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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Madame Liberte' (Lady Liberty) - It can be said that she was long ago the model for the statue that was a gift to america. She's long been thought a legend, but in this time of war she has come back to embody the spirit of the land, with her torch of truth that burns away tyranny. Omigosh, I was just having a similar idea to this when I was at the mall today. Only mine was based on the famous portrait from the Revolution era, y'know the one with the lady weilding a pistol? Of course, I think I like your idea better. The torch that burns away tyranny is a nice concept. I even had some power ideas for her, in addition to the torch. A PRE, EGO, STR and CON AID, linked to a healing AID [possibly a succor] with the Incantations limitation and only on loyal French people. When she sings the French national anthem her fellow Frenchmen are inspired becoming braver, stronger and stronger willed. Naturally there's a flipside, also with the Incantations limitation and the limitation: only works on enemies of France. It's a drain against PRE, EGO, STR and CON with an Area Effect. When she sings the French National Anthem, the enemies of France [which includes Vichy French traitors] quail in fear, thier strength leaving them.
  2. You better belive I have some ideas on that score. I already have a partial list of mystic artifacts the Nazi's are gonna try and steal, plus more then a few supernatural baddies that they're gonna call up in order to spread their tyrrany and evil. Mr. Fog will be a busy boy I assure you [to say nothing of my players. *evil laughter*].
  3. To the best of my knowledge they don't. However, I have plenty of stuff that I haven't posted on the boards that can be used to surprise them, so it's good. As for the campaign, it won't be just the homefront. They'll be going abroad quite a bit. By the time I'm finished, they'll feel as if they've travelled the world over. As for the Italian guy, I have a plan for one concerning the not so good Professor's plans in the US.
  4. Now that I like RevHooligan. Hammer Sullivan definetly has a place amongst the roster of Golden Age stalwarts in my campaign. Simply because he's wicked cool, as is any fellow who KO's the Grim Reaper.
  5. That's awesome Golden Age goodness wcw-whatever that number was!
  6. Re: Re: Allied Heroes Gotcha, thanks for the tip. Would the wrestling federation be willing to be lenient with El Santo's schedule during global emergencies?
  7. Ooooooooooo some good choices there Hermit, I especially liked Mr. Fog and Sky Knight. Some very evocative characters there. Hmmm, perhaps Mr. Fog battles supernatural types as well? Any sort of threat to England being one he must fight and all that?
  8. Ok, we've covered Golden Age in general, the arch Nazi nemesis Professor Peril and his Household of Destruction, now I think it's time to dwell on some Allied heroes for my PC's to eventually encounter. After all, we don't want them to think the American Contingent [which is them] is fighting this by themselves. Now Mexico of course is already being defended by the Mighty El Santo, and I pause to thank The Great Book of Real Heroes for providing an excellent write up of him, and I have an idea for two superheroes out of Canada. These two Canadian stalwarts are The Mountie and the Ancient Mariner. The Mountie, who will probably use his real name, is obviously a Mountie but a VERY capable one. He's basically Batman with a better attitude and a snazzy uniform. The Ancient Mariner is just what his name suggests, a mariner who's really REALLY old. Immortal in fact. He's been around since Canada was first settled by the British and rumour has it he fought the Vikings when they invaded England. Anyway, that's in the past and today he's a proud Canadian and living in Newfoundland. He has a strong Newfoundlander accent [Distinctive Feature; Concealable with effort; always noticed]. He rides around in a golden sailboat, called a dory, that not only sails fine in any weather but can fly! If you have any other ideas for these fine people, or suggestions for other Allied Superheroes in World War 2. Feel free to comment.
  9. No, no I don't, especially when I already have bumbling villains for comedy purposes. Seriously, I was thinking of a martial arts assasin type of character for the Black Cobra. Uses blades coated with snake venom and what not. The Black Dragon Society needs some villains on thier side after all, they can't all be ninja cannon fodder [though Black Dragon is a ninja, though higher powered].
  10. Excellent. Black Cobra you have had some excellent ideas. As a matter of fact, I was planning on having Professor Peril be the sort who dabbles in magic as well as technology. It was part of his training you see, though at the moment he relies more on his technical abilities as he assertains wether or not America has powerful mages who can catch him at cursing his enemies and such. It's something he keeps in reserve to surprise the heroes with if he gets cornered. As for the asian bodyguard. Well he'd be less of a bodyguard and more of an ammbasador from the Black Dragon Society to Vonderhagen's group. A show of good will between the two agencys since they are both allied with the Axis after all. Speaking of the Black Dragon Society, do you mind if I use you handle as the name of a supervillain in my campaign Black Cobra?
  11. Just a further update on my Golden Age Campaign. I've found a spot in Professor Peril's household for the Mad Scientist. At the moment said mad scientist is either going to be the not so good Professor's Uncle or Grandfather. Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.
  12. Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry to nit pick, but.. Well I did mention Joe Two Rivers as an Ojibway, but nobody seemed to be paying attention.
  13. Re: Re: Staring us right in the blackface Well he's not exactly a superhero [though pretty darn close in my opinion] but Joe Two Rivers from the Canadian show Forest Rangers was an Ojibway. Pretty non-steroetypical considering the show was made in the 1960's. I also thought up an Iroquois character once. His name was Tom and he had weather powers. He was the son of a Native American business person and as I recall he often went into battle wearing a suit or some other such non sterotypical outfits. Never got to play him though.
