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Everything posted by McCoy

  1. Another house rule, PC's are not allowed to buy hardened defenses. No NND's with the defense hardened defenses will be allowed. This is so the Brick can be wounded by an attack that would not vaporize the Martial Artist.
  2. This was a house rule under 4th, think that it may have been changed in FREd. Killing attacks. I have seen, and once experienced, some rather severe wounds that were totally unfelt at the time. STUN multiplier for killing attacks is 1d6-1, resulting in a range of 0 through 5. It is possible for a killing attack to do BODY but absolutely no STUN. This is still a house rule because it goes beyond six sided dice. increased/decreased STUN modifier For a +1/4 advantaged on a killing attack, the STUN multiplier can be 1d8-1; +1/2, 1d10-1; +3/4, 1d12-1. For a -1/4 limitation, the STUN multiplier can be 1d4-1;-1/2, 1d3-1; -1, attack does no STUN. 0 STUN is always a possibility with killing attacks.
  3. Re: Need help with a superpower. Sounds like a pool to me. May I suggest enhanced senses for eyes, ears, nose. Plusses to CON and or REC for the torso (larger heart/lungs). There is also a plus to PRE and/or COM, but with the limitation "only when naked."
  4. My first FH conversion, sure I've done many things wrong. My favorite hobbit for FH. Samwise Player: Val Char Cost 13 STR 3 13 DEX 9 20 CON 20 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 23 EGO 32 10 PRE 0 10 COM 0 3/9 PD 0 4/7 ED 0 3 SPD 7 7 REC 0 40 END 0 30 STUN 3 6" RUN00" SWIM-22 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 75 Cost Power END 12 Shrinking (0.9906 m tall, 0.4953 m wide, 12.4738 kg mass, -2 PER Rolls to perceive character, +2 DCV, +3" KB), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (22 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), No Growth Momentum (-1/4) 46 Variable Power Pool, 40 base + 6 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1) (80 Active Points); Extra Time (20 Minutes; -2 1/2), No Conscious Control (-2), Limited Class Of Powers Available, no attacks (Limited; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) [Notes: Sam is unaware of this ability, but whenever he invokes the name of The Lady and ask for something (water, light, etc), he gets it.] 0 1) Transform 1d6: dry land into land with available water (Major), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1) (37 Active Points) Real Cost: 37 0 2) Clear Clouds: Change Environment 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Megascale (1" = 10000 km; +1 1/4) (14 Active Points) Real Cost: 14 Powers Cost: 58 Cost Skill 3 Climbing 12- 2 KS: Songs & Legends of Middle Earth 11- 2 PS: Cooking 11- 5 PS: Gardening 14- 2 Survival 12- 2 WF: Blades, Sling, Thrown Rocks Skills Cost: 16 Cost Equipment END 9 Armor (6 PD/3 ED) (14 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value) 7 Short Sword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1) 1 24 Elvin cloak: Invisibility to Sight Group, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) 20 Well equipted backpack: Gadget Pool, 10 base + 10 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1) (20 Active Points) [Notes: When adventuring, Sam carries a backpack with a number of ordinary but useful items, rope, spare hankerchiefs, cookware, salt, extra tinderbox. Anything that could reasonably be expected to be found in a hobbit hole will be in Sam's backpack on an 11-.] Equipment costs shown above are for reference only, and are not included in Total Cost. Total Character Cost: 149 Val Disadvantages 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima 10 Dependent NPC: Bill the pony 8- (Normal) 10 Distinctive Features: Short, hairy feet, never wears shoes (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures) 15 Hunted: Ringwraiths 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15 Physical Limitation: Can't swim (Infrequently; Fully Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Absolute loyalty to Frodo (Very Common; Total) Disadvantage Points: 75 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  5. Re: Hot Gas? And in a hot forest fire, smoke and particulates go upward at truely amazing speeds and oxygen rich air comes in at ground level. The smoke eaters who fight forest fires all day MAY have a 15 minute emergency oxygen reserve, usually not even that. Lots more circulation than in a burning building.
