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Everything posted by quozaxx

  1. Re: My son's first character They have to be kinda short adventures. An hour at the most, or he gets distracted. Typical 10-year old.
  2. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! In case you didn't notice. His "super hero" name is Kazam.
  3. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Yes, a family reunion! Let's see if I have everything: sliding rings, balls and cups, stuffed rabbit, big empty hat, playing cards, plenty of coins, cape, portable curtain, newspaper, silk handkerchief. fake handcuffs, and assorted magic boxes. Oh, the how the kids love Uncle Owen! (or so his mind thinks). I can't wait to hear those oohs and aahhs and cheers. I've just got to get there early! "Hiram! How's life been treating you?" "Yes, I may have gained a few pounds?" "Oh, do you like my Hawaiian shirt?" "Alan! Can I use your dog Rex for one of my tricks? I promise I won't hurt him? - Oh, he's not feeling well?" "Adam! How's the 'chimp" off the old block. I've got a new book for you. A brand new mystery just out. - Did you say something about 'chimp'? "Amanda! How's my baby sister. Who's got a big hug for her big brother. Oh hi, Carl, where's Megan? By the lake? I've got my coin out of the ear trick ready to go. She loved that trick 5 years ago at the last reunion. Oh, and this must be baby Karl! Who's a whooshie whoo? Who muggle muggle moo? Oh, you do! Oh, you do! Oh how I love to see kids smile" "Misty! Come give your big brother a hug. No prospects for marriage huh? Well, maybe one day! "Brian!, give your little brother a hug! Katy, yes you too, Brenda? Maybe next time. Is that a coin in your ear? Well, would you look at that. Where's Miles? Oh, he's by the water too? Where's his glasses. I'm going to go see them!" "My word. is that a - a meteor? Or is it meteorite? I'll have to ask Misty. "Kids watch out! Owen pants, huffing and puffing when the splash occurs. Is anyone hurt? Hiram! The next thing he know is that he's standing right next to Hiram. He didn't run inbetween either! He stairs down at the potato salad. "KAZAM!" It's now in his hand! Awesome! This year's 'show' is going to be THE BEST, now that he can do real tricks. Mmmm good potato salad. Note: I realize that was 7 but letting people go on if they want.
  4. Re: My son's first character On the next game we played my son's other character Eyeball, later to be joined again by Diablo Eyeball is a human sized eyeball with legs, claws, and wings. He also has Computer Programming, Electronics, and Mechanics. I started off where his origin story left off. He was being in his personal space craft followed by a military vehicle. I told him that his ship had been damaged, and that he had to exit Warp Drive at an unknown location. This solar system only has one sun, and it looks like the 3rd planet has a lot more water than his planet. His character doesn't have self-contained breathing, so he started to head for Earth (the 3rd planet). He was being followed. I told him there was a large forest area, and just beyond that was a city. He was going to just jump out of his ship and fly away, but his pursuer telepathecally contacted him and told him to land and give up. I reminded him that his ship was damaged and that the military ship could blow his ship away easily. He paused, not looking happy. I told him that if he was stuck for an idea, he could roll his INT roll. He did and made it. I reminded him that the military ship was about twice as large as his, and probably couldn't fly through the forest as easily as his space craft could. He flew in. Just before getting out of sight the other alien said "You can't hide in there forever. I can wait and when you come out, I'll get you." He rolled his INT roll. I pointed out that his skills mentioned above. He asked if his ship has auto pilot. I said yes, and he may be able to rewire it so it could fly like he's still in it. He made his rolls. The space ship flew onward and he flew out of his ship undetected (Stealth roll), The other alien followed his ship. He then realized that his computer chip was missing. It could be anywhere and he started to look for it. In fact, he had his chip in the back of his ship that had a large hole in it. It could literally be in Warp space, in our solar system, or anywhere on Earth. Meanwhile.... Diablo was on patrol, when overhead flew two space ships from the forest area. The ship in front was flying erratically and was in front. It looked like it could hit a building. He raced after it. He shot his blast and knocked the ship to an empty parking lot. (It was late at night). The other alien came out of his ship and approached the wreckage. He asked what was going on and the alien told him that the alien he was tracking is under arrest and not to stop him. There was no one in the crashed ship and the alien asked Diablo to help him look for this criminal. He paused. The player knew that Eyeball was not a criminal. I told him that Persuasion also tells if someone is lying. He rolled it. He told the alien "no" and drove off to the forest by himself. The alien went to where he last saw Eyeball and Diablo drove his motorcycle to the forest. They found each other. I played Eyeball for a few minutes so he wouldn't have to talk to himself. ..."I am looking for a very small item. It may be in the forest." "How big is it?' "About the size of a Flexnar." He laughed. "I have no idea of how to respond to that." .... "What's a Flexnar?" "It's about the size of this leaf." The other alien approached. "Don't resist me. I'm taking this criminal in. " Diablo fired his blast at him. The alien left "I will be back with reinforcement!" He said when he left. To be continued when we play again...
