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Everything posted by McCoy

  1. Religion: The growth of Islam (currently the world's fastest growing religion) will level off. The Roman Catholic Church will fragment, the ultraconservative branch will gain influence, as will a liberal reform branch, with the moderate branch about half the size it is today. All three will claim to be the true Roman Catholic church. Despite threats and intermural fights, the Episcopalian Church will not split. Humanist will become more organized. A growing minority in the US will combine Christian and New Age traditions. Fundamentalism will be on it's way to becoming a regional oddity, like the Amish.
  2. To continue: Technology: By 2025 there should be tetraflop PDA's as affordable as cell phones are today, most of the middle class will have them. These will combine cell phones, computers, GPS device, digital camera (still & motion), internet access, MP3 player, radio & possibly TV. It could also function as a personal trainer as well as a personal assistant, monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, diet and exercise. Direct neural interface will not be available yet. Implants will be limited to medical neccestiy, we'll still have pacemakers and cocolear (sp?) implants, as well as artificial eyes, implanted voiceboxes, insulin pumps, and other devices. The rich will be able to have organs cloned and transplanted with no possibility of rejection. The middle class will have to rely on harvested organ transplants, which will be cheaper, safer, and with shorter waiting list than today. Space exploration will continue. Telepresence robots will be operating on the Moon, Mars, and some orbital space stations, and possibly some Apollo class asteroids. Humans may have been to Mars by this time, but no continuing human occupation of the planet. Humans will be on orbital space stations, and possibly the moon (50/50 chance of a human settlement by this time). Probes will have been launched that will travel outside the solar system to test Modified Neutonian Dynamics. Circulatory disease and cancer will remain the main killers of our species, but average life expectancy will be close to 90 years. Many diseases we have today will be cured, the common cold not among them. Diseases we haven't heard of today will be in the news, primarily virisus and anti-biotic resistant bacteria.
  3. Probably will depend on type of device. Can see keeping keyboards on desktops, but on PDA's voice input will have real advantages over the tiny, tiny key pads.
  4. Politics: Alternative fuels will grow as a percentage of energy produced, but fossil fule use will remain level. The Islamic countries will form a looser federation than the EU, but will have more cooperation between themselves than today. Iraq will still be occupied by the United States. Mexico and all of Canada except Quebec will be annexed (by mutual agreement) to the United States. (This may take longer than 22 years.) The United States remains the only military Superpower. Alcohol, tobacco, marajuana and cafeine will be legal, but use in public disapproved. American life will continue to be schitzophrenic, ultra-conservative and ultra-liberal aspects side by side. Equality and tolerance will be the rule, with less discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation than today. The largest ethnic minority will be "multiracial," those who do not identify as White or Black. EU will grow, and The Troubles in Northern Ireland will finally be put behind them. China will be in transition, embodying the worst aspects of both Comunisium and Capitalism. Some bio-tech research that the rest of the planet considers ethically questionable will be carried out there. South America and Africa will remain Balkinized, but will be taking the first steps toward EU-type unions.
  5. Re: Re: Re: What's "over-the-line" for these boards? Currently without co-workers, my children are both over 30, and never been embarrassed by anyone reading anything I wrote. If I used that as the guideline, it would be more NC-17 than PG-13. Basically my rule is I don't want a parent of an adolescent telling their child they can't surf this site because of something I said.
  6. Re: What's "over-the-line" for these boards? I try for PG-13 myself. Only thing I recall anyone objecting to recently was the word "dildo" in a thread title. Some said it made the board not "work friendly" until that thread fell off.
  7. I was thinking mega-scale, mega-mass teleportation useable at range, move the moon opposite the sun. Possibly some side effects of this as tide and weather patterns are disrupted. CE is more eligant.
  8. On the other hand, Pancho Villa raided New Mexico and retreated accross the Mexian border with impunity. Which is why I prefaced my remarks with "Don't know how relations stand between US and Canada in the CU . . .." Yes, they would not get away with it in our reality, but relations between US and Canada may not run as smoothly in all realities.
  9. "Slow things down a lot" sounds like a Special Effect to me. What do you want this character to do? Dodge bullets? Buy missle deflection. Fight as if his opponents were moving in slow motion? Levels with OCV & DCV. Read Moby Dick in under an hour? Speed reading + photographic memory. Assemble jigsaw puzzles or open a safe by trying every possible combination? Small VPP of minor transformations. Having said that, I have had a few NPC's with speed beyond 12. First was Sabertooth. As the baddest berserker slasher in my campagine, I found the best way to make him challenging was to give him a speed of (PC's highest speed + number of PC's). As I usually have six or less players, this worked as long as no PC had a SPD above 6. Came the day when I had 5 PC's, the fastest of which had a SPD 10. So Sabertooth had a SPD 15. Gave him two lines on the SPD chart, 12 at his DEX, 3 at the bottom (so at 4, 8, & 12 he had a "free" action after the normals). His STR and HKA were already 0 END (it was worth forgoing the Push to simplify bookeeping). Since then I have used SPD beyond 12 a few times, all NPC's, no PC has ever asked for a 13 or greater SPD.
  10. Probably when he goes to jail, it won't be funny any more then. I don't change sigs a lot, that's only the second one I've had on this board.
  11. My favorites (the reason Foxbat has reformed in my campagine) are "Believes he's a comic book character" and "must narriate own actions." "Using his Fabulous Foxbat-stealth, Foxbat and his mutant ninja ally silently creep up behind the unsuspecting super-villian, who somehow detects them through sheer dumb luck!" Most common are CVK, "protective of XXX," and "With Great Power there must always come . . . Great Responsibility." Just seems in genre (unless you're playing an Iron Age / Dark Champions, in which case "Vengful" becomes the defining characteristic).
  12. Damage reduction, physical, energy, mental Force field including minimum PD, ED, Ego Defense, Power Defense, and Flash Defense, all senses Focused Armor Characteristic PD & ED resistant and hardened Full life support Desolidification, innate, fully invisable, vs attacks only "Affects solid" advantage on STR [edit] Forgot, Knockback resistance
  13. Take a page from S.H.I.E.L.D., vehicle as base. Came up in my game last night, High-Tech Mercs had broken into Avenger's Mansion while the Avengers were out, ran afoul of the PC's. Prisoners refused to divulge any details about their base. PC's checked the submarine pen twice before someone said "Wait a second, do the Avengers have a submarine?" Villian base parked inside hero base.
  14. It's not the distance. Wondering if this might be better for a villian group? Don't know how relations stand between US and Canada in the CU, but interesting if the villians can run amok in Millennium City, and retreat to Turkey Island, where no sanctioned US hero has authority to arrest them. Long as they don't commit a crime on the Canadian side of the line, they're safe!
  15. Humm, seems like there would be some problems if you operate in Millennium City but your base is in Canada.
  16. Yep. Backstory is that Mongoose was sired by AI, Snow Leopard out of love, then Logan and Jean got together after Cyclops and Storm were KIA. The real suprise is that Frenzy and Toad got together. When asked what she saw in him, Cargill replied "He has super strength below the waist, and can lick the back of his own neck. What do you think?"
  17. Haven't tried this with Champions characters, but have been trying some fanfic for the next generation of X-Men. In addition to the established characters Legion (David Xavier), X-Man (Nathan Grey-Summers), Ms Marvel (Rachel Summers) and Marvelman (Franklin Richards), some of the characters include: Angel Daughter of Psylocke and Archangel; telepathy, winged flight, non-focused "soul sword" Deimos & Phobos Identicle twin sons of Daniel Moonstar and Dogpound; telepaths and lighweight bricks Flux son of Polaris and Havok; touch range transformations, reshapes metal by thought, destroys foci (especally power armor) Hip Hop son of Frenzy and Toad; limited invulnerability, super strength below the waist only, master of Capoeira, affects a Caribbean accent despite being born and raised in Jamaica, New York Mongoose son of Viper and Wolverine; Martial Artist with regeneration, few enhanced senses Shadow Wolf son of Shadowcat and Colossus; Ninja with desolidification Snow Leopard daughter of Storm and Wolverine; animalistic martial artist with limited weather control (wind/cold only, no flight) Steel Shadow daughter of Shadowcat and Colossus, younger sister of Shadow Wolf; brick, density control from desolid to several tons Wildcat son of Jean Grey and Wolverine; berserker martial artist, psionics only when not berserk (Jean Grey placed psychic circuit breakers in his brain, he can channel the Phoenix force, but only when calm. He cannot accept that the circuit breakers are there for his protection, channeling the Phoenix Force has side effects if you miss your EGO roll, and he greatly resents Nathan and Rachel)
  18. McCoy

