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Posts posted by Pariah

  1. 12 minutes ago, Old Man said:

    No, stupid is the Derps, who just fired a pretty good coach so that they could bring in the coach they traded away fifteen years ago and who hasn't coached for a decade.  While they relocate to Vegas.  What could go wrong?


    If you've hated watched the Raiders for as long as I have, you know that this is Standard Operating Procedure for the Davis family.

  2. This bit from a Yahoo! Sports article pretty much sums it up for the Doneys in 2017:



    The offense sputtered behind the turnstile trio of QBs Trevor Siemian, Brock Osweiler and Paxton Lynch, who combined for 19 TD throws, 22 interceptions and none of them topped Tim Tebow's career passer rating of 75.3.



  3. Heroes: Mary Marvel, Miss Martian, and Ms. Marvel (Kamala)


    The Mission: A supervillain terrorist has taken over a convention center that was hosting a teen leadership conference.  These three young ladies have to stop him without putting any innocents in danger--or compromising their secret identities! 


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