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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Mythos of the Werewolf I wasn't talking about later portrayals. IANAFH*, I was only observing that the earliest instance of a sympathetic portrayal of any monster in cinema (that I know of) was the 1931 version of Frankenstein with Boris Karloff. I was making no claim that it wasn't possible to portray the monster sympathetically if it was the faster-moving creature described in the book (which I have read, though not recently). I haven't seen the versions of Frankenstein you are citing. I only saw the 1931 version a few times on Television when I was growing up.. * I Am Not A Film Historian.
  2. Re: How would you make "the Doctor"? The point of this thread is not that you can't run Doctor Who because he's just so awesomw it can't be done. The point is how might a PC be constructed that would be enough like The Doctor to be "fair enough" in a supers campaign. In the Whoniverse, the Doctor is almost godlike. In a supers universe, he would not be the only powerful being in existence. If you file the serial numbers off the Doctor character, how much "Doctor-flavor" can you give a character for the above-stated points levels? We play Hero System. "It can't be done" shouldn't be our fallback position for any such question (and someone inevitably suggests it every time).
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Fade to Blackadder Mr. Beany and Cecil
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Good. You can have mine!
  5. Re: Yow would you make "the Doctor"? IIRC, the only time it "blew up" it destroyed the universe, so there was no place to get another. Somehow the Doctor was able to retroactively prevent or post-actively repair the universe like new, which was somehow related to the recovery and relaunch of the original TARDIS. Somebody else might explain it better, but that's the gist. How do you make a character so smart nobody (even you, his player) know how he he will solve the problem, whatever it may turn out to be?
  6. While I am a fan of Doctor Who, I'm always a bit confused about how you might build such a character. As a PC, otherwise where's the challenge? All I know for certain is that he regenerates, but only under certain circumstances, he's brilliant, he has a notepad that says whatever he wants it to (usually as I.D. or other credentials), a spacetime deus ex machina thaat takes him from wherever he is to wherever he's needed, regardless whether that's where he wants to go, and everybody who's made an enemy of him fears him tremendously. How would one even begin to describe The Doctor for 250 points? 350? 500? So... Any takers?
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos From the Jerry Springer show, so click at your own risk.
  8. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Ham slices are so yesterday. I'd use pressed ham slices (the ones so thin they're almost tissue paper). Don't forget to fold them in thirds, or you'll have a "breakthrough".
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Not everything which contains "trigger wiords" is about the "trigger words". It's a well-known piece of art, wherein despite the repugnamce of the subject matter to modern sensibilities, the females depicted were rendered as beautiful as the artist could imagine at the time, and that meant they were not skinny, but kind of the supermodel depictions of their day. Nobody is suggesting that she's wistful over rape, but over the fact that although that shape was considered beautiful at one time, it is not highly valued today. Having said all that, the Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus was a very poor choice of image to make the point that big girls are also beautiful.
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? My 89-year-old (next month) Mom's having dental surgery tomorrow, so we had our regularly-scheduled Monday visit a day early. Afet we had lunch (her treat this time) we hung out at my apartment and watched a few things I had recorded, but she gets an especial kick from the Superman serial we've been watching a few episodes at a time. This time, every time Lois Lane (Noelle Nielle) was onscreen In this outfit (the only outfit Lois ever wears, Mom would remark "I used to have a suit like that in gray. Didn't have that hat, though." Every time. I'd feel sorry for Mom, but at least she's enjoying herself.
  11. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I've had a few of those, mostly of the sort where you wake up from a dream, only to discover you're still asleep, whereupon you wake up and try to determine if you're really awake this time. I've had as many as four "Awake from sleep" iterations in a single dream of that sort (that I can recall).
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares An experimental time machine strands Steve Urkel in the 1970s, where he earns a living maintaining sound equipment for a family of traveling rock-and-roll singers: The Partridge Family Matters A story of a poor black sharecropper trying to survive escaped circus lions and racism: Pride and Prejudice
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine It's under the wig.
  14. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I just received a new copy of PS238 - the Role-playing game. I perused it before going to bed last night. In the ensuing dreams, I was in charge of a group of superpowered minors in the late 1930s, but that was okay. One of my powers was to create out of thin air anything I had ever touched, in like-new condition. We spent a great deal of time refurbishing the building they were staying in (apparently @ Cannon AFB, NM, so it had some "nightmarish" qualities whenever I worried that somehow my Ex would gain access. Mabe she has extradimensional travel?) Most of these new supers were young adults, but there were a lot of teens and kids, too. The whole dream was like herding cats in a world that was both quaintly 1930s and unexpectedly modern.
  15. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I just received a new copy of PS238 - the Role-playing game. I perused it before going to bed last night. In the ensuing dreams, I was in charge of a group of superpowered minors in the 1930s, but that was okay. One of my powers was to create out of thin air anything I had ever touched, in like-new condition. We spent a great deal of time refurbishing the building they were staying in (apparently @ Cannon AFB, NM, so it had some "nightmarish" qualities whenever I worried that somehow my Ex would gain access.) Most of these new supers were young adults, but there were a lot of teens and kids, too. The whole dream was like herding cats in a world that was both quaintly 1940s and unexpectedly modern.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Playlist: "Stuff They Don't Want You To Know". Great inspirational material for supervillains and their master plans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWvYNC_x2qY&list=PL0F2765A4ADA23EB1&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares TaleSpin City
  18. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I haven't been remembering my dreams as well as I did when I started this thread, but I'll give what details I can remember. A few of my recent dreams seem to be set in the world of the Sims 3 (a balky game I've been troubleshooting for months which just recently started working just fine for reasons too dull and jargony to lay out here. here.) Only it isn't exactly the sims game itself, but real life, with cheat codes available! (and apparently I know how to operate any vehicle I get into, which includes 1930's compact cars, jet planes, and the occasional starship.
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