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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. New one up! http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1154.html
  2. Predicting the Super Bowl with Crime Fiction
  3. About that... Loud booms reported in the Chicago-area could be frost quakes
  4. A farmer in Hawaii is growing record-sized avocados that weigh as much as a newborn baby
  5. I just smiled, stood my ground and told him that there had been complaints of him being obnoxious. Apparently he had brought a full bottle of Crown Royal in with him and was knocking that back in a blue plastic cup. Entitled piece of [BLEEP] refused to acknowledge his actions, of course.
  6. Had a belligerent and drunk audience member get in my face and put his hands on me at the end of a show, claiming I "RUINED HIS EXPERIENCE!" because I dared to politely ask him to be quiet due to him being loud & obnoxious and ignoring our hosts. And I had no one to vent to when I got home because my husband was at a bourbon tasting (and I was at the show in his place because he wanted to go to said tasting) -- and hubby then drank too much to the point of vomiting and near-blackout experience. This then led to me expending even more energy to make sure he was safe & cleaned up and I didn't get any damn sleep that night. Husband has since apologized profusely about not being there for me. I'm still shaking about that one [BLEEP] though -- even with my castmates having my back. But even they didn't realize until it was too late.
  7. Care package received. Friend is happy. One less bit to worry about.
  8. 75 car pile up near Montreal leads to the most Canadian moment ever!
  9. The only time I'll take pics of my food & instagram/FB it is if I'm making it myself (needs to rest anyways ;)). Restaurants, I'd rather just eat.
  10. Meanwhile, back in Florida... Florida man stole laxatives thinking they were painkillers, police say
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