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DJ Blackrock

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Everything posted by DJ Blackrock

  1. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Am I seriously the only one who understood EXACTLY what a high school twink club is? High School = 15-18 year olds Twink = Thinks that the more damage done is roleplaying Club = Him and all his mouth breathing instant gratification buddies. I've noticed that most members of a High Schol Twink Club are the kind of people that think Halo and Gears of War are great writing, and play online FPS's simply to fling racial slurs and a word that can mean british cigarettes around like it's going out of style. Yes, I have had more than one game ruined by these [censored] idiots. I don't mean to thread hijack, really I don't, I just can't stand these kinds of people. Not liking something doesn't make it "gay" and me chainsawing you into chunky bits does not make me a "fag". These words have deeper meaning, and these &$%^-wits need to learn that. [/hijack] Again. So sorry. PS: Not to say I dislike Gears of War. It's a good game, but not high art. And Halo just sucks.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From my teen champions game: cast: Lisa "Fireshot" Deing: Fire controlling catgirl Maria Vitel: Somewhat goth dhampir girl (yes, goth, not emo) Ariel "Sylph" Adams: "Hot For Teacher" style english teacher/librarian/heroic mage Tzalan: Extra-dimensional wraith exile inhabiting a human host Jacob "Buntai-kun" Masterson: martial artist/everything bender boy-band member Joshua Focker: 12 year old super-genius shape-shifter Tiffany "Panther" Grey: Super-strong, somewhat insecure gymnast Paul "Frostbite" Milliner: NPC cold manipulator, has TERRIBLE luck in combat Pre-game: GM: "Ah, crap. I forgot my hex map!" Lisa (OOC): "Are we gonna have a combat today?" GM: ::shrug:: "I don't have one planned, but knowing you guys..." ::indicates Joshua's player:: Lisa (OOC): "Good point." The heroes fight a plot-powered crystal golem: GM: "Okay, Frostbite goes for an entangle." ::rolls dice:: "and hits! Lemme figure out the Def and Body..." Maria (OOC): "He should totally lose his next action from shock." GM: ::glare:: Crystal golem defeated, proving the heroes worthy: GM: "When the golem is beaten, it dissolves into dust that swirls around all of you, pieces of it eventually settling into the palm of your left hand, leaving a symbol on your hand. You don't know what it means, but Sylph, a little scrambling through your books, and you puzzle them out. Yours means "Wisdom", Panther's is "Power", Maria's is "Speed", Joshua has "Emotion", Jacob has "Will", Frostbite gets "Persistance"... rest of table: ::begins snickers, eventually becoming full on laughter:: GM (OOC): "Look, I know Frostbite is kind of a joke, but bless his heart, he's trying."
  3. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Can't really think of one as a player, since I so rarely get to be one. Have a few I provoked as a GM though. Running Serenity (based on the show Firefly, which if you haven't seen, then you should. I'll wait....... okay, I'm impatient) Crew arrives on a planet called Deadwood and fall in with a beautiful young barmaid named Bridget. The fiery redhead has a plan to get them all off this dustball, and, well, if you've seen the show, yep, her. I was using Saffron. All the players figured it out at different points, except our mechanic, Franklin. The player, I love him like a brother, but he's a bit slow on the uptake. He had the best reaction when he realized who she was though. "Oh F--K! NOT HER!!" I was proud of myself for days after that.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The player does play Tiffany as kind of a ditz. I was almost expecting that kind of question.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My girlfriend made me see Twilight with her, so I'm dragging her to see Inglorious Basterds with me. No arguments. All I need to know is Quentin Tarantino directed it, and it's about killing nazis. Can it POSSIBLY get any better? Oh, a couple minor quotes from our Teen Champs game yesterday. No one could stay focused, and one of my players lost her cat to a tragic car accident the night before, so we didn't have much for a game. First, the cast! I'm spoilering it, because it turned out to be really long! Tzalan shifts into his Wraithly form: GM: "The nerdy guy in front of you literally turns inside out, with all the concommittant sound effects. Crunching, popping cartilage, and what can only be described as the sound of several pounds of aged angus beef being forced through a garden hose." rest of table: ::shudders:: Maria and Tiffany have a forced discussion: Tiffany: "So, what are your powers, besides being pale and unpleasant?" Maria: "... I'm a half-vampire if that helps." Tiffany: ::eyes light up:: "OH! Do you sparkle?!" Maria: "I'm done." ::leaves the room:: Tzalan has discovered the internet: Tzalan: ::spouts some semi-factual perhaps correct factoid:: Gemini: "Where are you getting this stuff from?" Tzalan: "The domain is called... wikipedia." Joshua: "Link him to TvTropes, he'll be stuck all day." Tzalan: ::spouts more factoids:: Gemini: "It's like he's channeling dead crazy people!" Sadly, that's all we have right now. I promise more in time!
