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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Mythos of the Werewolf I would like to recommend that a weapon's being purely of silver or silver-plated should not be an issue. A pure silver blade is not only heavy, but silver is a soft metal and liable to bend if made into a sword. I've worked with the stuff before and it's about as bendy as copper (more-or-less). I always postulated that if a supernatural explanation was required, something along the lines of "Silver represents purity, and evil can't withstand exposure to purity." If a more scientific explanation is preferred, "Silver is a known toxin to bacteria. Direct contact with silver leaves behind traces that can sicken the werewolf. Injuring him with a weapon that creates contact with the silver contained therein effectively halts the werewolf's ability to regenerate."* Or some other way I hadn't thought of. It really depends on what flavor of werewolf you're going for. *Or perhaps just for that wound?
  2. Re: Hero-D&D system merge? There was also value in having basic rules plus supplements and expanded rules, so you could get in cheap but then buy more as you could afford it. It had the added advantage of allowing me to ignore supplements that nobody in my group were interested in anyway.
  3. Re: British Heroes Could Hero arrange for it be printed under license in the UK (and still profit)? Would that even create a savings somehow?
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares That reminds me*. When "The Odd Couple" premiered, my Dad refused to see the movie and didn't watch the TV series for a couple of years, until I explained to him it wasn't about that kind of couple. He died in August of '88. Sometimes I still miss him.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utFvMjJ9UTk Bonus:
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares White Snow and the Seven French Connections Popeye Doyle investigates a drug ring headed by a mysterious princess and run by a gang of seven dwarves. The Good, The Bad, and the Peewee A remake of the famous spaghetti western, starring Paul Rubens as "Blondie". Andy Hardy's Excellent Adventure A time Traveller from the future helps Andrew Hardy pass his finals so he can graduate High School.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Ifd you tug on his earlobe, he takes a picture!
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Finally saw The Avengers Monday. I arrived at the theater late, but it was the only showing that day at that theater, so I went in 10-20 minutes late. Everybody had been assembled aboard the Helicarrier, but Loki hadn't made his appearance in Germany yet. I still got my money's worth, but I'm looking forward to the DVD release so I can watch it some more.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I'd say something sarcastic but I'm not in the mood. That athlete is a real jerk. (Keep in mind that I am given to understatement.)
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Sullivan's Travels
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The Great McGinty
  12. Re: The cranky thread When I was in the USAF's "Fatboy program", we were required to lose 2.5 pounds a week and eat only 1500 calories. Am I imagining just a hint of pride that he's sticking with it anyway? He should give whichever muscle group he exercises a day off between workouts, though, even if he doesn't take entire recovery days. Make sure he's getting enough vitamins and minerals.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Lunacy, but full of plot seeds; part one of a three-parter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-wJUaFHsG8
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures There's a candidate for genre crossover mashups: Twilight of the Gods
  15. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Quantum Meatballs? Sounds like a Bill Murray vehicle.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I just assumed that they were married before they "went evil" and just never decided to get divorced. They might have an open marriage, as the Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch revealed they had in the PROM (Final) episode of the Venture Brothers.
  17. Re: I like Playing Bricks! Is that wrong? I'm surprised no-one has slipped in a joke about the bricks used in construction, and how (and what) one plays with them.
  18. Re: Creepy Pics. I sure hope this was for Halloween and not Mother's day!
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