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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The penguins are flying north for the summer. What did you always say about them? A: We have our frog with his balls.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Who will win the Cheesy Award? A: Cheese in a Bucket.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What would happen if I pushed these rocks? A: Then the mindflayer struck.
  4. Re: Psychically Bonded Twins Here is a wonderful idea (run by GM for approval): Build two separate characters as required by campaign rules. Give both characters any abilities that they would possess in the campaign, in addition to a psybond. In essence, you will have two separate characters both under your control that can in an instant coordinate their actions without a word, in addition to everything else that their powers and abilities can do. Since this might give you more points than others characters possess, you should run this idea across your GM before you go to all the work of creating the characters.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So Rewider, we know that you were able to capture Dr. Destroyer. What did you do with him? A: It was the dresser, no wait, the car.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You defeated the Medusa by yourself? How did you do it? A: This is a very special call for you. It is from Death.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The wind just picked up to over 200 mph! How shall we deal with it? A: Three's the name, and the game.
  8. Re: Confusion Field I got wondering if an IPE Darkness would do the same thing. This is how I was picturing it: Darkness (32" Radius): Sight, Hearing, Mental, & Smell/Taste Groups, IPE, Personal Immunity, 1/2 END (187 Real Cost) The concept of this power is that it confuses everyone as to where the target is. How would this power work for the described effects? Is there any better way to pull the same thing (other than the well-mentioned CE)? All comments welcome and appreciated.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why are all the CEOs of the major banks meeting at this Civil War Reenactment cite? A: That was a dragon that just flew above us.
  10. Re: Super Zeroes Singularity - Adam Flesher is mostly a normal person except that he can stop either summoning or duplication. Basically an area around him is one singularity, hence his name. He was trained as a wrestler in high school and carried that through college where he obtained an archeology degree. Now he is living a quiet life as an archeologist, not really paying any real attention to the supersence.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Now where do I find formula 409 ? A: Now that what I call a hell in a cell.
  12. Re: Super Zeroes Zyne - He has the "ever-so-wonderful" ability to grab any printed work and instantly know everything in the material. While this may sound as though it is a great ability, remember that knowledge of how to do something does not necessarily mean that the person can do it. He does not wish to be any great hero but using this ability, he has learned (in record time) to be a medical doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, as well as several other occupations, leading to a well-off person.
  13. I am creating a major villain who (among other things) can create a confusion field that will make everyone (except himself) uncertain as to what they are doing. Since most heroes in the party have high EGOes (and mental defenses), I would like to avoid the expensive route of extremely powerful mental attack. I was wondering what other routes would work as well (if not better or cheaper).
  14. Re: Silly question: What road?
  15. Re: Our Super Leaders This could happen - look at Nazi Germany. Think that it could not happen again. While not on the national level, there are several examples of modern day groups that are essentially the same thing, only on a small scale. Think about what is going on today with the national heath care, regardless of the opinion that you have of it and you can draw several parallels with the pre-WWII Nazis. Several super-supporters in the right place could unknowingly be pushing forward such an agenda. While doing this would require years to accomplish, it could happen, and not be as hard as everyone seems to think it would be. It would start off small - one or two supers in Congress each election would quickly add up to the simple majority that is required to pass most new laws. "Convincing" Supreme Court Justices to rule their way on certain issues, and replacing the retiring Justices with supers. Then when they are ready to go public with their plans, they will on the first election put a super in the Presidency. Sure conspiracy theorists would be telling others around that this is going on, but this would be easy to deal with. Before they would start at the national level, they would be quietly working on all the states so that when a Constitutional amendment is necessary, they will be able to get it passed. I estimate that this will require a minimum of 15 years to accomplish.
  16. Re: Silly question: He thought that there was a speck on the other side.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you mean that I cannot say "Archibald"? A: Lempuridings will get you there.
  18. Several people have recently asked how things would change if supers existed. Now lets take this in a different direction. Not long ago some charismatic supers were able to work themselves into Congress. Over time they were able to manipulate things so that only supers were placed in Congress and other government positions (including Pres and Supreme Court) and today being a super is a requirement for running for any office. This also applies to the state and city government as well. Anyone who does not have innate powers is a "lesser person" and is basically around to serve the super master. Just what would they do to these lesser people? Just what changes would they make? Any other comments would be greatly appreciated.
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