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Consider it swung.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh, it is. Most of my posts are in this one thread. Go on an archive crawl, the whole thread is glorious! Wish I had some quotes to contribute, but my game is in a state of flux right now. I'll have some soon!
  8. Re: Villians Unite I have a couple groups I use. The Shadow Strike Team: Originally a VIPER sponsored team of super-powered agents, the Strike Team decided they didn't want to follow orders anymore and bailed. The team has undergone quite a bit of shuffling in the years my game has flowed across. The three core members are Demolition Jackal, a powersuited villain, just shy of the Warlord in personal power, Deadbeat, an animated skeleton (I think I pulled him from Bob Greenwade. It was a long time ago) and Spasm, a shapeshifting bio-mimetic bruiser. Two former members, Siphon and Heatwave, both with gang ties, have fallen to assassins from their own past, the original leader of the team, Nightshade, betrayed them for his own reasons, and their two other members, Stonework and Snutch defected to the heroside after the heroes freed Stonework's sister and left them without blackmail to keep him. Right now, Demolition Jackal has taken a position as the principal of Center City High School, Mr. Jaquel, and is using it as a vehicle to recruit potential new members. Which leads to: The Infiniteens: A group of young supers who think they're in some kind of training to be heroes. Sadly, they are deluded, and the ones who realize this, don't really care. Crime pays faster than justice anyway. Necrocide, a young woman deeply involved in Black Magic leads the team, along with Gigawatt, the son of the former supervillain of the same name, Psychotronic, a technopathic geek, Leech, a power siphoning track & fielder, Wildcat, a feline-hybrid mutant cheerleader, Prism, a shy science geek girl with light based powers and Riptide, a transfer student from Oklahoma with Water-based powers. Prism, Riptide and Psychotronic are in the team due to a crippling need for acceptance and approval. Jackal is preying on them in an attempt to break them and bring them into the Shadow Strike Team. Oh yeah, did I mention? It's a teen champions game.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That reminds me of a quote I read somewhere, I think the Order of the Stick comic, about a high level character farting hard enough to accidentally cloudkill five or six kobolds at a time. Yeah, funnier when I saw it I guess. It's late.
  10. Re: Silvertongue I was thinking a lot more mousy for the character design, but close enough. Sorry if I seemed a little pissy, just was having a rough day. I decided on a VPP with extra time (finding the right book and page) focus (books of convenience) and incantations (reading aloud).
  11. Re: Silvertongue Bump for great justice. C'mon guys, nothing?
  12. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Totally not a shameless plug! No way! I've often found that steering a lone wolf towards the (wo)man of mystery angle works. They're similar enough that the lone wolf can still get their jollies, and they're not so heinous on a team.
  13. Re: Who's your Nemesis? And... WHY? I hate to admit it, but I've never had a PC hero last long enough to get an arch-villain. I had Scorpio who I lost to a spike to the face, Marcus, who kind of slipped out of focus after I had to leave the game, and I've been the GM since, so I have all the villains. Some of my players have interesting nemeses (nemesii?) PC "hero": Andrew: Ultra-powerful mentalist, and my realization that I needed campaign limits. Old game. Nemesis: Meanstreak: A speedster villain. Why: Meanstreak and Andrew just rubbed each other the wrong way, and never got that "mutual respect" thing that some pairings have, instead opting for pure hatred. Problem was, after Andrew suffered a radiation accident and became a blob of living nanites, Meanstreak couldn't hit hard enough to cause damage to him, and Andrew didn't have a high enough OCV to hit the quick little bugger. Basically it came down to who could outsmart the other first. (Though a jerk, Meanstreak wasn't stupid.) PC Hero: Fox: Mutant teleporting fox-human hybrid fencer. Nemesis: Acidshock: a Russian former KGB agent with acid creation and manipulation powers. After Fox's family for reasons unspecified (at least so far). Has gone so far in the current game to get himself cybernetically enhanced, in order to hunt down Fox's sister, Lisa, after managing to send Fox into a coma in the last game. Why: His unspecified reason. Apparently, Acidshock had a real issue with Fox's grandfather, so much so, that he now needs to see the entire Deing family line obliterated. I'd post why, but my players (at least Fox/Lisa anyway) are on these boards. There were others, but its late, and I'm tired.
