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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Ah. No. The colour was named after the fruit. Same thing with aubergine.
  2. While specifics may vary from workplace to workplace and company to company, a typical practice at a black company is to hire a large number of young employees and then force them to work large amounts of overtime without overtime pay. Conditions are poor, and workers are subjected to verbal abuse and "power harassment" (bullying) by their superiors.[1] In order to make the employees stay, superiors of black companies would often threaten young employees with disrepute if they chose to quit. Noteworthy cases[edit] Mina Mori, a 26-year-old employee of the restaurant chain Watami, committed suicide[2] two months after joining the company in 2008. Her family lodged a complaint with the Yokosuka Labor Standards Office to seek recognition of the suicide as work-related. When their claim was denied, they appealed it to the Kanagawa Prefectural Labor Bureau, which recognized work-related stress as the cause of the decline of her mental health.[3][4] In December 2015, Watami reached an out-of-court settlement of 130 million yen with the family, and Watami founder Miki Watanabe apologized.[5]
  3. It was, incidentally...a terrible game. Total curb stomp.
  4. In the personal adverts of The Hindu's competitor....
  5. Strictly speaking these aren't videos. They're audios, but close enough, and these characters constitute a really interesting paired origin. Incidentally the performer's default name for her supervillain characters is "Bloody Heart".
  6. It's not a proper rpg unless it has a new character generation system so I don't expect much.
  7. Shrinking is the amazing power to get people not to notice your regrettable fashion choices.
  8. I certainly do believe that it's possible to grow, to change and learn better and that we should let people outlive old mistakes. I don't think that applies to Barker who started doing this stuff quite late in life and seems to have been an active holocaust denier until declining health took him out of action. I don't think it taints Empire of the Petal Throne. He did that stuff between the 50s and the 70s while he got into this holocaust denial stuff in the 90s. Then again, I don't much care because I didn't like his work anyway.
  9. Afghan conflict: Trump hails deal with Taliban to end 18-year war - BBC News
  10. I have since remembered that the worst movie I saw, even worse than Starship Invaders, was Master of Disguise. I watched it on a two day bus trip where they inexplicably played it to "entertain" us. Not one thing about it worked. Unrelentingly stupid and unfunny.
  11. Barbarella was an adaptation of a French science fiction comic book and those are always loopy. Just look at City of a Thousand Planets which ground to a halt and just spent it's time looking at pretty landscapes.
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