  6. RTFM. "A character with a Safe Enviroment Life Support does not take damage from that type of enviromental condition, or from a Change Enviroment which creates that condition. However, he still takes damage from attacks with that special effect, due to the sudden system shock." FREd, p 128
  7. Been a while since I read Citizen of the Galaxy, but IIRC there were non-humans in that. I seem to recall the better part of a chapted being spend on a planet where they traded with the (non-human) natives by barter, because there was no common language (and the natives may not even have had language). The traders ended up exchanging brightly colored magazine pages for brightly colored gemstones.
  8. You haven't read much Campbell, have you? His classic challenge to writers was "Give me an alien that thinks as well as a man, but not like a man." One sucessful example was Stranger in a Strange Land. Asimov was the one who decided not to use aliens in his Foundation series. Would have distracted from the main story line, humanity going through another Dark Age. Lois McMaster Bujold (the only living author with three Hugo winning novels) has the Vorkosegan saga, another example of a well thought out Universe with no known nonhuman intelligences. Wish she would stop writing fantasy and get back to it.
  9. Re: squeak squeak Yes, you can spend END on those phases, but not get it back. Let's see if this helps. FREd, page 285, says that you can't take a Rec while you're holding your breath (without life support). Breathing, part of taking a Rec, is not a mental action. If your character has flight, bought with the special effect of psionic levitation, would he be able to move on those extra phases? If he has telekinesis, would he be able to physically grab someone on those extra phases? If so, -1/2 is a little generous, this limitation is not very limiting. *Is going to hate himself for suggesting this.* Is the character's mental powers in a multipower or a VPP? If so, you might see if the GM would approve a 0 END, self only, Aid or Healing to END and/or STUN as something that could be done on the extra phases. Sx would be using mental discipline to tap into normally inaccessable body reserves. Charges would be an approperate limitation on that power, and would automatically get you the 0 END. Now go, and weasel no more.
  10. Re: He says Physical Segs only... Rule 1: The GM is always right. Rule 2: If the GM is wrong, see Rule 1.
  11. Since you can Recover even when you are at negative STUN, Knocked Out, I would say Recovery is more about the Body than the Mind, and if you wanted to play this character in my game I would say you could only grab a Rec on the Physical phases, not the Mental ones. What does your GM say?
  12. My last campagine was strongly Runequest influenced. The God of Trade had instituted a common currency throughout civilization, the coins may have different designs, but they all weighed one ounce troy and were used from one end of the contenent to the other. Blogs were lead, clacks copper, lunars silver, and wheels gold. There was also a decimal system, 1 Wheel = 10 Lunars = 100 Clacks = 1000 Blogs. Simply as a cost example, a Wheel could support an average family for a month. A mercenary could be hired to guard a caravan for a lunar a day, double for each day they actually fought. Unskilled labor was usually 2 Clacks a day, an apprentice 3, a journyman 4. At an Inn 2 clacks would get you bread and stew and the privilege of sleeping on the floor of the common room (all alcoholic beverages extra). Odd coins and differing exchange rates are certainly realistic, but I didn't want to make the game about the acqusition of wealth.
  13. McCoy