    Seven gods

    Humm, how would the Runequest archtypes intersect with the animated Justice League? Superman: Ruling Deity, Sun God Batman: Night God, Hunting God, Underworld God Hawkgirl: Moon Goddess, War Goddess Martian Manhunter: Trickster (some may say Flash, but this seems to go with the shapeshifting, disguise, and other powers. Plus I like the irony of a Trickster with no sense of humor.) The others are harder. None of them seem to have a connection with Agriculture. Wonder Woman could be earth, because of her golem-like origin, sea, being born on an island, or even storm, because she flies. Let's give Earth to the Flash, one of the two non-flying Leaguers, the one who spends the most time in contact with the ground. (Yes, I realize it's a strech.) Flash: Earth God Green Lantern. Agriculture, purely from the color. Storm, for flying and the lightning-like energy blast. Green Lantern: Agricultural God, Storm God Which leaves Wonder Woman: Sea Goddess Comments anyone?
  19. But "standard effect" is three pips per die. You loose the element of chance and get a slightly below average effect every time. See FREd, pages 10 & 72.
  20. 7d6 STUN Drain, standard effect, limitation, STUN returns immedently (-1). This would do 21 STUN minus Power Defense, which would Con Stun anyone with a CON 21 or less.
  21. What D-Man and zornwil said, it's a covering maneuver. He moves between attacker and target and takes the damage himself.
  22. My first Champions character was a speedster, with a 30 STR and an autofire punch. Keep in mind this was second edition, when END cost was 1 per 5 active points, and autofire was X 10. You probably all know where I'm going with this. First combat Cheeta runs in, unleashes his autofire punch on the Wrecker, burns 60 of his 40 END . . . "Honest to God officer! I never touched him! He started hiting me, then had a heart attack!"
  23. If I don't have at least one PC knock themselves out, move-through, move-by, or pushing, I consider it a sign I made the villians too wimpy.
  24. What if the bird will not sing? Oda Nobunaga: "Kill it." Toyotomi Hideyoshi: "Make it want to sing." Tokugawa Ieyasu: "Wait."
  25. Re: Re: Desolid and OIHID Sounds good. Any power that can be used solid or desolid wouldn't get that limitation.
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