. Since he's taking full damage from the attack, my GM (Lord Mhoram, if you must know) gave Special GM Permission to use the "No Skill Roll Required" advantage. And if Victor gets hit with an attack while he's already 'holding' one, he loses the first one in favor of the second. 150 Active Points, 54 Real Points
  2. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain
  3. Re: The Inconceivables! Excellent stuff, Hermit! I'd Rep you,were it not for that pesky "You must spread" thing. By the way, if you're looking for more females on the team, why couldn't the clown be female? Oh, yeah, because then she'd be Harley Quinn. Never mind.
  4. Re: WWYCS: "Why Shouldn't I Kill Him?" Pariah: Killing him is the wrong thing to do. You know it. I know it. And I will not allow you to do it. Thunderstrike: Because you won't want some self-righteous nutcase making the same decision about you one day. Karma can be a b*tch. Jack Diamond: Kill him? That's the best you can come up with?
  5. Re: Novice Supervillian disadvantage Along these lines, how about a Vulnerability to Presence Attacks? He comes in all big and bad, but when someone actually stands up to him, he freezes and starts to think, "Oh carp, what did I get myself into...?"
  6. Re: [Char] My Universe's Green Arrow The "Impact Arrow" is the one that would have had the boxing glove on the end of it during the Silver Age, I presume? Great work all around!
  7. Re: Cap is dead!!!! We can only hope. But I fear your "Only to be replaced by something even more horrible" might be prophetic....
  8. Re: ONE power: what do you do with it? I second the motion. In fact, anything I could think of doing with 80 points, I can probably do with 70. So I'll donate 10 of my points to you. An extra 2d6 of Mind Control could make all the difference. Anybody else care to donate? It costs so little to do so much....
  9. Re: Music To Raise The Dead If you're looking for a Kansas song in this collection, let me recommend instead of "Dust in the Wind" the song "Child of Innocence" from the Masque album. It's sung from the point of view of death itself!
  10. Re: Philosophical question Given the social and political forces in play in Germany after WWI, it seems almost inevitable that someone like Hitler would come to power eventually. By killing Hitler, doesn't that open up the possibility that whoever did come to power wasn't a total nutcase and actually knew how to run a war? It seems to me that the main reason German lost WWII, in the end, is because Hitler just wasn't very capable as a military leader. By filling his slot in history with someone who knew what they were doing, doesn't that make it a lot more likely that the Wehrmacht doesn't collapse under the incompetence of its leaders, the Nazis win the war, and everyone's speaking German by 1948? THAT'S a really scary thought, Mein Herr.
  11. Re: Cap is dead!!!! Done. And Repped.
  12. Re: Cap is dead!!!! This brings up an interesting idea. If all the writers here on the Hero Boards got together and pooled their resources--and I'm not just talking about cash; I'm talking about writing, artwork, and other talents--couldn't WE start our own comic book line? That way, we'd know that at least one comic book publisher was even capable of telling good stories....
  13. Re: ONE power: what do you do with it?
  14. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain
  15. Re: List of Forum Members - Super Teams & Members Agents of the Pentarchy - They're superpowered operatives of a cabal of wizards/godlings, making sure things in the Multiverse turn out the right way. That is to say, the Pentarchy's way. Ingenue (Amanda) - Abused suburban housewife who decided she just wasn't going to take it any more. Mentalist. Desperado (Brian) - Spoiled, self-centered, French-Canadian professional skier whose attitudes were turned around by a date with a demon. Speedster with a BFG. Jack - Former actor who developed shape-shifting powers. Keandriel - Fallen angel who's trying to work his way back into a state of grace. Cosmic pool. Bane - Executioner for an evil emperor who grew disgusted with his work, rebelled, and was executed himself. Now trying to find a purpose somewhere between life and death. Mini-brick with a variety of HUGE weapons (if you've seen Knightmare from Soul Calibre, you've seen Bane).
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Deadboy, the Goth super hero (of "Status: Rock God" fame), was the only member of the team at the New Champions base when two heroes from out of town arrived to recruit heroes to help fight off a demonic invasion. On being awakened at 6:00 in the evening, he greets the two heroes at the door with, "Why'd you have to come so early? The sun's not even down yet." Then, after calling everyone else on the team, he tells the two visitors, "Hang on, I've got to call my parole officer." [The out-of-towners exchange nervous looks.] "Hello, Steve? Yeah, there's some sort of invasion or something on an island off the coast. Is it okay for me to go, or will I get in trouble?" [silence as 'Steve' replies, more nervous looks.] "All right. If I don't come back, it's probably because I'm in the belly of a demon, so have a nice life."
  17. Re: List of Forum Members - Super Teams & Members If you're talking about the JLA/Avengers of the world, you really need to post Watchtower. I'd do it, but I'm not sure I can remember everyone...
  18. Re: adventure ideas? Here's an idea, if we're talking about powered armor and such: Some high-tech villain or organization has finally had it with the heroes' interference. They put all their plans on hold while they develop and execute a plan that will not only keep the heroes out of their hair, but local law enforcement, too. They design and build robots whose appearance, powers, tactics, and special effects mimic those of the heroes perfectly (or almost perfectly, well enough to fool all but the most observant investigative reporters and cops, anyway). Then they turn the robots loose on the city, and a highly publicized crime wave ensues. Eyewitnesses testify that it's the heroes who are doing all the plundering: "I know it's Metal Man! He was using the same solar blast I saw him take out all those VIPER agents with at City Hall last spring!" Obviously, with both the police and the press after them, the heroes can't go out in costume until this situation is resolved.
  19. Re: Character: Socially Conscious Man!
  20. Re: Character: Socially Conscious Man! So SCM sees politicians' penchant for talking out of their backsides as a right? I guess it must be...there are certainly enough of them doing it, and none of them are getting arrested. So, basically, SCM expects the public to be educated and vigilant, and elected officials to be honest and accountable. Yeah, lemme know how that works out for ya. /cynic
  21. Re: Character: Socially Conscious Man! SCM's writeup looks good, but you forgot a couple of things: Rep: Invented the Internet Perk: Has an Oscar Socially Conscious Man IS Al Gore, right...?
  22. Re: UNTIL Uniforms - Now I know why they BUG me so much.
  23. Re: matchmaker for masks? First off, I have to say that the number of folks scoring Aurora here has me worried. Seriously worried. Having said that, it looks like I'll be hooking up with Lois Lane. Ororo and Kitty are my back-ups.
  24. Re: UNTIL Uniforms - Now I know why they BUG me so much. And for that matter, I wondered why they even bothered to keep the name "Starship Troopers". Think about it. If they had just changed the title and some of the character and location names, they could have made the movie and not had to pay any royalties, because the Heinlein estate would have had no idea that it was based on anything he'd ever written. /rant
  25. Re: UNTIL Uniforms - Now I know why they BUG me so much. Those stupid helmets showed up on B5 security personnel too. Bleh.
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