  14. Okay folks, I'm back into Hero system again, as my Shadowrun game has run into a massive problem, and collapsed under it's own weight and the fact that my players were just humoring me and didn't really like the game. Either way, I'm back to Hero, and I was looking for some advice. I'm putting together an NPC, and I wanted some input. My character idea is basically a rip from the movie Inkheart. Note, I haven't read the book, and my approximation of the powers may me misled (I've seen the movie while at work at Blockbuster, so I'm sure I missed parts). Anyway, I wanted to put together a Silvertongue character. Likely name him Silvertongue (as I think it's an awesome hero name), and he'd the master librarian of a shady order of mystics. I'm still debating if the order knows of his powers or not, but that's neither here nor there. However, when hearing "head librarian of a shady order of mystics" you wouldn't expect to see a mousy 16 year old kid, cowering behind hugely thick coke-bottle glasses, dirty shirt, terminally shy and clutching an ancient book for dear life. But this is that kid. The library is his home, and he only leaves it grudgingly. Powers: Ability to read aloud from a book, and to cause the actions read to come to life. I'm thinking a Cosmic VPP, but if anyone has other ideas, awesome (ie, EB with variable SFX, Summon with variable SFX, etc.) As for limitations, I was thinking Focus (appropriate book), extra time (finding the right book/page), incantations (reading aloud) and such Also, "Terminally Shy" for a psych-lim. Also, I wanted to make it that he couldn't just scribble something out and read it and have it happen, in order for his powers to work, the new fiction would have to be written by an Inkheart (which, sadly, he knows none). So, any suggestions?
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Okay, I tried. I really did, but its official. I can't say "Mr. Slantypants" without laughing. Even typing it makes me giggle.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Last week didn't get us any real quotes, as everyone was too feckless and unfocused to get any real time in. This week we will be welcoming a new player, who will be playing Red's best friend Cass (anyone who's seen the Gamers: Dorkness Rising will know the name. Yes. Based on that Cass) so it's bound to be interesting. For those in the know, this time, Brother Silence IS an elf! ;-)
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From my Shadowrun game: We've had a bit of shakeup in characters. Carotis and Thaddeus have gone missing, and Beldarien Corbin, their Shaman Sniper has gone away for a time, due to inhaled Astral inhibiting chemicals. (Carotis and Thaddeus' players wanted to try new characters, Beldarien's has gone and gotten himself a social life. For shame.) New additions: Franklin: Dwarf Technomancer rigger. His favorite drone is an almost pixel for pixel copy of a tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell. He also has a Doberman Drone with a mounted Panther cannon he calls "Boomer". Also, he has the shell program of an old Technomancer riding in his brain-meats. Donovan: Human gunslinger. Has little to no memory of his past. Woke up one day with a bunch of money, some custom guns and a bunch of fake IDs. He figures one of them may be real, so he's come to Seattle to figure out who he is. And, as always: Hank "Venom" McNeil: Beer swigging mechanic/and the unluckiest luckiest SOB on earth Haru Tetanuga: Elf Technomancer and boy-whore. Currently weighing prom invites. long story. "Red": Human street-samurai/rigger. Specced for guns and action girl moments. Her motorcycle has a surly elf AI named Lou. Diom "Die" Zanuff: Ork blades specialist/mystic adept. Susan: Dwarf Med-Mage and Bliss addict. Carried the badass ball last week. "Fast" Eddie Sanchez: Elf mneumonic courier/novacoke-head/mystic adept. NPC Giovanni "Wraith" Valentino: The group's cybered out fixer. Ended up being a runner for a short time, due to lack of personell. Players wake up in a prison cell. Their equipment gone, their clothes gone. Eventually they meet the administrator of the Saeder-Krupp orbital prison facility: "Red" (OOC): "Wait just a ****ing second. I'm not only in jail, I'm in space jail?! Where's the guy with the gold cigarette lighter?" GM (me, OOC): "Hey, YOU were the one to base your concept on Cyber City Oedo 808. I didn't force the explosive collar on you." "Red" (sullen, OOC): "I didn't even do anything this time!" In her defense, she had missed the last session, and this one picked up in medias res, so she was a bit... confused. Beldarien is taken away by the administrator, it's explained that his dealings with a... creature... calling itself Veronica has caused a small panic about possible