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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The original animated series is much better. The movie is basically highlights from the first season, but without the continuity of 20 episodes. The characters are a little to moody for the original series also, as Aang was, for the most part, care free and having fun. Sokka is basically comic relief for the first season and the planner and jokester of the group.
  2. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished listening to Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel. Listening to second book now. Very enjoyable. An Emma Peel/John Steed Avengers feel to the main characters set in a steampunk Victorian Era. Enjoyed enough, may pick up the series of short stories set in e format, though most are not written by the 2 primary authors.
  3. Re: Jokes 9 myself. but I remember all 3 Stevezilla mentioned.
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just finished watching the second set of the BBC's Sherlock (set modern) with Cumberbatch and Freeman, 3 "movies" this time, 5 total AFAIK. Have really enjoyed that series and the "modified" stories Moffat and his people have put together. I have really liked that the stories were changed enough so I didn't know from the original how the story would play out. The variation on the Hound of the Baskerville and also the Final Solution was excellent, IMO. Moriarty is truly evil and insane, and Mycroft did turn out to be Sherlock's nemesis (as he stated in the very first episode), even if unintentionally. I also really enjoyed that John Watson was loyal, despite overwhelming evidence, and even a confession by Sherlock, to Holmes. Well done, looking forward to more in the future.
  5. Re: Jokes 100% Animal Products, guaranteed.
  6. Re: Jokes I find it interesting that no one was offended at seeing his erect/non erect penis in any of the apparently 30 slides he showed, but were horrified to see it in person (and that is a straight line that could lead to jokes I will avoid at this time).
  7. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Agreed with your spoiler, and how he ever got up and back to the top was ridiculous.
  8. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone That is sad. I had always thought he was someone who had money. Wasn't there a point where he was involved in buying one of the Carolina sports franchises? Never knew he had all these problems, but explains why he still kept wrestling long after he should have stopped.
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Almost done with it. It is like Martin JUST CAN'T HELP HIMSELF. The book finally felt like the story was turning a corner and SMACK!!!.
  10. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Remember, WWE also likes to leave their most over guys without belts and put the belts on people who need them to get the crowd behind them or against them. This way they can have main eventers not have belts, but still headline tours.
  11. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone The TLC matches between the Dudleys/Edge and Christian/Hardy Boys. Just the ridiculous spot after spot. Honorable mention, Shane McMahon vs Kane when he went off the jumbo-tron scaffolding.
  12. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Not one match, but a series: Flair vs. Steamboat for Heavyweight Championship back in NWA days. The progression of move countermove was awesome. Also, first time I ever saw Steamboat do the hold onto the top rope and pull himself back in.
  13. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone The Rock is even more of the point. He was brought in to be a face as a 3rd generation wrestler and the fans hated him and booed him. So then he came out and said if that was the way they wanted it, to hell with them and started a lot of his sticks. The fans then came to love him.
  14. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone I haven't been watching, but one thing that sounds like it is missing is the heel afraid of the face thing. I used to love when you would see HHH look up and, for instance, going into hell in the cell Foley became Cactus Jack. The sheer terror on HHH's face was worth it. Sounds like none of the current heels have that ability, but they should. Miz should be one of those.
  15. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone The Midnight Express/Road Warriors/Rock and Roll Express trio used to put on some amazing tag team matches. Only really matched by the Edge and Christian/Hardy Boys/Team 3-D group. Different types of matches but all great. Would be incredible to actually see all 6 of those teams in their heyday all in the same group.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Most illegal move in wrestling. Shades of one of Henry Winkler's characters in The One and Only.
  17. Re: Best of the Best My friend who has it is a T-Porter, so he can get into a group and start it before they ever have a chance to notice him there.
  18. Re: Best of the Best Most effective power I have seen used is if you have a high recovery/endurance character, Psychic Storm (iirc the name). It is a maintained PBAOE with a hold for the duration and no maximum number of characters (apparently). One of my friends I run around with uses it and will jump into a group of 5+ hench/villain level mobs and throw that up.
  19. Re: MA/Claws... is there any Hope? Supposedly, HTH attacks do 20% more damage (or maybe if STR is high enough can do 20% more damage), but I never find it and worse, it seems like most the AE attacks from other attacks do at least as much as my unarmed MA single target ones.
  20. Re: Takofanes, where is he? Don't know how far along in the Nemesis stuff you have gotten Steve, but if you haven't gotten to Bunker Buster yet, just wait. It was a blast to see some of the heroes/villains that turn up there. Not to mention Green Dragon in the Nemesis jailbreak. For the person who asked about what to do once you have fought the undead villains, you can now enter the portal that spawned them so you can free their soul being used by Tako's minions. That is what the quest really is.
  21. Re: Escapist reviews CO. Just so you know, I read Shamus on his D-Twenty Blog. Although he has some sarcastic things to say about CO, he also makes sure that people realize he has 6+ characters already, half of which are in their 20s-30s. He is an excellent source of gaming suggestions and video reviews. He does like Champions Online and has played it quite a bit. On the site you linked to, he makes his living there by being sarcastic about games. Edit: teach me not to read the whole thread as Amadan beat me to it.
  22. Re: Teleport yeah, the other problem is that the person with TP who is a Regen usually also is regenerating while teleporting. TP lasts for about 4-5 seconds, most regen chars can regain their full health in that time.
  23. Re: Martial Arts and AOE That would make sense, but sadly not true. My friend and I were comparing unarmed combats non AE attacks vs other frameworks AE ones and the damage was within 5%. This is not balanced as most AEs will hit 3 or more opponents every round. I think the worst offender right now is Sonic Arrow with the AE advantage. 3 targets that does about 60-70% (can only be rank 2 because of buying the AE) of the biggest damage single target attack unarmed does at rank 3 with the added bonus of stunning the 3 mobs.
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