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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Alright I'm creating a character for a game and I desperately need a name for the guy. He's a teenage superhero who's also the Son of Nama, though he doesn't realise this at the moment and naturally he never knew his father. He's superstrong, about 40 STR or thereabouts and also has superhuman reflexes and flexibility. He's very agile and practises Hebijutsu, possibly with a few chi related abilities from either Ninjutsu or Snake Style Kung Fu. Definetly has a spitting venom power and might have hypnotic eyes as well. So what do I call this kid?
  2. Most of the kids in my high school seemed to have either KS: Ignorant Loudmouth or KS: Moronic Tosser and those were the teachers. *rimshot* Seriously though, I'm pretty sure most of the people who went to my high school only learned KS: Putdowns and KS: Stupid pranks. But then I went to high school with some REALLY moronic people.
  3. Recently finished reading Exile's Honor and Exile's Valor by Mercede's Lackey. They focus on the Herald Aleberich who was Weaponsmaster during the reign of Queen Selany and her father King Sendar. Some might find it a bit slow going, as Lackey focusses primarily on characters and thier interaction and events secondarily, though it all follows and advances the plot. It's a good quick read however and you get some nice satisfying action in the end and Lackey does write a good fight scene, even if she doesn't do them often. If you can wrap your brain around some of the aspects of the Valdemar stories, notably the fact that the Companions are telepathic horses and Aleberich like Yoda talks you should enjoy the story fairly well.
  4. Let us not forget that North Korea and VIPER are pretty tight according to the VIPER sourcebook. That would explain any powers Kim Jong would have. Not to mention possible access to VIPER troops and Dragon Branch if he needs them.
  5. What about the Pretender? Sure he didn't have a costume, but you can't tell me his learning curve wasn't superhuman.
  6. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: From the ARGENT public relations Dept Well Santa has some method of controlling Knecht, though how he does it is unknown. I mean, he must have otherwise why would Santa work with that nutso?
  7. Well, ok fair enough. But you do see the point I was trying to make right?
  8. How about when millions of children send letters and crowd hero headquarters with teary faces asking the heroes why they won't help out Santa?
  9. Quite easily I'd imagine. He can prove himself to be Santa simply by landing his sleigh with the flying reindeer anyplace in the world. A simple telepathic scan would prove that he is indeed the real Santa, especially since he's not committed any crimes. Actually, those well meaning heroes you mentioned would likely already know about him, if he exsisted in a superhero world. Night patrols on Christmas Eve and all that. Similarly, I highly doubt that an actual Catholic saint will have trouble convincing Catholics of his legitimancy. A couple miracles here and there would do it. Not all heroes can do stuff like heal critically ill patients and what not. Back in his heyday Santa's brought people back from the dead. Hardly difficult at all for him to prove he's who he says he is.
  10. Not only that but as a Catholic Saint, and the patron saint of Greece and Russia, all Santa has to do is prove that he's real and is St. Nicholas and he's got military support from damn near every Catholic country I'd imagine. When you think about it the amount of influence Santa could bring to bear in this sort of situation is almost scary. He wouldn't NEED to ask personally. After all, as a Saint, his Holiness the Pope is technically Santa's follower. Would YOUR superteam hesitate if the Pope contacted them and asked them to help Santa out of a jam?
  11. Re: Re: Re: Re: From the ARGENT public relations Dept Indeedy, and just you ask a few folks around middle Europe [particularly the Germanic areas] about Knecht Ruppret or Black Peter sometime. The Claus' have friends you just don't wanna mess with, and that's before you consider the fact that he's also a Catholic Saint. Methinks ARGENT bit off a WEE bit more then they could chew here.
  12. Anything it wants! Otherwise it'll tear your arms off. Wookies have been known to do that you know!
  13. Re: Re: From the ARGENT public relations Dept Yes they did and the big guy is planning revenge for the loss of Prancer and Vixen's family, let me tell you! You don't piss off da Claus and go to bed happy!
  14. More like run away real fast, Fraiser may be a wimp but he doesn't strike me as a fainter. Niles on the other hand....
  15. Siberian Tiger, cool name btw, may I have permission to use this concept in a game of my own?
  16. Oh for crying out loud, some characters have followers who can whup Fraiser in less then three phases. Hell some people have DNPC's who can whup Fraiser in less then three phases.
  17. As much as I like Mar-Vell I'd have to say Captain Marvel, whom I like a whole lot more, would take this hands down. As Agent X stated Mar-Vell's strategy for handling those really big threats was to call in assistance, I don't recall ever seeing him defeat a real big and nasty threat on his own. On top of it, Mar-Vell isn't even the most powerful of the Marvel breed of Captain Marvels. Both Photon and Genis were far more powerful then him in my opinion. Sure Mar-Vell would give it his all and would probably make a good fight out of it, but in the end the Power of Shazam is just too much for him.
  18. *Twilight points to the evil cabal of dread necromancers over yonder in the distance. The ones chanting by the evil looking mauseleum.* "Because those buggers summoned them here, THAT'S WHY!" *Twilight goes back to battling the swarms of undead*
  19. Sorry, you're right I overreacted. My bad.
  20. Kristopher, alright already! We get your point, you like to play in a world where supers can get their asses kicked by the military WE GET THE DANG POINT! Now could we please all go back to the original point of the thread, namely what you would like to see in the upcoming Galactic Champions book?
  21. True enough, but at least with the Cosmic Rod and the belt she'd give a good accounting for herself. Cap just has too much experience for her to win though. At least she's lucky in the sense that it IS Cap, so she won't be thumped TOO hard. Cap wouldn't hurt a teenage girl too badly after all.
  22. Not really fair if she doesn't now is it? Courtney should have her belt and the Cosmic Rod. Which isn't to say that Cap still won't win the battle, but at least it would be a more interesting and fair battle.
  23. Re: Superhero Showdown #5: Capt. America v. Star Spangled Kid II Dude, get with the times. Courtney Whitmore is called Stargirl now and has both the Cosmic Converter Belt and the Cosmic Rod that Jack Knight used to use. So not only is her Strength, Dexterity and Speed enhanced but she has a device that allows her to fly, create force fields and force walls and shoot energy blasts among other abilities. Courtney doesn't need S.T.R.I.P.E. to make this a competitive battle.
  24. Hell, considering that he was getting close to threatening the populace of a large American city, namely Metropolis, and had already threatened the safety of numerous smaller areas, the heroes of the world should've landed on him like a tonne of bricks. Of course, that wouldn't have let them off Superman in a tremendously stupid manner but to that I say GOOD! Doomsday shouldn't have been able to kill Supes anyway, really Doomsday was a cutrate version of the Hulk. Only without the appeal the Hulk possesses. They only kept Doomsday around because he killed Superman, if he'd gotten his ass kicked, he'd have remained the one note character he deserved to be.
  25. It's very close in my opinion. Sure Catwoman fights the Batman and loses, but Black Cat fights Spider and loses that seems to make them equal on that score in my opinion. Anyways, they're both primarily theives, not hand to hand fighters. If Felicia has her luck powers then she'd likely win it, since that would naturally tip things in her favour. However without her luck powers, then Catwoman gets the nod, simply because her whip gives her a tremendous reach advantage over Felicia's claws. Personally, I think they'd be more likely to teamup then fight but that's just me.
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