  5. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Mindy Combs is Mindset. She is the worst of the seven member team. She knows where the weak hide. In fact, she knows a lot of things. She is the leader of The Bullies, because she makes them follow her without them even knowing they are being forced. She likes making people do things, but like watching The Bullies beat up on weaklings even better. Who do you think gives the information to Rumor Mel, she does know it all? Who do you think gives "Benny" ideas for new tricks? Who do you think tells "Rod" where Terry is hiding? Who do you think set up Nikki with powers, or "lead" Giant to the shrink ray, and even helped keep Pounder and Brute away from each other. Mindset set it all up and keeps it in order. That's 7. Next group. In the public's eyes are 7 wonderful heroes. Heroes of virtue and justice. But what the public doesn't know is that these 7 heroes have another thing in common. They are secretly super villains. You see a man known only as "The Boss" found out that these heroes take some "recovered" goods off the top from returned heists, or don't return "all" of the money from a bank robbery, or looked the other way on occasions. So he blackmails them and they work for him now. They don't even know who The Boss is. They don't know who the other 6 are either. But that's not important. When these so called heroes are "needed" The Boss puts them to work, undercover as The Hidden Agenda.
  6. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Plain Jane is a very unassuming young woman. She is often overlooked by literally everyone. So when she discovered she can look like anyone she wanted; you'd think she'd look like a superstar. But she doesn't. She kinda like being in the background. There have been times when Cheer Girl has forgotten that she was there, times when Strider has passed her by, times when Brick has literally bumped into her.. You get the point. But she's always there when the team needs her. Especially since the enemy seems to ignore her too, and she'd rather be a hero - even if no one remembers that she helped out. That's not what being a hero is all about anyways. OK I think that's eight. Next team: Some heroes fight for truth and justice and the American Way, but not true for the next group of heroes. This 5 group team would rather jam with their favorite rock band than fight villains. In fact, the only time they get involved is usually by coincidence, or someone asks them to help out. It's not that they wouldn't help, they just usually have better things to do. You'd think that with their awesome powers, they'd bring in the bad guys by the truck load, but that's not the case with The Party Animals. Note: The team doesn't necessarily have anything to do with animal backgrounds / powers / abilities.
  7. Re: The Bunnies Are Back Well the trio mentioned that the boss revived them, therefore Emerald - being a detective - will search for him; the artist behind it all. He will look for signatures hidden in the characters, specific artistic techniques, chemicals or drawing materials recently stolen, and that sort of thing. He will not walk through the door. Once he tracks down, and hopefully catches the boss, he will then set a trap for the trio. A cartoon type trap to catch the cartoon style trio.
