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Posts posted by Asperion

  1. On 1/22/2024 at 7:39 AM, Ternaugh said:


    It should technically be the same as if someone who doesn't meet the age requirements or other restrictions--the candidate is ineligible, and can't be certified per the Constitution.


    Additionally, each state determines if write-in votes are accepted, this is Nevada's take:




    What I was wondering was who would become the President in that case. Since the leading candidate is declared ineligible and the next highest candidate does not have sufficient votes, who will become the President?

  2. 9 hours ago, Steve said:

    Is it still called One D&D? I haven’t really been following.


    Have not followed official talk,  but tubers I follow haven't been been using OneDnD for several months. They claim that Wizards has gone back to 5e and are not going for the entire edition thing. The topic of what edition this is will be irrelevant, it will be all dnd, and that includes ALL ttrpgs not just Wizards material. 

  3. 10 hours ago, unclevlad said:


    Q:  So...I get it's Halloween and all, but who'd you come as....Colonel Mustard?

    A:  A functional definition of insanity is repeating the same action after numerous trials have given the same outcome.


    Q: What is the true meaning of MAGA?


    A: He is following the Joker Protocol. 

  4. As time passes,  the holidays that people desire changes as well as the way they celebrate them. Those that today we believe are eternal will fade away and those traditions connected with them will face similar problems. People though need things to look forward to. If society doesn't give them holidays they will generate their own. Usually they will be centered around items they feel are important to them. What are some things that people are likely to turn into a holiday? What current holiday is likely to disappear? 

  5. 22 hours ago, Pariah said:


    Q: Free haggis! Get your free haggis right here!


    A: All the chicken curry, sauerkraut, and deep fried Oreos you could ever want.


    Q: Why are you dragging everyone to the Louisiana State Fair?


    A: That was not expected at the Louisiana State Fair. 

  6. On 12/31/2023 at 3:52 AM, wcw43921 said:



    Starcruiser 1


    A Gerry Anderson creation that was supposed to be his follow-up to Space: 1999, but ended up being a model kit instead.  I always liked the design, although I suspect it's rather skimpy on the amenities.  Still, if you're looking for something in which to tool around the galaxy, you could do a lot worse.


    Remember this in stores. Never able to get. Primary way my transformers were able to travel around was either by something I made by the erector set or the Millennium Falcon.

  7. 8 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Q: Why would you want Nuka-Cola 2, "with the Great Taste of Hemlock"?


    A: To show you how ruthless I am in pursuit of my aims, I will now kill -- and now I've completely forgotten what I was going on about.


    Q: Why was Khan going after Kirk?


    A: That is move 4 of 1.

  8. 13 hours ago, Pariah said:

    To the guy who thought it was a good idea to tailgate me during a snow squall, I say this:


    Go to Hell.

    Go directly to Hell.

    Do not pass Go.

    Do not collect $200.


    For that person  - he deserves to go straight at that sharp bend, even though you went around the bend. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Q: Why isn't the car running?


    A: That's it! I'm taking the housekeys tonight!


    Q: Why did the doors suddenly get smart locks on them?


    A: There is a new restraining order - Trump is not allowed within one billion miles of the United States. 

  10. Since this is a Champions game, you should say that if someone desires to rip that tree out of the ground then they can, no argument. Same with the brick breaking the indescribable material. In super-physics,if someone desires to do something that is the end of the argument, they should have the opportunity to try. 

  11. On 1/6/2024 at 7:47 AM, death tribble said:

    Q: How do you feel about filling in your tax forms every March ?


    A:  You have kept me at your beck and call for fifteen years.


    Q: What did Picard tell Q the day he left Starfleet?


    A: Using planets like billiard balls. 

  12. On 1/1/2024 at 9:37 PM, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Thor resolves to be nicer to his brother and not reflexively reach for his hammer at the mention of his name.


    NT: Subtle signs that we'll be missing 2023 by January 15.


    The Democrat Caucasus is full of Republicans. 

  13. When attempting to uproot a tree, I usually figure that whatever the branch structure is above ground is what one will be fighting below ground. Since the ground itself will often be greatly compacted, this makes a powerful force that one needs to overcome. 

  14. 13 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    Holy blindside blitz, Batman!


    Home insurance renewal notice just arrived.


    50% (!!!!)  premium increase.  Several factors cited...construction costs, inflation.  The big one, I suspect, $140 billion paid out by the industry due to natural disasters.




    More bad news?  Forecast is for a year that'll probably be *hotter* than last year, as El Nino raises sea surface temps...which'll impact everything.  Which also suggests another year with more, and more severe, storms.


    Be glad it was so small. Many places have seen increases greater than 80%. When people ask why, they are met with only silence. Then when they can't pay those higher rates,  they loose coverage, homes, vehicles, etc. 

  15. On 12/27/2023 at 10:41 AM, Pariah said:


    The Babylon 4 space station. (It just vanished 24 hours after it went online.)


    New Topic: New Year's resolutions for Marvel superheroes.


    Silver Surfer desires to regain his original body and abandon the heroism. 

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