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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Watched Ant Man. I never thought Thomas the Train engine could be a lethal threat before this movie. CES
  2. Cooper Jorgenson has never met a gun he didn't like. He typically acts as backup for the others by shooting the target from far away. Occasionally there is a call to break into a place. He's the first one to go in with his private arsenal. His tendency to use rifle assisted grenades have earned him the name Blooper. CES
  3. Raul Ramirez is the Cuchracha. Endowed with the powers of a cockroach after accidentally eating one, he is perhaps the toughest member of the team, and the fastest. Unfortunately Ramirez tends to spaz in bad situations and run for cover. CES
  4. Woody And Wilcox claim man is suing Papa John's over 16 cents CES
  5. change that to extra dimensional movement time, only in the life time of the character, exchange with person living there and you'd have Quantum Leap CES
  6. There are two books where the vampires grow exponentially and wipe out most of the humans on their turf: Salem's Lot, and They Thirst. The surviving humans kill the lead vampire in Salem's Lot and I think a lot of the vampires who have to return to their graves in the daylight. A miracle happens at the end of They Thirst and a tidal wave kills all the vampires in LA before they can spread out of the valley. CES
  7. Ricardo Estevez calls himself the Diamond Caballo and possess much of the same powers as the Emerald Toro. He doesn't speak about how he gained his powers, but he has been known attack anything that reminds him of his rival. So far they haven't met, but it is only a matter of time. CES
  8. Guy Tranh became a policeman to get away from the gang related violence of his neighborhood. He found that he often had to return to investigate a crime that no one wanted to talk about. Tranh began planting bugs everywhere he could, amassing enough information to point other policemen in the right direction. Very few knew that he had illegally obtained information. He became the Wire to them and they encouraged his personal crusade until he could be quietly pushed off the force. Tranh uses his abilities to gather information for his new team so they know who a viable target could be. CES
  9. I would like transform, broken to fixed extra time cumulative, always on so things around me would just get better just having me around CES
  10. I was thinking a cowboy hat. i was going to go with Mack Truck, but thought that was too obvious. CES
  11. Melvin Frey was the team speedster. He was known as the Fast Lane. He was caught in the blast that destroyed the city while trying to save civilians. (Life in the Fast Lane, naturally) CES
  12. Matt Walker is the driver of MASK. This large cargo truck serves as the Highway Robbers mobile command center, vehicle transport, and staging point. Additionally, it has enough firepower to fight off a team of supers if they show up during a robbery. CES
  13. Radio declaring eight inches of snow possible in the next three days. I guess we were overdue since it was 80 on Christmas Day. CES
  14. Mavis Frey was known as the Queen of Hearts. Her main power was making people fall in love with her and do her bidding. Criminals were glad to go to jail when she was around. Her power didn't stop a destroyer bolt killing her as she tried to work on the good doctor and shut down the combat. (Queen of Hearts is from Desperado) CES
  15. The only idea I have at the moment is the Freys. Patrolling a small city south of Detroit, the five siblings answered the call for aid when Dr. Destroyer began his historic attack. They were wiped out with Detroit, joining others who had fallen. What are Mark's, Mel's, Mavis's, Marvin's, Melissa's powers? Let's see if we can use Eagle and Glen Frey solo songs for inspiration just like we did Weird Al's back in the day. CES
  16. Steve Black suffered enough physical damage to make him immune to pain. He has used his skills to make himself a minor brick known as Touch, but he knows he has to be careful. Just because he can't feel it, doesn't mean it isn't hurting him. CES
  17. Casey K Aldrich took a bullet to the head, fell out of a five story window, and then was hit by a bus. He should be dead. Instead he went to the hospital and slept until he was ready to wake up. He had thought he was bound for good things, but that never happened. Instead he was hounded by bad luck wherever he went. When he came back, Casey still had problems, but he found he got better every time something bad happened to people around him. It was like he was giving them his bad luck. Casey became the Sign to aid his new colleagues. CES
  18. Karen Adams fell from the balcony of her apartment. She lay in the hospital for months. When she woke up, things began flying around her hospital room. She freed herself and leaped into the air. The next time she appeared, she was attacking a NASA lab with her ability to manipulate gravity. She earned her name as Gravity Mistress. CES
  19. By day, Doug Hemmings is a college student trying to get by. At night, he is a dangerous vigilante known as Moonblade. No one knows about his secret life not even himself. CES
  20. Jerry Kowalski went into a coma because of brain damage from a train wreck. He woke up lucid, a hundred pounds heavier, and full of a metallic substance that defied diagnosis. His inner self came to the fore, slicing and dicing through the hospital. Calling himself Clock Knife, he is able to build machinery even in his own body. CES
  21. Larry Ku shouldn't be on the team at all. Every time he uses his ability, it takes a little more out of him. He states that it doesn't matter. In the time he has left, he can change people's lives as the hero Dragon's Breath. CES
  22. Zen Arrow is the archer and unarmed expert of the team. He has a variety of trick arrows he uses to tilt things to his advantage. it's hard to tell if he is so skilled because he is blind, or in spite of it. CES
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