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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. And I would disagree. I liked the Harley from those comics and enjoyed reading her solo comics. They tried to explore her trying not to be the female Joker. In a lot of ways, she became DC's Deadpool, breaking 4th walls and the comics laughing at her and others.
  2. Not saying the movie isn't bad, but I will say again. The Harley Quinn she is playing is straight from the comics of the last 7-8 years. She separated from Joker (in one instance violently), was trying to do good in her own crazy as a loon/punisher style and had even taken a job at a senior citizens home as a counselor as Harlene Quinzelle (of course turned out the home was for retired secret agents). But saying they took a character you loved due to the animated series and ruined her for the movie is wrong. The Harley you are speaking of hasn't been around for 10 years, so blaming the movies is wrong. Heck, the comic/movie version of batman hasn't been that version of the character for 10 years.
  3. I liked Romero, Ledger and Nicholson - for different reasons. As long as its not Leto, which is funny cause I usually like him.
  4. thanks for all the reviews Tribble. I love old movies and watch TCM a lot. On a side note, there are a lot of them. are you watching more tv recently? did something happen? please don't answer if to private, just had to wonder/worry.
  5. where does cardboard style paper cut come in. Is there a rank for wish you were unconscious?
  6. I will just say that Michael Hopcroft said what I would have said only i would not have said as well, so DITTO. I liked Keaton as Batman even before the movie (I have witnesses who I argued with) having seen him in Clean and Sober just prior and realizing he could do playboy and scary. Would have been really interesting if they had gotten him to do a cameo in Crisis. Make him be the older Batman to Terry's Batman Beyond as a counterpoint to Conroy's Kingdom Come inspired one.
  7. I really would have liked to see what Affleck could have done with the combo of him and Jeremy Irons as Alfred.
  8. or it said I am Groot and this was the interpretation
  9. Problem with that article Grailknight is it requires membership with ESPN+ to read whole thing. I know, I tried the other day to read it.
  10. Think about this, at one point, Jeter wasn't even the best SS on his team. When A-Rod joined them originaly, he was still in his prime and was considered a better SS. I agree Jeter is a first ballot HOFer for everything he did, but I would say there were a lot of SS better then him. I don't count offensively so much anymore because Jeter as played through the really live ball era. But he was a clutch player and someone who had a lot of class with everyone he dealt with, fans and press.
  11. The thing about that version that always bothered me is I loved the cast and if they had just used and updated the script from the 70s version, I believe they could have been great.
  12. I used to record and watch some of that. Enjoyed it, but unfortunately it apparently moved to a channel that is not on Directv. I miss it.
  13. congrats to them and deserved. I am surprised more didnt get in. Its time for the writers to stop penalizing Schilling for 1 repost 5 years ago. He can be a jerk, but his numbers both regular season and especially post season deserve to be voted for. Contrarily, I find it nice to see them sticking to their guns on the known(?) steroid guys. One guy who was on MLB Now yesterday put all the steroid guys on his ballot, claiming it wasn't up to him to police the game and that the HOF is just a museum. I and the other panelists disagreed with him vehemently regarding getting your own plaque there. Those guys exploits are in, but it is a very different thing to put the man in as a HOFer. He tried to argue that there are already bad guys in the hall so why bother.
  14. Part of the problem goes back to some old questions: Why is there anyone else in the Justice League except Superman and Green Lantern. If some villain can handle them, how does anyone else stand a chance, seriously. Why is Hawkeye/Wasp/Yellowjacket etc showing up with Thor, Iron Man and Scarlett Witch there. Think if you actually built the JL in champions, then make a villain to face them. I used to have a friend who would try to argue for champions that you could have the various levels of characters and it would work. But my point was, if you built a villain that could absorb (as in, not be 1 punched by) blows from Thor/Superman etc, then the "human" characters (Cap, Hawkeye, Batman, Canary etc.) could not actually hurt them unless you did some strange thing with numbers (low defense, super high con so not stunned and a gajillion Stun/Body). but then it just becomes battles of attrition. Even in the comics, there always seems to be a hiccup in the logic for some of these battles.
  15. its the depth perception thing. He didnt realize the water needed to be MUCH deeper.
  16. Great article on most, if not all, of the easter eggs from Crisis. https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/dc-entertainment/285337/crisis-on-infinite-earths-finale-dc-easter-eggs-explained
  17. Finished Crisis. I enjoyed everyone in it. Loved Smallville Superman punching Lex (and Cryer's Lex is growing on me). Even in the Crisis, Lena's hatred of everyone for not telling her Kara's secret seems stupid. And now we have Lex to overshadow her as a villain. To me Him being back as Villain only really works if you can have Lena to help offset him on the hero's side.
  18. Don't underestimate the loss of the Draft Picks. Houston basically built their team through the draft with supplementing through trades/FA. Their players are getting to that point where is hard to keep them all and now they have been put back at least 2 years for top draft picks, hurting not only the future teams but also trade proposals.
  19. Love both those. I understand he wrote the books, but Dahl is just wrong about disliking that version of the movie. Wilder did a fantastic job of being zany genius and creepy person perfectly. I like Johnny Depp, but that version of the movie, though possibly closer to the book, was just to weird and self serving.
  20. Alex Rogan and his Last Starfighter Chris Knight from Real Genius (or even Lazlo Hollyfield). Scott Howard from Teen Wolf and to add a woman in, any of Cynthia Rothrock's 80s characters
  21. How about Doc Brown for his time genius. Indiana Jones is 80s, right?
  22. Actually, though I also stopped reading sometime after the 80s, I believe the story they are using is an actual New Mutants story called Ghost Bear.
  23. yes, but he also ends that with the fact he just cant trust her and he cant let himself become the next sap in her list (paraphrasing a bit).
  24. I suspect, once stills of that scene get out there, we will find many hidden starships from various science fiction books, tv shows and movies hidden in there.
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