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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. One thing I like is the Superman/Batman dynamic between Ollie and Barry. Despite being almost polar opposites, they are friends. And Ollie recognizes that the best he can do is combat crime and put fear in criminals, where Flash can inspire people to be better then they are. Did they actually say Weather Wizard was dead? I know, 2 gunshots to upper chest, but Barry healed in 3 hours. What if Wizard has a little of that. LIked that we saw a bit of the Reverse-Flash. Also, love the nod to 90s Flash.
  2. I often wonder if the fact Hiro became such a fan favorite on Heroes due to the fact he wanted to embrace his powers and be a superhero despite the fact he was supposed to just be comedy relief didn't help pave the way and sell the fact that maybe real superhero stories could work on tv.
  3. I think the Basketball one is missing Tim Duncan, who could be considered one of the most consistent and dominant big men in NBA history, despite being "boring" and most times seemingly under the radar.
  4. I kept wondering if the 2 members of his team he lost were the names of the 2 guys from Desperado with the guitars.
  5. Sin City 2. I liked most of it, having read the comics. Even the newly done Joseph Gordon Levitt part. Did not like the newly done Nancy taking revenge on Roarke. I won't explain because it would do spoilers, but it has less to do with the acting and writing and more to do with the character of Nancy and what she meant in the stories. Ava Green does a lot of nude, but has the body for it.
  6. Ray Palmer, ie the Atom? Was that Felicity on the table looking dead or near dead? Roy looks cool as Arsenal. Not sure how thrilled I am with Rhas making an appearance, though I know they have done a lot with the League of Assassins and mentioned him. He is just such a Batman adversary and I think they needed to figure someone else out. Still, has been good so far, so benefit of doubt time.
  7. Saw Lucy and the new Hercules movie (with Dwayne Johnson). Lucy was to much lawnmower man for me. I never felt any real tension or worry for her surviving, due to how quickly her powers escalated. I liked the Hercules movie and the take on the story of Hercules. I thought the people in it were good and they did a good job of pulling off the "is he the son of Zeus or isn't he?" Most times not, but every once in a while, he would pull off something superhumanly strong.
  8. ah, ok. I always thought he said 5. And could be male or female since didn't say which was killed.
  9. If I may ask, which other replicant? 5 jumped ship. One was killed before the movie started. Decker got Zhora and Priss. Roy died in the rain at the end. Rachel killed Leon. If you are speaking of Rachel, then I believe the point was to leave it unanswered as her and Decker left together. I have also heard many people say the plan was that Decker is also a replicant, but I find it hard to buy. Giant fan of the movie, the original with the voice over, not the director's cut.
  10. I feel like playing the old Sesame Street game of "One of these things is not like the others". But I couldn't figure out which one.
  11. Just finished listening to Velveteen vs the Juniot Super Patriots. Highly recommend for all champions players. Really well written stories and is a cool super world.
  12. Is that the same volcano mentioned in the new Walter Mitty movie (which I enjoyed a lot)?
  13. On vacation in Klamath Falls and the theater still had the movie about the [sarcasm] Reindeer and Snowman fighting over a carrot on a frozen lake [/end sarcasm] (Frozen, which I had seen), so my wife and I went and she agreed it was as good as I had told her.
  14. Watched the first episode of Bitten. At least through the first episode it looks like they might actually consider following the books storyline. I hope so as I like the whole series. It is well cast as far as appearance.
  15. I thought they explained that. The frequency was increasing, which is why earth was getting in serious trouble. The Aliens were sending as many as they could and learning each time. I got the feeling each one sent increased the size of the "hole".
  16. The plant on the wall looks like Audrey II from Little shop of Horrors. the thing coming out of the car gets to blurry for me to see when I enlarge.
  17. Ah, yes, from the BBC show. Thanks Jim. never got the chance to watch that, so that is why I didn't know.
  18. Ok, I recognise Wesley (the man in black), Hermione (?), Buffy, Vader, Optimus, Tardas and doctor, Beaker and the DeLorean, Batmobile and Serenity. Is the black car Black Beauty from Green Hornet or something else? Is the VW supposed to be Herbie the Love Bug (no numbers on side)? and not sure on the 2 men standing on sidewalk.
  19. They sort of had to redo Yukio, as they had already shown Lady Deathstrike in X-Men 2, and it wasn't her and a big part of this movie is that it takes place after X-Men 3.
  20. Saw Pacific Rim. Excellent Kaiju vs Giant anime-ish robots. Fun big movie. Loved all the tropes of the 2 mixed Genres, especially the use of a variant of Big O's piledriver fist.
  21. It's interesting to watch those, then watch NCIS and hear David McCallum's character telling stories, because I think he slips in ones from UNCLE every once in a while.
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures I know there was a butterfly around here to eat. Damn their camouflage ability.
  23. Re: "Neat" Pictures A friend of mine got one of these: linked cause I don't know how to put in a picture http://geekchichq.com/furniture/emissary/ And I have to say, it is awesome for our Deadlands gaming sessions.
  24. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? yeah, please no spoilers. I have really enjoyed the show and the growth and maturity of Arthur (and I believe the actor does a great job, as do most in the cast) from spoiled arrogant prince to a King worthy of following is really the central part of the show, and well done. Only problem I have ever had with the show is that Morgana going from ally to enemy seemed a little forced, especially her enmity toward Arthur as opposed to his/her father.
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