  8. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Irwin Shlub is The Flea. Yes, this very unassuming man can shrink to the size of a flea. When he shrinks, he can leap over vast distances and his Strength increases as he gets smaller. What sets The Flea apart from most heroes is that he is also a ventriloquist. You think it's hard to find a tiny flea, try finding one when your looking in the wrong place because he threw his voice. Special note: Once again The flea was an npc crazy person in my game. Sorry again, couldn't pass it up.
  9. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Miss Mystique II: Miss Mystique is straight out of the 1940s. Dress, style, 2-fisted justice, and seductive. The only problem is that when her original self died, the original turned into a ghost that still fights crime, and has been since the 1940s. She hasn't confronted her other self yet, and stays out of that city until she is sure that original Miss Mystique is ready for such a confrontation. BTW: Miss Mystique (the "original") really is a player's character that is in one of my games. It was too good to pass up. Who knows, I may just use this idea.
  10. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Randy Threadous is secretly the villain Pill Popper. That's right, Randy has not only popped pills in the past, he encourages kids to go through their parents or grandparents medicine cabinets and try something new. After all they're just medication and can't be "that bad" for you. He figures if he can get kids hooked on a pill he can sell them his own brand of pill. You see, Pill Popper doesn't have the "ordinary" pills to pop. He has Meta. The superhero making pill. In fact he is the prime supplier and often uses kids to sell his pills. He stays on the sidelines and is surprisingly hard to find. He has a network of Meta users spread throughout the city. So, he always seems to know when the police or resident super is looking for him. So, if you ever wanted to be stronger and beat up those bullies bothering you or ever wanted to really fly; One of the Meta users can set you up. Granted, they may have set you up in the first place, and side effect of the pills can be worse than the pills themselves. But as long as Pill Popper gets kids hooked he's in heaven. And if he ever does get cornered. He just pops some pills and he's ready to go. He's already developed a resistance to the side effect, and he stays super powered longer than "normal" clients. That, combined with the fact the heroes never know what they will end up against, makes Pill Popper an unusually formidable opponent
  11. Re: My son's first character Well, my son and I finally got a chance to play his first adventure. First, I go together his favorite wrestling action figures. 2 toy cars, and one toy motorcycle big enough to put one of the figures on. Of course, he chose Undertaker to be his hero Diablo. Note: his character was originally called Skeleflex, but on thinking on a batter name he said “How about Diablo - that’s Spanish for devil” Surprised that my son knows any Spanish not on a fast food restaurant menu. I said “That’s a great name”. His powers only activate in the dark. They can keep activated in the daytime, but he has to change in the dark. (It’s only a -¼ Limitation). Me: “It’s just after work, it’s not quite dark yet to change”. Him “I go home.” “Is that so he can get his motorcycle? “I was hoping that his car could change into his motorcycle” To inspire his first game I said “Sure, why not. On your way home you come to a stoplight, a convertible pulls up next to you. Make a Perception roll. It’s there on your sheet. “It’s 12 minus. “That means you have to roll under 12 one 3 6-sided dice.” He makes his roll “In the convertible, you see the well-known criminal Armadillo in his full Armor.” I show him a picture. “They turn right and drive down the road. “I follow them. “You don’t have Stealth, or Shadowing but you do have Combat Driving - it‘s not usually used to follow people, but I‘ll allow it.. So roll that roll. It’s under your Skills section”. He makes his roll by quiet a bit. “Great, they don’t seem to notice you following them. They start going down to the “bad” side of town. Abandoned buildings, dark alleys, out-of-business signs. Not a great side of town. “You said dark alleys. Is it dark enough to change into Diablo? “Yes, You follow them to an old broken down apartment. They start to go inside. Roll your Perception roll. He makes it. “Inside of the convertible is 2 street thugs and Armadillo, inside is 3 more street thugs. “I’ll go around and sneak in the back. “You don’t have Stealth, but you can still roll it for 8 or less. He makes his roll. “I tumble over to the corner sliding on my side. Getting as close as I can. “Roll your Acrobatics roll. He makes his roll “You see a map laid out on a table. It is a map of the street and the bank. One says ‘OK, when the other 3 get here, we’ll be ready, and then in one hour we’ll hit the bank.’ The other 3 enter. “Diablo has an idea. “OK, what’s his idea? “He’ll get to the armor car first, knock the guards out with his rancid breath. Change clothes with them, and drive up to the bank, pretending to be one of the guards. I’ll then place the guards carefully on the side of the road, and pick them up later. “That’s a lot to do. Let’s play some of it out. At this point, I make it incredibly easy for him to do what he wanted. The window rolled down for him. He opened the back will a bad STR damage roll, and didn’t injure any of the 3 guards. At 10 years old, I thought he had a good idea. So it went easily. “You’re in the armored car and you approach the bank. You already see Armadillo and 2 thugs in the bank while the other 3 thugs, disguised as regular people are outside of the bank waiting for the armor car. “I park the car and get out. “One of the thugs walk by your car limping like he’s injured. You know this is just part of the plan to distract the guards. “I walk past him so and ask if he’s OK. “You see the other two thugs. They show you their guns. “Can I blast him into one of the other two thugs? “Yes, with something we call Knockback. You roll to see if you hit, then damage, then Knockback. Remember you don’t have to use your blast at full strength if you don’t want to. Full Strength is 12d6. That’s 12 6-sided dice. That could kill a normal person. “OK, I’ll use only 8 dice. He hit’s the guy, and does decent damage, but rolls a rotten Knockback roll” “Well, he’s knocked out, but he basically he’s only knocked down. Go ahead and roll anyways to see if you hit the other guy. He misses. “You missed. “That didn’t go how I planned. “It never does. “Now I….” “Wait it’s their turn. They shoot their guns at you.” ---- “they both miss, now it’s your turn. “Can I jump up and kick them both at the same time? They are standing close together.. “Yes, roll your Acrobatics roll, and then you’ll have a minus on your roll to hit them. He makes his rolls, and rolls good damage. “OK, now what do you do? “I lock the back of the armored car back up, and drive it around the corner so no one can get into it. “That’s smart, I’ll give you an experience point for that one. “I come around to the front of the bank. “Armadillo is close to the door. One thug is at the cashiers making sure they don’t push the silent alarm, and one thug is back at the vault, which is unlocked because of the arrival of the armored car. “I sneak in the door and leap to the side like I did before. He rolls without being asked and makes an incredible roll. “Armadillo is a tough super villain. I’ll give you one more dice of damage for such a great roll - for surprise. “Does he have a helmet on? “Yes, “So my rancid breath might not work on him? “Yup, plus his visor is tinted. “So my gaze may not work either? “It may work but not as effective. “Is there anyway I can make my blast stronger? “Well, there is something called a Haymaker. It takes a long time to perform, but they don’t know you are there. You can add 4 more dice to it. “I’ll do that. Some incredible rolls later - the dice like him. “You knock him out with one shot. He never knew what hit him. Now, if you want, you just knocked out a major villain with one shot. You can do a Presence roll and scare them into doing what you want. “I’ll have Diablo tell them…. “Be Diablo, Use his voice and his words. “Put the money back, drop your weapons, and run away. “You don’t want them to go to jail “Oh, yeah. ‘Put the money back, drop your weapons, and sit in the corner. Good roll later “They do what you say. The teller is shaking, He says “Are you after the money? Can I call the police now?” “No, I’m one of the good guys. Call the police. He leaves. End of first game. He gave it an 8 out of 10. I gave him 3 xp total. He used it on Stealth.
