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Posts posted by csyphrett

  1. Hall and Oates own a company that owns their music. A second company, Primary Wave, bought a majority of their catalogue and wants the rest. They in turn can take an old song sell it on an advertisement and make money, get money for covers, resell under another artist like Weird Al, pay Hall and Oates limited revenue. The lawsuit is Hall doesn't want Oates to sell his part of the company to Primary Wave. He wants to keep as much of the catalogue as he can. Oates (after consultation with his wife and manager) wants to sell to get the money.


    If Oates sells his stake, Primary Wave can tell Hall what to do with his own music, pay him less of a revenue from greatest hits and streams, sell off Hall's music to a third party (or their however much they own).


    This is kind of like a takeover by buying out a partner. At least it's not Hall accusing Oates of plagirizing himself like John Fogarty.




  2. I got it down to 26k. Right now, I plan to finish the goblin tree arc for Dial H. Then do the date night. Then have Mr. Warner show up to give some advice on things. Jack making the Enterprise D is up there with things that he should have thought about more, but at least one of his patrons will be happy. Then maybe I will do a Society visit. I have almost three hundred K invested in this so far.


    Thanks Hermit for the advice.


    I need to switch around more like I used to do, but right now I have a flow sort of thing going on, so I am going to go with it before switching back to Million Words and Hodgepodge.



  3. I need 7 5k days. Dial H is at the point where Jo and Fass's FIghters are going to splinter cell the enemy government in the next few chapters


    The Nano forums shut down because apparently one of the mods was abusing the kids in the young writers program. Complaints have been filed and the board that runs the nonprofit have put everything on hold until they have things sorted out. There are 800 replies in the public thread talking about this.


    Didn't know about any of this. I am an adult and don't use the program or deal with anything there on the forums.



  4. The fact of the matter is Bob Iger stepped down and he was the head of everything. He was replaced with Bob Choprak. Choprak didn't want multiple movie contracts, pay for the productions, and only cared about how much money the studio was making on the streaming end of things. He is the guy who lost the law suit from Scarlet Johannson (which I can't ever remember happening before this), and pissed off the people at Pixar. Chopak was the guy who gave the Inhumans to Perlmutter and Buck and watched them crash. Chopak installed a guy to basically tell the movie division they couldn't make movies. This joker lost almost two billion dollars on the streaming service in two years. Employees found out they might be laid off through the news.  


    You want to know what happened? They hired a guy from their park division to run the company during a pandemic and he screwed up, picking guys that had no idea what they were doing. And all of them were forced out.


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