infection. Administrator: "The process is... unpleasant, but, please, try to remain conscious. Any feedback you can give us about the machine will be invaluable." Beldarien: "Isn't there a blood test or something?!" Administrator: ::looks at other attending doctor over a diabolical machine, then looks at Beldarien:: "No." Group manages to escape with a doctor's help. They are pursued by ED-209 security drones. They escape with: Bowman: Ork runner, expert with bows and has an odd cyber-eye (it's really an iBall drone) Trina: Ork Gunslinger Physical Adept. loves the butterfly motif. Harley: a genetically modified woman with cat ears and a tail. Too bubbly for most people's taste, but an expert mechanic. Dollface: A mute young woman with a porcelain mask affixed to her face. Displayed... troubling abilities in combat, but seems to like Haru. and finally JC, a powerful young technomancer and his drone riding Sprite companion Mathie. Franklin and Donovan hadn't joined yet, Thaddeus and Carotis were missing, so it was a large group of people. In the flight hangar, the group encounters the Administrator again, but something is... wrong with her. She mutates and attacks (think the game Prototype and you're on the right track). They manage to retrieve their gear and defeat her and escape. The station is covered with a flesh/reddish growth, much like what happened to the administrator. Something isn't right, and Saeder-Krupp is in the middle of it. On the way back to earth, a thud and a scrape is heard on the roof. Red panics. "Red": "It's gonna breach the hull, and then we'll lose out air, and our blood will boil in 13 seconds! I may throw up on you." (Yes, that was a new Star Trek quote) After crashlanding a stolen orbital shuttle in the barrens, Susan gets a little aggravated. Susan: "Breakfast. I need breakfast. I've had an AWFUL day." The group gets sent on another run almost immediately. Susan: "Fine! Just doggie bag it, I'll eat it in the van!" A long series of events involving a cleaning crew, a ghost, a wrecked APC, a toxic spirit, and a dumpster dive for the skull of a hacker leaves Hank covered head to toe in garbage, slime, and various bodily fluids. The group brings him to a carwash. They stand him in the middle of a bay and have him strip. Susan, Die and Red are armed with the high pressure hoses, the brush and the wax gun, respectively. Hank is... dubious about the upcoming process. Haru: "My advice is, CLENCH EVERYTHING!" That was the end of our session a couple weeks ago. Its late now, so I'll finish it up later.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Sigged. That is wonderful. Thank you. Okay, got a few from tonight, Hunter the Vigil: On a limbless vampire used as a "battery" for a hunter who's secretly a ghoul: Tommy: "For all I know you could have your limbless girlfriend in a cardboard box!" Scott (OOC): "It's not a cardboard box! And she's not my girlfriend!" -------------------------------- Impersonating the FBI: Tommy: "While you were out having your little company picnic, I was defending the American Way of Life! How were your Devilled Eggs?" (best if shouted at the top of their lungs) -------------------------------- Regarding my character: GM: "With a one presence, you are terribly unimpressive, and you have that aura, that 'eau de-didn'tbathe'" -------------------------------- On buying bullet-proof vests: GM (as gunshop owner): "So, why do you need seven vests?" Scott: "I'm going hunting." Gunshop owner: ::long pause:: "... With Cheney?" Play stopped for about 10 minutes at this point.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Only a couple right now, both from our space opera game: Andromachae (NPC): "You're alive with the glow of motherhood!" Jesse: "Is that the tactful way of saying she's fat?" ---------------------- The joys of crossplaying: Cory (male): "I like my uterus!" ---------------------- Also, it's remarkably difficult to keep up a quasi-russian accent while simultaneously trying to sound drunk.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From my Shadowrun game: For reference, players are: Hank "Venom" McNeil - Mechanic and pseudo-rigger, human Haru Tetanuga - Technomancer and man-whore, elf Mina "Red" - Cybered out gun-bunny go-ganger, human Thaddeus Lamont - Highly cyber and biowared out Street Samurai, Troll Carotis Lamont - Physical Adept elemental martial artist, Troll Diom "Die" Zanuff - Mystic Adept swordsman, Ork Susan - Wiccan med-mage, Dwarf Beldaran Corbin - Eagle Shaman Sniper, Elf Of this group, the only one with even a modicum of discretion is Beldaran. The group gets the job: Mr. Johnson: I need you to break into this Shiawase facility and swap this blood sample with one already on site. Hank: Sounds like a sneak type job. Mr. J: I'd prefer if no attention