  12. Re: My son's first character Well, now we are already starting to make a second character for my son, and we haven't even played a game with the first one yet. But, who can blame him. Making characters is fun. The next character is based on a T-shirt he owns. The T-shirt has an large eyeball, with two-legs that end in claws, (no arms), and wings that look like they are made out of water. Too bad I don't have a picture of that one. "OK, son, what powers does he have" "He can fly, has sharp claws, and has water powers. "Great. What is his story? "He's from another planet. He works with computers and came across a secret that the other aliens didn't want him to see. He flew away on a space ship and crashed on our planet. His space ship got damaged and he lost his computer chip that the secret was on. He's now on our planet looking for that chip. The other aliens are trying to also get that chip back. "That's creative, Is he from another planet or another dimension? "What's a dimension?" "Um, that's hard to explain." A long pause. "He's from another planet. "What other skills does he have besides computers? "Electronics and Mechanics. "That's good. "The picture doesn't show a mouth, how does he communicate? "With his mind. "That's called Telepathy. Great. "For now we'll call him 'eyeball'. "How does he protect himself? How about a force field? "OK. "What does his water powers do. Try to think of 3 things. "OK, he can make a large wave. "To attack a large area? "Sure. and he can put out fires. "I'll call that Dispel, anything else? "He can move water. "I'll write that up as Telekinesis, liquid only.
  13. Re: My son's first character
  14. Re: My son's first character Here's a pic of his poster: [ATTACH]36645[/ATTACH]
  15. Re: My son's first character [ATTACH]36640[/ATTACH]
  16. Re: My son's first character I'll try to get the character up soon. Work has kept me from getting the final touches on his character. ... After we got his base characteristics, I showed him the headings: Skills, Perks, Talents, Martial Arts, Powers, and Complications. He immediately said he wanted Martial Arts. I showed him some to choose from and he chose Kung Fu. (It probably didn't hurt that we say Karate Kid earlier in the week). He chose them all the kung fu possibilities. I told him that he wouldn't have any room for skills or Powers. So he chose the ones that sounded the best. Block, Dodge, Escape, Joint lock/Grab, Kick, Punch, Throw, Tiger/Dragon Claw, and Weapon Element Axes, Maces and Picks. Then we looked at skills: We chose: PS: Lawyer (PRE based), Criminology, Deduction, Bureacratics, Streetwise, Acrobatics, Breakfall, Climbing, Combat Driving, Concealment, conversation, Persuasion, and Forensic Medicine at the Familiarity Level. From Perks, We chose a motocyle and Money: Well off. I told him that since his character is only a superhero in the dark, it would be "cheaper" to break down some of his characteristics to have the limitation Only in darkness, or at night (-1/4). So, 10 STR, 20 PRE, 5 CON, 10 PD (Resistant), and 10 ED (Resistant) were moved to the Powers category with that limitation. We added Nightvision. Then his 3 Powers (in an MP fixed) as he described them. Gaze: Sight Group Flash 12d6, Dark only (see above) (-1/4) Dark Blast: Blast 12d6, Dark only (-1/4) Rancid Breath: Blast 8d6 NND (or AVAD All or nothing) (-1/2), Limited Range (-1/4), Drak only (-1/4) Complications: Vulnerability 2X STUN, 1 1/2X BODY Acid attacks. Psy: Loves to have fun Distinctive: Scary skull face (easily concealed) Social: Secret ID Hunted: Determine later (probably VIPER) I haven't had a chance to iron out the final details yet. I may move things around. Add 2-wheeled motorized vehicles, oratory, or some other things. Haven't got around to asking him yet.
