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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Rather than recapitulate the entire technology tree, GURPS Alpha Centauri makes a minor extension to the standard GURPS tech level system (pp. B185-186). For TL8 and above, each specific item of technology will be assigned to one of the four sectors of technical development: Explore (E), Discover (D), Build (B), and Conquer (C). When it is necessary to discuss a specific subset of a tech level's goods and equipment, this will be indicated by placing the appropriate key letter in parentheses. For example, an item of equipment which is associated with Explore technology at TL9 would be listed as being TL9(E)
  2. The Thing In The Night ST=20 DX=16 IQ=12 Perception 18 HT=10 SM +1 Advantages: Unkillable 2, Mindreading, Telesend, +6 Night Vision, Claws, Combat Reflexes, Extra limbs (switchable), Doublejointed Disadvantage: Sadist, Feral, Social Stigma Monster, Primitive TL 0, Skills: Traps 14, Stealth 16, Brawling 18, Intimidation 18, Stealth 18, Quirks: Enjoys challenging prey Taunts it's prey Sets primitive traps but doesn't use ranged or melee weapons Sleeps in the day Don't bother trying to guess what this is, the song is Paralyzed by Aviators.
  3. It comes under the category of unnecessary personal services.
  4. Suggesting that a fair number of them were prostitutes would probably be too grimdark for Star Trek. In the Federation at large there are basically going to be four categories of occupation Scientist Artist Bureaucrat Person providing unnecessary personal services. Shuttlecraft steward, Bartender and the like.
  5. Magic is an extremely vague term that is less about defining a thing than defining someone’s attitude toward the thing. Call something “magic” and you are saying one of these things: There is something about this I could never understand There is something about this I don’t want to want to understand because that would make it less special. While I understand this thing just fine, I don’t want other people to understand it. There is something that we once thought we’d never understand and called magic then, and are still calling “magic” out of force of habit.
  6. Reminds me of an idea I had for a would-be alien conqueror who arrived on the planet he was supposed to take over for his overlord only to discover that it was in such a mess and in such constant peril of destruction and conquest that all of his energies ended up getting absorbed into defending the planet and fixing it up, until finally he ended up defending it from his former people.
  7. The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
  8. Old, romantic, historic Earth, the big blue marble itself. Miles had always expected to travel here someday, although not, surely, under these conditions. Earth was still the largest, richest, most varied and populous planet in scattered humanity’s entire worm-hole nexus of explored space. Its dearth of good exit points in solar local space and governmental disunity left it militarily and strategically minor from the greater galactic point of view. But Earth still reigned, if it did not rule, culturally supreme. More war-scarred than Barrayar, as technically advanced as Beta Colony, the end-point of all pilgrimages both religious and secular—in light of which, major embassies from every world that could afford one were collected here.
  9. Well done. Quackhell gets the next image.
  10. “humans are now hackable animals and that free will is over”
  11. Open up a dimensional gate under the sea that leads to a total water world and let the water flood in until everything but the mountains is drowned. Erase the memories of every human being who isn't under my protection Trigger an electromagnetic pulse that will fry every civilian computer and power grid on the planet Start a chain reaction that causes every volcano in the Ring of Fire to erupt, triggering a new Ice Age Envelope the Earth in a shrink field that causes all humans to reduce in size. Unite all of humanity into a single harmonious hive mind Travel back in time and prevent the origins of every superhero. Expose all of humanity to radiation that will give the survivors superpowers Replace humanity with android duplicates Start a zombie epidemic Cause a nuclear exchange Invite a invading alien or demonic army Cause the sun to go nova Abduct a city to a primitive world and then use it to conquer the natives Use a power enhancement device to convince the lower level villains to unite and defeat the superheroes and the more powerful villains Expose the superheroes to something that causes berserk rage, totally discrediting the survivors Create and spread a biological weapon that will kill 99% of men. Trap all the players of the most popular MMORPG in virtual reality Cause every nuclear warhead to spontaneously explode. Convince a large number of major investment players that the market is about to collapse, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy Infilitrate the major drug syndicates, then poison the the product to eliminate the addicts. Accelerate plant growth so that a years growth happens in a day.
  12. https://news.yahoo.com/forecast-1-8m-illegal-migrants-110700666.html
  13. Wolf, Ram, Byrd and Hart, Councillors of the Macabre and Devil's Advocates.
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