  14. I was in a game once where my character was the DNPC of another character and said other character was the DNPC of my character. The limitations weren't worth very much points of course, but it was fun to roleplay for the amount of time the game ran. The two PCs were brothers you see and thus very protective of each other.
  15. Yes of course! How could I possibly have forgotten the hunchbacked assistant? Seriously the pilot/driver is a very good idea. The family chauffeur, trained by the best drivers and pilots in all of Europe in order to become the best pilot the Luftwaffe and possibly the world had ever seen. He is the Iron Eagle! Since the Japanese will have thier own villains to menace our heroes I'm thinking no on the Japanese houseboy, though it is a cool idea. However, rest assured there will be plans involving super-ninja/assassins and the good Professor. Most notably a far superior version of the old Marvel villain Agent Axis. Hmmmm. Perhaps a personal astrologer who's also a sorceress?
  16. While those are very good points Syberdwarf, at the moment they're a little bit beyond the scope of my campaign as of right now. At the moment I kinda have to focus on the here and now of the character so as to give my players the thrills and chills they deserve. So while he very well could end up forming VIPER at a later date [even if his identity is exposed, wouldn't be the first time shady business types have done business with a known supervillain after all] that will only come up in my campaign when and if it gets to the closing days of WW2 in game.
  17. Trebuchet I'm actually gonna do my best to make that line the slogan of the campaign. Kevin, you're right about the assistants and mooks of course. Since I want the Professor to be a recurring villain in this campaign I think he needs both a super capable assistant [one he will not hesitate to pin all his crimes on should it come to that] and the group of henchmen. So without further ado, some of the henchmen employed by the not so good Professor. Feel free to make suggestions for these guys as well. Jaeger: He was the Professor's groundskeeper and huntsman back on the family estate. He's a big bear of a man, Andre the Giant size. He's an excellent wrestler and boxer and knows everything there is to know about hunting. Sort of a cross between Kraven the Hunter and Fezzik from the Princess Bride. When the Professor needs muscle, this is the guy he calls in. Herr Morderin: Literal translation, Mr. Murder. He's the Professor's valet and is also an expert sharpshooter, gunfighter, knifefighter and about a dozen other weapons you could name. Believed to have been trained by the best killers the Professor could hire and proved his skill by slaying those who taught him. He's the most likely guy to be framed for Professor Peril's crimes should that become neccesary. Like most villains of this sort, he also employs a mad scientist, though I can't think of a good name for one at the moment. I could also use a good name for his beautiful daughter/assistant as well. Of course, given the timeline, she might end up the beautiful sister/assistant.
  18. I'm currently hoping that King Cobra will turn out to be the Supreme Serpent of VIPER. In my opinion that would be FAR cooler then the rogue space alien probe from the old VIPER sourcebook.
  19. Good plan! I'm glad you like the character Pol, it's very gratifying to me and you can be sure that the not so good Professor does have a retinue to help him out. After all, he was training not just himself but his entire household for his schemes of revenge. However, the sexy Aviatrix will DEFINETLY be a template for one of them [was their ever really any doubt? ] Of course, if anybody would like to suggest specific members of Prof. Peril's retinue [as opposed to the mooks kept around for heroic jaw punching purposes] feel free to do so.
  20. Ahh yes, how could I have forgotten the beautiful assistant/daughter/sister? ^^ *frantically takes notes* I'll work in that idea somehow. Also, I'm glad you like the villain so much. ^^
  21. Alright, since you fine people are helping me out so much with the Golden Age Campaign thread of mine I thought I'd get your thoughts and opinions on my concept for one of the villians of that campaign. After all, I need him to be his villianous best when he faces the heroes. His name is Dr. Gustav Vonderhagen, perhaps better known to some [eventually anyway] as Professor Peril! Gustav wasn't always a villain however, at one point he was a nice boy. Like many patriotic Germans, Gustav was shocked when his country was defeated in World War One. It was made all the worse for Gustav however as his beloved father Felix Vonderhagen was killed by an American soldier. At his father's grave Gustav vowed to avenge his death and bring the countries that had defeated his beloved Fatherland, and by extention killed his father, to thier knees particularly the Americans. Since his family was rich, Gustav was able to devote his life to training himself and his household in his goals of revenge. Outwardly though he seemed to be a normal member of the aristocracy. Secretly he was training in the art of terror and warfare, trained by the masters of such crafts, including the legendary Fantomas! As the Nazi's took power Gustav was declared Ambassador to the United States, a perfect platform from which to start his plans of revenge. He chuckled as he played the stockmarkets, using his knowledge of finances in attempts to cause the Great Depression that was so hindering the Americans to be worse. As he did that he donned the cowl of Professor Peril, pretending to be an American Criminal Mastermind as he made contacts amongst the underworld. Soon, soon revenge would be his! So....what do you think? Like him, don't like him? How can he be improved?
  22. Re: More serial villains I like the sound of this fellow, he'll definetly have a place in my campaign. Can't have have too many eerie weird science mob bosses lurking around can we? Keep up the good work people. My campaign is already forming nicely thanks to your assistance.
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