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Everything posted by Fazhoul

  1. Re: Pulp Film Recommendations I forgot to mention that Turner Classic Movies usually plays one or more of the Chandu movies from time to time. You might want to keep an eye out for them. If you've got Tivo you can set it to watch for you.
  2. Re: Pulp Film Recommendations I haven't read all of the pages of this thread but I did a search and didn't come up with any results for these movies. Chandu the Magician (1932) The Return of Chandu (1934) Chandu on the Magic Island (1935) Chandu is Frank Chandler, a man trained as a mystic yogi, who is sent to fight evil in the western world. In the first movie he goes up against Roxxor (Bela Lugosi) who has stolen a death ray that was invented by Chandu's brother-in-law. (His brother-in-law worried that the ray would be put to evil use. You called it a DEATH RAY you idiot! What did you think it was going to be used for? ) In the second and third movies Lugosi takes over the role of Chandu. Heroes with mystic powers, death rays, Egyptian princesses, nubile young girls in danger and ancient tombs. What more could you ask for in a pulp movie? There are also the five Fu Manchu movies starring Christopher Lee (there were many other Fu Manchu movies but I've not seen them). The Face of Fu Manchu (1965) The Brides of Fu Manchu (1966) The Vengeance of Fu Manchu (1967) The Blood of Fu Manchu (1968) The Castle of Fu Manchu (1969)
  3. Re: Pulp Hero Resources For generating telegrams, newspaper articles and other player handouts there is a fantastic program called "Byakhee" (it also generates Cthulhu character sheets). It can be found at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/4173/byakhee.html.
  4. Re: Mr. Monster type campaign? I've never run one or played in one but I'd pay good money to be able to play in a Mr. Monster campaign.
  5. Fazhoul

    Aquaman: WTF?

    Re: Aquaman: WTF? I thought that he could talk to insects AND arachnids even though arachnids aren't insects. I could be wrong though. I was just trying to finish the issue as fast as I could and get it over with.
  6. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? My largest attack against a villain was when I pulled a "Vision" and flew into orbit, pushed my Density Increase and my flight and dropped on her. IIRC, the damage dice were somewhere around 70-80. I left a crater, knocked myself out and STUNNED her. She didn't even budge. She was hovering in place over the crater I had just created. My largest attack EVER was as a GM in a Pulp game of all things. The game took place in the late 30's and the PCs were all secret agent types with one or two low level super powers. The Nazis were planning on dropping ship mines in the Red Sea and sinking ships to make it impassable. The PCs were to go in and prevent this from happening. One guy found the cargo plane loaded with 20 ship mines (6d6K each) and proceeded to set timed explosives throughout the plane. Before he could make it off the plane he was spotted by a couple of Nazi guards. A fight ensued on the entrance ramp to the plane and the PC didn't get away in time. The entire plane blew up for total of 120d6K. Technically the PC should have been killed but I am a benevolent GM. I hate killing characters if there is a reasonble way around it. He had a force field (10/10 at the most) and a few inches of gliding both based on telekinesis. I had him make a DEX roll and he drops a 3 so I ruled that his force field protected him just enough to prevent him from being killed (that and I rolled the damage for each mine separately). But he did end up at -280 STUN and was bleeding profusely. Ah, good times. Good times.
  7. I watched and taped the first four episodes and then taped the next few because I wasn't able to sit and watch them at the time. Last week, however, I suffered a mental lapse and completely FORGOT that the show was on. I hope they'll repeat it but it's not likely. The show will probably be cancelled because the ratings haven't been very good. I do like the show though. It's no "Tales of the Gold Monkey" but it's pretty good.
  8. I had a GM once who thought that Elemental Controls should be just that, Elemental. The powers had to be based on earth, air, fire or water or some derivative thereof. So no mental powers, gravity powers, light powers, etc. I tried to explain that Elemental Control just meant a common element among the powers but he wouldn't listen. It still makes me grit my teeth when I think about it.
  9. Yep, that rhymes! Too bad someone snagged the book. The publisher, F&W Publications, is here in Cincinnati. I wonder if they might have some in their warehouse. I think I'll call them. If they do I'll let you know. I can't believe the prices that book is going for on half.com, amazon auctions and ebay. I saw a top price of $495 on half.com. It must have been printed on gold leaf or something.
  10. Here's a site I found: http://faculty.ssu.edu/~elbond/webbuddy.html And www.hamiltonbook.com has a used copy of The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life from Prohibition through World War II for $7.95.
  11. Well, all of the gaming resources I have for pulp reference have been mentioned so I'll just stick to the other reference material. I managed to find a 1929 world atlas at a used book store that has been very useful. I also found out that Time magazine published a series of books highlighting the top news stories of the year for each year called Time Capsules. I'm not sure what years they cover but I have an almost complete run from 1916 thru 1948. Being at work now I can't remember all of the books I have. If you want to drop me an email at fazhoul@yahoo.com I'll send you a list of what I've got.
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