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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. I believe a lot of people were thrilled by Leto being cast as Joker, IIRC, and I can't stand his version.
  2. Plan to see later this week, still thinking IMAX. I really like the effect they have shown in previews of Ghidora's heads. Much more serpent like, makes them seem way more dangerous then he was.
  3. I was thinking that maybe he just put them back with no memory of coming to earth in the future, thereby keeping the timeline.
  4. So, figuring this might be more of the Marvel influence, but at least it appears they are doing the space entity being absorbed by Jean in the new X-Men.
  5. So, figuring this might be more of the Marvel influence, but at least it appears they are doing the space entity being absorbed by Jean in the new X-Men.
  6. If you like Forged in Fire, check out Man At Arms on Rodriguez's El Rey Network. Hosted by Danny Trejo, one of the major forgers is a guy who has won FIF. They do a lot of explaining on what they are doing and why. They tend to forge historical and famous fantasy weapons. Really cool show.
  7. I wonder if he didnt get, as Selvig did before in Avengers, the knowledge from the mind gem.
  8. did they run out of paint after the entry?
  9. What dimensional portal are they opening for their project?
  10. So, will he be Falcon, American Eagle or Captain America?
  11. I and a friend once got in trouble for fighting when we were doing an english problem in junior high and both grabbed yardsticks and started sword fighting.
  12. Yeah, I think once she missed Ragnarok, there was no way they were bringing her back, even for a cameo. Having to explain why she survived where the warriors 3 didnt would have been tough. I rather would have seen her do a small part in Ragnarok, even if it was only to have a brief fight with Hela before being killed out of hand like the others.
  13. Question becomes, will they actually follow the series and its basic meaning (I realize this is simplified) that in the war between Heaven and Hell when Lucifer was thrown out, the wrong side won. If you didnt get that from the books, then maybe my interpretation is wrong.
  14. So, pretty much typecasting for Raquel, as she pretty much embodied Lust for an entire generation, mine included. I liked both versions and thought they were both well done.
  15. I once ran a Cap clone who was a legacy character from generations. He had presence defense - only usable by others. as long as he was up and able to fight, others felt confident.
  16. I would also point out that they were showing various ways of dealing with things. Steve was stoic and just doing what needed to be done, Natasha threw herself into leading a group righting wrongs, Clint went vengeance and vigilante (punisher style), Thor went lethargic and self medicating, Tony had PTSD and anxiety and decided to try to protect EVERYONE whether they liked it or not.
  17. Black Widow wasn't Clint's sacrifice, she was sacrificing herself to save everyone else. Problem was, the explanation from Skull was sacrificing what you love most, not yourself. Maybe the powers that be only told that to Skull and therefore Thanos knowing they probably didn't have anything they loved that much other then themself.
  18. I am shocked that the lesson WB didn't take out of JL was that obviously people hate a Superman who is actually for Truth and Justice and an actual good guy. Just kidding, but truthfully, this was more of the Superman I wish we had seen in the other 2 movies.
  19. Don't forget, regarding the Hammer, that when Cap wields it Thor shouts "I KNEW IT". I think he recognized that of all the mortals he knows, Steve was worthy. And note, Stormbringer doesn't have the same restriction, as Odin was gone when it was created. Regarding Loki escaping, they almost had to do that, as the snap should only have brought back those killed by Thanos's snap.
  20. I always got more of a Rocky feel from Real Steel, but still a very fun movie and the robot fights were great.
  21. The only things I think that may have created new timelines (some minor, some major): Thanos and his army disappearing from the past - perhaps the gauntlet being what it is (the ultimate Maguffin) corrects this itself when Iron Man snaps his fingers, heck maybe even when Hulk did. Nebula shooting herself Gamora existing after being sacrificed for the Soul Stone (provided she ever was, see first timeline alteration) Loki escaping with the Tesseract - which means Thor did not have it to transport Loki and himself back to asgaard and it wasn't in the vault. Other then that I don't think there are any major alterations. Even Steve seems to have stayed under the radar for 70 years.
  22. I thought the main draw of panting was to get your breath back.
  23. In my earlier post, and not sure if anyone else mentioned, but also loved "On Your Left" from Sam on radio as portal opened with Panther coming out. I agree, Bucky knew or guessed as soon as Steve didn't reappear. Imagine how hard it must have been for Steve not only to stand by and watch Hydra succeed then fail, but to NOT go and rescue Bucky, once he knew he was alive AND where he was being kept (the base in Syberia). I would love to at least see some shorts put out showing Sam as Captain America (or better, American Eagle - keep the wings and the Shield) and Steve returning the Soul Stone and having a "discussion" with Red Skull. Loved Clint as Ronan. I actually felt the scene with all the women aiding CM was to say, "HEY, idiots, we have had strong women in our movies and comics from the start, or haven't you been paying attention". One of my friends commented that in these movies, he kinda is tired of the racial/female empowerment stuff. Not because he thinks it is wrong, but mostly because he feels like Comics have been doing so since the 70s or earlier. I said I don't mind, if it is a good movie. Black Panther was a pure minority empowerment movie, but it was also well directed, written and acted and looked beautiful (and they made Man-Ape cool).
  24. Was thinking about the Eternals, and wonder if they won't show up due to the messing with the timeline resulting from this movie. As was said, Thanos never came and wiped out half the universe apparently now, which is what Tony did to undo everything by destroying him.
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