    Seven gods

    pinecone, thank you. I usually use the 12 archtypes from Runequest. They may be helpful, I'll list them for others. Agricultural Goddess Earth Goddess Hunting God Moon Goddess Night Goddess Ruling Deity Sea God Storm God Sun God Trickster Underworld God War God Some of these can be combined in one individual, Zeus for example is both Ruling Diety and Storm God. Suggested cobinations to get 12 down to 7. Agricultural Goddess + Earth Goddess Hunting God + War God Moon Goddess + Night Goddess Ruling Deity + Sun God Sea God + Storm God Trickster Underworld God Details would vary with culture. For this I assumed an agrarian costal civilization, dependant on the Sun and Earth for sustance, where storms normally come in from the sea. A more hunter-gatherer culture might combine Hunting God and Trickster, admiring the ability to outsmart the game animals, and combine the Underworld God with the War God. A civilization dependent on fishing or their merchant fleet may make the Sea God the Ruling Diety.
  14. If I went that way, SX would be TK turned inward to repair tissue damage, but only the Loganesque personality could do it. For that matter, one of the personalites might be a lightweight Brick, no range TK augmenting his STR and reenforcing the body against incoming damage. Just because Jack has the "classical" TK doesn't mean others can't use it in other ways.
  15. McCoy

    Seven gods

    OK, take the traditional Western elements; Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Intersect with the Oriental ones; Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood. Change "Wood" to "Nature," give that one the animals as well as the plants. Add the Trickster. Air Earth Fire Metal Nature Trickster Water The Metal God would have dominion over all technology and fabricated objects, even those fabricated from non-metalic substances, clay pots, reed baskets, wooden houses. Slight rivalry with the Earth Goddess, who sees Him as taking her substances and making them His own. More serious rivalry with the Nature Goddess, the Yang to His Yin, His opposite on the Natural/Fabricated spectrum. He has an affinity for the Fire God, his partner in refining metal and fireing clay. Relationship with the Air and Water Dieties would depend on how common such things as windmills, water wheels, and (most important) sailboats are in your world. Three natural spectrums, Air/Earth, Fire/Water, Metal/Nature, Trickster is outside their order. Going to suggest that Air, Fire, and Metal are Gods; Earth, Water and Nature Godesses; and the Trickster a Diety of no fixed gender, male or female as occasion demands. That was easier than I thought it would be.
  16. How do you think I feel? I saw it with the man who is still my Partner.
  17. Humm, I'll need an inconspicous camcorder and photocopy machine, with honking mondo batteries. First stop, the library of Alexandria. Do you know they had entire rooms, plural, of the works of Homer? Today we have two epics. Sappho's work has not done much better. Then follow the Rabbi Jesus ben Joseph of Nazareth around, recording what he really said. Egypt, the Amara period through the reign of Ramses II. That's more than one lifetime's work.
  18. Destiny. Both Jack and Cindi have pretty good attacks.
  19. Thank you again. This is helping. Now realize that one personality (not Cindi) needs to serve as David's anima. Jack serves as protector personality (and animus). I had though of a healer, several ways to go on that. Empath (re: Gem from ST:TOS) Takes wounds onto self and heals them. Or if healing David only, maybe a Saberblood type of personality (In my world, Sabertooth, Wolverine, Callisto, Ferral, Wild Child and Marrow are all part of the same disfunctional family. Imagine someone with the personality and healing factor of Wolverine, with no offenses to back it up.)
  20. Thanks for the ideas. Definitely like Tanaka Tetsuo, does the name mean anything? David's multiple personalities came from childhood trama, he and his mother survived a suicide bombing. Jemail was the bomber. Like Rogue, David has a head filled with memories that aren't his. Jemail has wondered if he "really" jumped, or is just a copy created by David's telepathy. He has decided that ultimately it doesn't matter. The shattering of his psyche was a reaction to the memories and a prolonged psychic battle between Jemail and David.
  21. Who chooses the Sorcerer Supereme? If you have to ask the question, you're not ready for the answer. The Sorcerer Supreme, like the Fastest Gun in the West, chooses him or her self by claiming the title and defending it against all contenders.
  22. Working on sme fanfic involving David Charles Haller Xavier, aka Legion. He's the love child of Charles Xavier, and a telepath/telekinetic with multiple personalities. Each personality seems to control one power. David, ID teleport. In this reality he has grown from a needy child to a responsable young man. Practices Reform Judism, extremely Reform. Jemail Karami, telepathy. A Sunni Muslem with an almost Buddhist disposition (because it is an interesting challenge to try to write a sympathetic Muslem character right now), Jemail has, by the grace of Allah, experienced two miracles. He survived (in a manner of speaking) a suicide bombing, and he was allowed to walk in the metaphorical sandals of his enemy. Jack Wayne, telekinesis. Action Hero. Equal parst Duke and Arnold, with some Indiana Jones. Not given to introspection. Cindi, pyrokenisis. Pyromaniac. Cindi aspires to be a total sociopathic nillist, caring for no one and nothing except watching things burn. But the facade sometimes cracks. Irene Adler, precognition. The mutant known as Destiny jumped from her own body to David's (with Jemail's help) at the moment of her death. Well aware that her life experience exceeds that of all the other personalities added together, she tries to remain quiet and only give advice when it is asked, but will warn of impending danger. A Lesbian trapped in a man's body. For some reason, when Irene becomes the controling persona, David suffers from hysterical blindness. For some reason I'm blocked. Can't decide what other personalities Legion should have within him. Powers I want include cyberkinesis, mind control, transformations (of the Phoenix-level tree-to-solid-gold type), and someone who mind links all the personalities together. Any suggestions for who could take those jobs? Any suggestions for other powers? Thanks in advance to everyone.
  23. Re: Hero Helper is finally finished... Runs just fine on my Pentium III running Windows 98. Thank you for an excelent program!
  24. For myself, I try to work out the limitations and disadvantages on the NPC's. Gives the PC's an incentive to look for the weaknesses and try to exploit them. Also seems to make the NPC's less cardboard. Maybe this is like the actor who works out a full back story for his character who has no lines, but it helps me think of them as something other than pop-up targets. Just my style, YMMV.
  25. Re: I'm not Mechanon, but... Yep. This might work once. Then expect not only a different coded signal each time, but linked to a Flash vs Radio Reception.
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