  17. When my son was only 8, I showed him the cool villains pictures from Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks. He loved them. So I told him all about Champions and the games in general. He loved it; unfortunately at the time he wanted his character to not only do EVERY thing, but be unbeatable. So, his character was never made. Jump ahead two years to today (July 27, 2010). I brought up the subject after purchasing a new book. He rekindled his interest. I told him that an all powerful character wasn't as much fun as an imperfect one. He told me that he wasn't a little kid anymore and didn't think that way still. I asked him what kind of character he wanted. He has a poster on his wall of a skeleton riding a motorcycle. He said "How about him?" I told him that was perfect. "What kind of powers would he have?" I said. He said "He can blind people with his eyes". "He can knock people out with his rancid breath." And "His gloves could shoot lasers." I told him that he should have "complications" to overcome. He said "Well, he can only do this stuff in the dark since he's in the dark in the poster". I said "Great. Anything else?" " Yeah, he can't be around acid." I replied "How about acid attacks hurt him more?" He agreed. I said. "OK, does he have a secret ID? You know a "daytime" job?" He said yes. "What does he do for a living." He popped right out. "His name is Rob. He's a lawyer." Slightly surprised by the quick response. I said "Perfect" and gave him a high five. "Well, to make a great character you need a background story. How did he get his powers?" "He was helping out a client when the client's brother came in and shot Rob. He's rushed to the hospital. When he gets there the doctor tried out a new experimental drug to save his live to keep him alive. That changed him into who he is today." So the build began.... I started with characteristics. "How strong is he?" "How high can it go up to?" "60 can lift a decent sized car." "75" "I thought you wanted the skeleton character. I tell you what, we'll build you a strong character later." "OK, Then 25". "Good, 23 is good for DEX - I'll explain that later. "OK" "How about 20 for CON? So he's not as easy to knock out. "OK" "How smart is he? 13, 14, 15? "14" "EGO, A high EGO great for mentalists, but he's doesn't use mental powers. How about 13? "OK" "Presence, how scary do you want him "40" "Wow. A little high, how about 30? "35" "OK, 35 it is. I get out the 6th Edition Vol 2. and show him the characters. We agree on OCV and DCV of 7, OMCV, and DMCV of 3, and SPD of 5. PD and ED of 20. Then round out the rest with REC 15, END 30 (even though I doubt I'll start having him use it until he gets more used to the game), BODY of 13, and STUN of 50. More later...
  18. Re: Rocovery Thanks, just wanted to be sure. Of course that means the villains can do that too....
  19. I know that a character can use their Phase to take a Recovery and I know that a character can use Post-12 Recovery to Recover. But on Phase 12, Can a character take a Recovery instead of doing an action, and then turn around and get a Post-12 Recovery thus taking 2 recoveries basically on the same Phase?
  20. I am starting to build my Dannabar campaign. I want one kingdom to be approximately a 5 days journey from the other kingdom. How many meters should I put kingdom A from kingdom B? How many meters can a horse travel in a day? That's normal travel without the need to push it or hurry it. Note: A warhorse, is 24m/48m (non combat), SPD 3. END 40. I have never worked with long-term END. Also, would you have a horse go full speed if you are "just" riding it?
  21. quozaxx


    Re: Dragons What is your favorite movie that has a dragon in it?
  22. quozaxx


    Re: Dragons What do you think about the idea that dragons are not evil and should not be killed. Like some of the Dragons in movies nowadays. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but dragons seem to be almost kind hearted (mostly, some exceptions) in modern movies.
  23. quozaxx


    Dragons have been very popular through the ages, and Fantasy Hero is no exception. So I thought it'd be a good idea to dedicate a thread just on the subjects of dragons. Dragon Art, Dragon jokes, How dragons in your campaign are perceived - are they evil, good, or somewhere inbetween, anything dragon related.
  24. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Island The Castaway: Marooned on the island during a storm, this strange man brought something on his journey. Shrunken heads. He won't say where he got them or what he was doing transporting them, but he sure does have a lot of them. His remains of his ship can be found, and it's hard to imagine such a large ship having only one person on board. But he swears that he was the only one on board. (Special note: this entry was suggested by my 10 year old son)
  25. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Island The Black Widow Perhaps one of the most beautiful women on the island. She is seductive and sexy. She also likes being married. She's been married 8 times. Not bad for a 23 year old. The worst part is that each and every husband has died. Each husband has died an unusual death (one was struck by lightning, and 2 are still unsolved as the reasons behind the deaths). She has had an iron clad alibi for each death, seen by multiple witnesses at the club she works at. The word is out that she is now looking for husband number 9.
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