were called to this swap... Hank, Thaddeus and Carotis stand and leave Mr. J: ...preferably by drawing attention away from their medical facilites. Hank, Thaddeus and Carotis turn around Hank: That sounds like it could involve a boom. I'm back in! Mr. J: Uh... excellent? Planning: Hank: Well, I've still got about 20 pounds of commercial grade explosives, and we have that RV from the last mission... Susan: Could we maybe have a mission that doesn't involve some kind of explosion? rest of the group: ::blank stares:: Susan: Wrong crowd, sorry. Running Matrix interference: GM: Haru, you recognize that icon. Looks like their security hacker is the same guy from your first job, Frogger. Haru: Oh, that little **** I remember him. I'm gonna try to seal him off. GM: Opposed hacking check sweetcheeks. GM & Haru: ::roll lots of dice, Haru crits, Frogger scores a critical glitch (botch but worse for those not familiar with SR4) GM: Hmm. Okay, you manage to seal Frogger off, he's sitting there happily unaware of everything going on around him. Haru: Good, and as soon as he tries another scan, I'm gonna flood him with Gay Porn. GM (quasi-OOC): It's always Gay Porn with you, isn't it? Haru: ::quietly:: not always... Haru hacks the security chief's PAN (Personal Area Network): GM: Okay, your in. Two seperate rolls, one to shut off his gun, and the other to switch off his goggles. Haru: ::makes both rolls nicely:: Security Chief: ::fails firewall roll for gun, crit-glitches roll for goggles:: Haru: A crit-glitch? ::smiles evilly:: GM: Porn? Haru: Lots of it. As gay as it gets. GM: *sigh* On being a good guy: Beldaran: Okay, after the explosion, I sneak into the facility. GM: Okay, the rather unfortunate guard who saw the explosives in the first place is lying on the ground near the door you need to get through. His right leg is ruined, and at least half his face is hanging off the chain-link fence on the far side of the property. He seems to be in considerable pain, and he reaches out to you. Beldaran: I shake him off and continue what I was doing. Haru (OOC): You just lost Karma! GM (OOC): This is not Fallout! Beldaran has a harrowing experience with a blood drinking THING in the med-facility: Beldaran: V-V-Vampire! Rest of group: ::scoffs, laughs or skeptical:: Beldaran: Oh come on! I'm a gawddamned elf! I cast spells! ::points at Thaddeus:: Hell, just look at him! Vampires aren't beyond the scope of possibilities here! Thaddeus: Hey! Haru plays video games with a novacoke addict: Haru: I disconnect his controller. GM: The game continues playing. It's catching up with what he pressed. He's his own personal turbo button! Haru (OOC): ::imitating the Boondocks:: HE CHEATED PLAYSTATION!
  21. Re: Help with naming a spider themed character. Well, Arachnos is technically taken, it's the main villainous organization in City of Heroes, but as long as your not publishing this, I don't think it'd be a problem.
  22. Re: Cue theme music I think of Doc D, I think of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YLcW_q14TU Nothing else will do in my mind.
  23. Re: Your character's theme music! As much as I love Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" I can't think of a character of mine that it applies to. Sadly. So, without further ado: Wraith: New Fixer and eternal karma's b***h from Shadowrun Metallica The Day That Never Comes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yErdJpg1ECg Fast Eddie: Mnemonic courier, mystic adept, novacoke addict from Shadowrun. He has two. System of a Down This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song for obvious reasons. and Dragonforce Through The Fire and Flames http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc9_U-RBSuk just because of the sheer speed, that's how fast Eddie's mind races. Often he can't keep up. G1itCh: Paranoid pseudo-skeptic hacker, from Hunter: The Vigil. Chumbawamba Everything You Know Is Wrong Jurgen Dain Olafsson III, Heavy Weapons Specialist 1st class, Valkyrie Unit, Earth Defense Forces. From Tri-Stat Space Opera: Rob Zombie & Drowning Pool The Man Without Fear Jugen is considered a freak. He stands 7'5" and is built like a train. He's also not stupid, and knows that people of his genetic type do not last long. He has instead devoted his life to living every moment like it is his last, which it very well might be.
  24. Re: Help with naming a spider themed character. Name him Jeffery. He sounds a lot like the character of the same name from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Jeffery is an unendingly positive and upbeat helpful giant mutant spider, and Billy, who he thinks is his father, hates him because he's a big gross spider. /threadjack sorry, couldn't help it.
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