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Posts posted by csyphrett

  1. 16 hours ago, Rich McGee said:

    Our list largely overlap, then.  Only one I don't recognize is Nekropolis.


    If you somehow missed them, Barry Hughhart's Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox are also must-reads, and if you can find them and don't object to some mild but well-intentioned (and old - the newest is from the 1960s) cultural appropriation, Robert van Gulik wrote a long series of Judge Dee mysteries (as well as translating the original novel from Chinese) that do a good job of retaining many of the stylistic elements seen in Dee Goong An.

    Nekropolis was a series, but I only read one book where the hero is a zombie private investigator who is trying to solve a case for a femme fatale in a city moved to a dimension of darkness.


    I have not read any of Master Li, but I have read at least two Judge Dee books and seen some of the movies.


  2. 8 hours ago, Rich McGee said:

    If you enjoy the "magical detection" subgenre and haven't already done so, I'd recommend taking a look at Randall Garrett's Lord Darcy stories, which got a big compilation a while back that's probably in the library system by now.  Stylistically they're a bit Sherlockian, if Holmes was more lot personable and Watson was a magical forensic expert.  Michael Kurland wrote a few sequel novels after Garrett died, which are also worth a look - they're almost flawless pastiches of his style, something you don't see very often.


    Or if you want a more "pulp noir" take on the subgenre, there's the lengthy series of Garrett, P.I. (no relation to Garrett) novels by Glen Cook, starting with Sweet Silver Blues way back when.  They're generally much lighter reading than his Dread Empire or Black Company work, but as a fantasy mashup of Nero Wolfe and Sam Spade tropes pretty good.  

    Read all of Darcy, about half of Garret, maybe all of Jules de Grandin, all of Harry Dresden, the first five or six books of Monster Hunter International, almost all of Alex Verus, Wellman's Silver John collected stories and novels, Christie's Harley Quin, Drake's Old Nathan and alternate Rome books where the protagonists are trying to save the world from a force from outside reality, and all of The Lord of the Isles,  alternate Sherlock Holmes collections (favorite story is Holmes being summoned to a fantasy China and considered a demon while solving mysteries for the local wizard), various stories from the pulps including collections for Solomon Kane, the first four books of Asminov's Caves of Steel, his collection of Urth stories, and the Black Widowers, Saint Crow's Bannon and Clare and Gallowglass, Anton Strout's Simon Canderous, maybe all of the Warlock in spite of himself and part of the spinoff series with Magnus, Doc Sidhe, all of the Doc Savage books printed by Bantam, half of the Avenger books, maybe twenty books about the Shadow, a few Spiders, Lobster Johnson, Lin Carter's first four Prince Zarkov books, Nekropolis, James Butcher's Grimsby series (only one book out so far but another is supposed to be out soon) various collections of stories about different things as well as a long list of things that I can't remember right now.


  3. I have been thinking about this, Doc. I used to be able to rotate through different stories every day, or every other day. Covid temporarily closed the place I used to write at after work, and by the time it reopened my schedule changed. I have lost touch with the rotational aspect of things so I have been writing slabs of one story while ignoring the rest.

    I'm hoping to do better in the new year.


  4. I just wanted to bump this. I plan to try to finish Cape Fear, and then work on both the Scarab history, and Elle meeting her future husband to fill out things. Only need six hundred k before this is done. I am also still working on Hodgepodge and in the middle of a pokemon tournament there.  There is a prompt list if you want to stop by and add to it. I have a couple of stories I need to add to my website which I haven't worked on in years. I have another ben ten story I need to add to FF.net. Dial H is what I have been putting most of my work in and have almost 270k in it.


    So I plan to set up a rotation list where I can write everything faster. The website now needs a timeline even though most of the stories are set in the present day or the fifties. I need to load Generations of Strangers (which I wrote years ago on this forum), the Vegas story I wrote here, Doctor Long's Bridge of Death, and Hero X's Rival, and Riverton. Then I need to load Ben Tennyson Studies Magic and part of the One Hundred Phantom Stranger Stories at FF. Net. 


    I'm sorry about taking so long on things.


  5. Watched the next disc for breaking bad as Walt continues down his slippery slope and starts his cancer treatment. It's becoming obvious that Walt has some anger issues. He destroys this guy's car with a squeegee, and Tuco's headquarters with explosive meth.


    Found episodes for Noragami on Youtube where the nameless god Yato is tricked into battling Bishomon the war god, and follows an old weapon into the underworld to try to save Ebisu. At the end, he finally does what he should have done and releases the weapon so that she can never be used against him again.


  6. I don't know if this is reaching other outlets yet, but Farron Cousins is reporting that the founder of Moms for Liberty, the book banning for kids to protect them from smut and the LGBT organization, and her husband were engaged with another woman for years but recently the husband attacked this other woman. At least one of the national chapters has stated that this doesn't match their values


  7. 9 hours ago, tkdguy said:

    Another dirty trick: using deepfake to trash people you don't like:



    Is this subject to legal repercussions?

    It depends. If the person attacked can prove defamation in a state with those laws, then there could a lawsuit over. Since this video is supposedly a sliced together video of Cortez, she can sue maybe under the fact they used her appearance.


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